The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 109: Kaaba in the swamp

"Kaba!" Professor Lu Ping knocked on the large water tank beside him, as if awakening some kind of creature inside, it stirred up a large amount of sludge at the bottom of the tank, and the already yellow water was even more serious now. It's cloudy.

But the sharp-eyed little wizard still saw a scaly claw flash past the edge of the glass.

"Is there any student who has previewed the textbook in advance and knows what kind of animal a kaba is?" Professor Lu Ping asked a question, waiting for the little wizards to answer with a look of expectation.

Sure enough, Hermione raised her hand.

"Very well, Miss Granger, please come and introduce Kabbah to everyone." Seeing that the other students did not intend to answer, Lupine clicked on Hermione.

Many times, Hermione was the only student in class who answered questions. With her positive answers day after day and year after year, others have become accustomed to this way of teaching. Sometimes other students would subconsciously ask Hermione to answer a question even if they knew the answer.

"Kaba is a Japanese water monster that mainly **** human blood. They will attack unsuspecting people who wade through the water in the pond and strangle them to death." Hermione memorized the description of Kabbah in the textbook Come out, verbatim.

"Exactly, Miss Granger, but I want to add an extended question for you that is not in the textbook, where is the most common kabat - other students who know it can also come out and answer." Professor Lupine is satisfied with Hermione's answer, but Not completely satisfied.

He always felt that Hermione was too memorized by rote and not very flexible, so he planned to give Hermione an expansion question to let her expand her thinking.

The question stuck with Hermione: where were the kababs most common? It must be Japan! Didn't you see that the textbook said that Kabbah was originally produced in Japan?

What bothered Hermione was that this question seemed too simple, but it made her have some doubts.

However, other students in the class couldn't understand Hermione's doubts, and several young wizards became eager to try. They thought in their hearts: If Granger doesn't answer, they will rush to answer the question. This question will most likely bring the academy extra points.

For the little wizards of Hogwarts, the extra points of the college are quite tempting. A "Buddhist" guy like Tom is an alternative. You know, most of the young wizards are still in the seventh grade, and they still care about the number of colleges.

"Japan?" Hermione said with some uncertainty.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Professor Lupine shook his head.

"The most common place for Kabbah is not Japan - but Mongolia. In fact, in those densely populated countries and regions, the number of wild magical animals is almost negligible." Professor Lupine patiently explained to the confused little wizards with.

"A place that wants to have wild kabats must satisfy the following points: there are small rivers and swamps, and the land is sparsely populated but not completely deserted. Therefore, in the end, Mongolia is the most common place for kabats."

Hermione: o(?Д?)っ!

She hurriedly sat down and wrote down the knowledge points she just heard in her notebook.

"Actually, the existence of magical animals has always been a challenge to the "Secrecy Act". If you have time, you can consult Professor Scamander and ask him how much trouble magical animals have brought to wizards."

The law of secrecy can restrict wizards, but it cannot restrict countless magical animals. Big guys like fire dragons are simpler, just draw a "protection zone" for them and keep them under strict supervision, but those small animals, such as sniffing, are difficult to control.

"Okay, it's time to get to the point. Today I will teach you how to deal with Kabbah." Professor Lupine took out his wand, turned around, and looked at the blackboard behind him.

"Fortunately, the arrangement hasn't changed." He muttered in a very low voice, and then he tapped the four corners of the blackboard with the tip of his wand.

The magic happened: the blackboard cracked. The blackboard split in two slid to both ends of the classroom, revealing an empty classroom.

The little wizards present were very sure that they had never seen this classroom before. Different from other abandoned classrooms in the castle, this classroom didn't have a single desk or chair, and it was as clean as if it had just been renovated.

"Swamp." Lupine said to the empty classroom. The next moment the classroom changed beyond the imagination of all the little wizards: the floor of the classroom began to twist, and mud, water, and moss came out little by little, and eventually the whole room was covered. The floor of the classroom is completely covered. The walls of the classroom are also covered with vines, just like the real swamp.

It's like someone dug a swamp from somewhere and pasted it to Hogwarts.

This magical classroom was discovered by Lupine when he was in school, and the terrain can be changed arbitrarily. The fly in the ointment is that this classroom is a bit small...

But it is also sufficient as a teaching venue. With such a venue, Lupine can go to class freely. Lupine had always believed that the only way to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts was through combat.

So he tried his best to find the boggart, so he prepared a swamp and a kaba. , and countless "teaching materials"...

Kabbah is actually a kind of magical animal that is not too strong - its rating is only three stars, and it belongs to the magical animal that capable wizards can deal with. It's just that it usually chooses to sneak attack the enemy, and it can still cause a little trouble without knowing it.

For little wizards in the third grade, this kind of intensity training is just right.

"Kaba looks like a monkey, but it's more disgusting - because of those scales. Kabbah is not very friendly to humans, and it will try to strangle unsuspecting people who are wading through the pond..." Although Hermione had already answered After this question, Professor Lu Ping introduced Kabbah seriously.

After that, he told a few tricks to deal with Kabbah, which fascinated the little wizards.

"If you throw the cucumber with your name on Kabbah, Kabbah may not attack this person..."

"There is a cavity filled with water on top of its head, and the water inside can provide energy for this creature. If Kabbah is tricked into bowing, the water in the cavity above its head will flow out, thus losing its power..."

In this way, the interest of the little wizards was successfully mobilized. Without much emphasis or copying, the knowledge about Kabbah was memorized in the minds of the little wizards.

Professor Lupine opened the lid of the water tank. In the next second, a monkey covered in scales and with webbed hands jumped out of the tank and jumped into the swamp.

