The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 98: Today's explosion rate is really high!

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Huck carefully watched the surveillance video from last night. The special agent guard next to him yawned and quickly lost his mind.

Huck watched as he staggered out of the embassy and stood in front of the Renault car for a long time. He is lucky, the surveillance at the entrance of the embassy has a lot of angles, there is no dead angle, and the resolution of the camera is very good - excluding the bank, the total number of cameras in London is not as many as that on this street.

Huck clearly saw that his bunch of keys fell into the sewer, and the man named Tom walked behind him, then pointed at the sewer, and the keys flew up.

Huck: ?

Huck: Calm analysis, a little thought, what the fuck? !

Huck's eyes almost popped out of their sockets: what is this? He originally did a lot of psychological construction, such as this Tom is an elite spy in France or something, but it turned out to be a bit too magical, right?

"Minister, have you read it yet?" The guard's voice brought Hucka back to reality. Huck was indeed a bureaucrat at the ministerial level of the Empire. He used a few milliseconds to forcibly erased his surprise and said in a very calm tone: "I After reading it, I was too drunk, I remembered it wrong."

The guard suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, and said to the minister that we can go?

Huck nodded in agreement, "But please help me with two things, one is to help me transfer the files of the train station bombing some time ago, and the other is to find out if there is anyone in the UK named Gerald Lockhart. If you can't find it, then look up the name Tom Yoder and report it to me tomorrow."

"Minister," the agent had 10,000 reluctance in his heart, but this is life, this is the world of adults, and he can only guarantee to complete the task, but there is still a small detail to be solved: "There is a small problem, you need Which train station bombing file? There have been several recently..."

Huck:  …


"I know you must have a lot of questions in your mind. Come to my office, and I will give you detailed answers. By the way, I will also give you a few cups of energy potion, so that you have enough energy to go to class." Dumbledore took The three of Tom returned to the principal's office.

They didn't realize it until Dumbledore talked about potions and classes, it's Monday! They actually have classes to attend in a while!

They've just had a **** battle, they've just saved Bristol, or the whole of England, and now they're going to class? It feels like Sam has won the battle between Autobots and Decepticons, defeating the evil enemy, but the story doesn't end, Starscream flies back to Cybertron, where he will join the other "Batians" The Tigers regrouped and waited for an opportunity to return to Earth and fight the Autobots again. As the movie draws to a close, Sam's cell phone rang and his head teacher called him and ordered him to hurry up and take the midterm exam.

Tom, Harry, Ron:  …

Dumbledore looked at their tired faces and sighed: "Okay, Harry, Mr. Weasley, you can take the morning off and have a good rest in the dormitory."

Tom showed a look of anticipation, what about me? what about me? He was waiting for Dumbledore to give him a vacation, but when he took it, he heard this: "Professor Lockhart, you should drink some energy potion before going to class...because you are a professor."

Tom: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

I try to cry as quietly as possible!

"Didn't I also take two weeks off when I started school!" Tom wanted to struggle.

"So you should find a way to catch up, right?"

Tom: (>Dish)~┴┴

Dumbledore ignored Tom and took them into his office. After the three of them sat down, he began to talk about what he had done in the past two days.

It turned out that Dumbledore also found the case file, but his thinking was slightly different. He went to the seller and found Mr. Burnham's purchase record.

"Two Caesar-era gold coins and a contemporary Celtic priest necklace?" Tom remembered the gold coin stuck in the butler's hand, "A gold coin and necklace were delivered to Burnham Manor ahead of schedule, and they The curse attached to it has contaminated the servants in the manor and the rabbits in the manor, but the infected rabbits seem to have mutated a little and have extremely strong reproductive ability." Dumbledore added.

Tom nodded and accepted Dumbledore's statement. At the same time, he also had a rough guess about the curse. After all, the leader of the Celts was still executed by Caesar in a very humiliating way after he surrendered. That curse has been passed down. Not too surprising.

Or Caesar's pot! He was just cleaning up the mess for Caesar.

"I have to study the necklace for a while... Now, let me prepare a cup of energy potion for you." After chatting with Tom for a while, Dumbledore took out a small cauldron from under his desk, A small scale and a box.

Tom watched Dumbledore take out eleven kinds of medicinal herbs from the box: Cynomorium, Cistanche, Cornus, Tribulus terrestris, Lotus Beard, Gorgon, Psoralea, Xianlingpi, Tangerine, Poria and Yellow Wine Pao used antler glue.