"Does anyone want to come and try to deal with this Kabbah? Don't worry, I'm right behind you, and I can guarantee your safety." Professor Lupine glanced at the students present, but was a little disappointed to find that everyone's The interest is not very high.

The reason is also very simple, that Kabbah has now hid in the swamp, if he fights with it, he will definitely be covered in muddy water. Nobody wants to be wet and smelly.

"Is there no one?" Lupine asked again, but still no volunteers were found. "Then I can only call names—Yordell, please come and show everyone."

Tom: ...

He didn't want to go into the swamp either! But when he was targeted, he had no room to refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and walked into the swamp behind the blackboard.

The land at the edge of the swamp was still muddy, but after taking two steps forward, there were puddles one after another. There is a layer of phytoplankton floating on the surface of the puddle, under the plants is stagnant water that has not been replaced for an unknown amount of time, and the bottom of the water is bottomless mud...

Tom didn't want to go any further. He had a premonition that if he walked any further, sooner or later he would sink into the mud enough to submerge his calves.

"Damn Kabbah, why hasn't he appeared yet!" Tom was in a dilemma. After taking two deep breaths, he made up his mind, stepped forward, and really went deep into the swamp.

He could feel the water soaking through his shoes, wet and soaking his trouser legs, and the cold feeling came from his calf.

After going a little deeper, the water flooded to the waist. At this time, every step forward takes a lot of energy.

There was a sudden exclamation from the students. Tom threw a punch behind him without thinking. He felt as if his fist had hit a fish and made a "snap".

Tom turned around and saw a strange creature standing not far away, covering its face and grinning at him.

"Disgusting!" This was Tom's first impression of this guy. Think about it, a monkey with scales...

That Kabbah did not love to fight, but wanted to flee.

"Stunning!" How could Tom let it go, a stun spell hit it on the back, knocking it unconscious.

Tom easily solved Kaba and walked out of the swamp.

"The response is very fast!" Professor Lupine walked up to Tom with a plate of chocolates, cleaned up the water stains and mud on his body, and then broke off a large piece of chocolate for him. After finishing these, he also woke up Kabbah who was stunned, and watched it escape into the swamp.

"You should have seen it," Professor Lupine said loudly after Tom sent him back to his seat. "Kabba is not very courageous. When Yordle faced it, it lost the courage to fight..."

"Professor, what if you can't dodge its sneak attack?" asked Hufflepuff's Megan Jones. She thought Tom's success was due to his lightning-fast reflexes. She had seen clearly just now that the kabba almost jumped out of the water and Tom's fist moved.

In all fairness, she didn't think she had such a quick reaction. If you go up by yourself, there is a high probability that you will be choked and dragged into the muddy water, right?

"Good question." Professor Lu Ping felt better when he saw a student asking a question, "I'll show you how to deal with it."

Because Kabbah had to strangle the neck, this demonstration was a bit dangerous, and Professor Lupine planned to go into battle himself.

He walked into the swamp. Soon, a monkey head appeared behind him and followed him for a few meters. Lupine didn't seem to realize it, and just walked on his own.

Kabbah followed a few steps and felt that the time was ripe, so he jumped out of the water and grabbed Professor Lupin's throat with both hands.

It's done! Kaba was ecstatic in his heart.

The students all let out an exclamation at the same time, and several young wizards subconsciously stood up.

The kabah was so strong that it almost pulled Professor Lupine down when his hands were wrapped around his neck. However, Professor Lu Ping had been prepared for a long time, and Kabbah's charged attack only made his body shake.

He drew out his wand as fast as he could, pointing the tip at the fingers on his neck.

"Take it easy!"

Kabbah's fingers involuntarily loosened Lupin's neck, and it slid down from Lupin's body weakly, fell into the swamp, and was **** by the rope that Lupine conjured up.

"A simple little spell can get us out of trouble, but the most important thing is to keep calm." Amid the applause of the little wizard, Professor Lupine calmly explained to the students his countermeasures just now.

"However, the method just now is still very dangerous. If it is stronger, I may be dragged into the water by it. Or, my spell may accidentally hit my neck, which is even worse. Ruined."

"So children, in places like swamps, you must be more vigilant. Finding Kabbah and scaring them away or knocking them unconscious is the best response."

With Tom and his own demonstration, Professor Lupine felt that the students should be able to deal with Kabbah. So he signaled the little wizards in the audience to walk into the swamp one by one to fight against Kabbah.

However, he found that his judgment seemed to have made a mistake, and the little wizards were more fragile than he imagined.

After walking into the swamp, several young wizards cowered like frightened quails, stiffened all over, and dared not move. With just one pounce, Kabbah can throw them down and drag them into the stagnant water of the swamp.

At this point, it's basically hopeless. Lupine could only do it himself with a wry smile, rescued the little wizard, helped them clean up their clothes, and spit out the sewage they drank.

"This reaction is not good," Tom sat on the seat, eating chocolate and complaining to his classmates, "They really need to practice in actual combat."

Hogwarts students are no match for Kabbah at all, which is too outrageous. I also tried to teach them practical lessons last year, why didn't it work at all?

"Hermione Granger!"

While talking, Hermione was called up by Professor Lupine.

"Come on!" Under Professor Lupine's encouraging Hermione walked into the swamp.

After she had walked a few steps, a few bells suddenly rang from the water below her. Hermione became alert all of a sudden, and she pricked up her ears, listening carefully to the wind and grass nearby.

She noticed something unusual: the sound of water came from behind her!

She turned around directly, and a floating spell was shot from the tip of her staff, hitting Kaba's body, trapping it in mid-air.

Kaba struggled so hard that he lost his balance and was hung upside down. This time, the water in the hollow above its head flowed out.

The current took its strength away, weakening it until it passed out.


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