Tom thought something strange: is this really the formula for a stamina potion?

Dumbledore put all the medicinal materials except the antler glue into the crucible, then added water, and waited for the water to boil to force the medicinal properties out of the medicinal materials. During this period, several people fell into silence.

Harry and Ron looked drowsy-the danger was out, and it was when the energy was slack, Tom also moved slightly in his heart: he was thinking, if drawing cards here, will the explosion rate be higher?

After all, Dumbledore and Grindelwald...

He clicked on the [Prayer] interface, looked at the man named Grindelwald, and pressed the button to pray ten times. Ten meteors passed by, the halo gradually opened, and a beautiful golden touch appeared in front of Tom's eyes.

Tom appeared calm on the surface, but in fact his heartbeat had accelerated to a limit. He quickly jumped over the blue three-stars one by one. The ninth round was a scroll with purple rays of light, and inside was a "flame shield". Fragments. It will be the tenth round soon, and the moment of fate has come——

"For the greater good!"

When the handsome old man with white hair and eyes with different colors appeared, Tom used all his strength to suppress the urge to jump up and cheer.

"I knew it!" Tom glanced at Dumbledore, who was sitting across from him and seemed to be thinking about his life. He felt that his decision to draw cards here was really wise.

The extracted Grindelwald turned into a little light and merged into Tom's body. Sure enough, as a wizard of the same level as Dumbledore, Grindelwald also added two points of talent to Tom.

[Divination talent +1

Divination: 5 (incomparable talent)]

[Incantation talent +1

Charm: 6 (unique talent)]

He glanced at the remaining 29870 magic stones in his system, thought about it, and replaced them all with entanglement. Now, his balance of magic stones is only 110, and he has achieved a reverse breakthrough from 30,000 magic stones to three-digit magic stones.

In the headmaster's office, Dumbledore was still wandering, Harry and Ron had fallen asleep, Tom seemed to be fine, but there were already 186 entanglements in his system backpack.

Now, he has a total of 206 chances to draw cards, depending on how many Grindelwalds he can draw.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Ten in a row!

This time the miracle did not happen, it was still blue and purple.

"Trash, trash... eh, purple?"

[Explosion Spell Level 0 (1100)] (After the battle at Burnham Manor, you must be eager to learn this spell)

This time Tom drew an Explosive Spell scroll and an Apparition shard. The scroll shattered, and all the techniques of the Explosion Spell were entered into his mind, allowing Tom to learn this spell with infinite potential.

Counting the ten rounds just now, Tom has already drawn twenty rounds, and there are ten remaining fates, but Tom has no intention of stopping, and he continues to press the draw button.



Tom: ? !

After opening it, it was still Grindelwald!

[Divination Talent +1]

[Charm Learning Talent +1]

What is the concept of thirty rounds and two five stars? This is called luck and can't stop it!

At this time, the cauldron in front of Dumbledore was A scent of medicine gradually filled the office. Dumbledore took the antler glue, melted it with water alone, and put it into a small bottle. "Remember to drink this first," Dumbledore shook the vial and handed it to Tom.

Tom frowned as he looked at the small bottle of viscous potion: The potion was sticky and looked a little disgusting.

However, it was Dumbledore's intention, and Tom accepted the bottle of potion.

Glancing at Dumbledore who was stirring the potion, Tom decided to continue drawing cards. He knew that after he had jumped twice in a row, he would probably sink the ship by drawing cards again, but the card pool in front of him was so tempting, even if he had foreseen his own fate, Tom still rushed forward without hesitation.

Then it sank.

There are many things, even if I have a hunch, I still have luck, I feel that this is not the case, I feel that the advantage is in me. With this idea in mind, until the moment when the mystery is revealed.

In various card drawing games, the probability of drawing cards is actually a pseudo-random event. Generally speaking, the closer to the bottom line, the greater the probability of shipping. For example, 90 rounds are guaranteed, but after 70 rounds are drawn, the probability will increase rapidly. Generally speaking, when 80 rounds are reached, the probability of shipment is basically 100%.

This kind of design is because the player group is a huge base. Even if it is a one in ten thousand probability, there will be 100 people in one million players. These people will flood into forums and communities, and they will give people a chance. A feeling that a lot of people are sinking to the bottom.

But this time Tom took two 90-round guarantees.

"Days of the Draw at Hogwarts( to find the latest chapter!