The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 115: hunt down sirius

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Bandit is an amazing profession. They need to find a balance between fulfilling their purpose (looting) and surviving (not being killed by the officers). To this end, the bandits have a countermeasure: to fall into trouble between the two administrative regions.

Sirius, who was born in the Black family, a pure-blood family, must have never come into contact with bandits, but in the face of the pursuit of the Ministry of Magic, he adopted the exact same strategy as the bandits: run to a place where he doesn't care. This place needed to be close enough to Harry, and to be able to shake off the pursuit of the Ministry of Magic, Sirius thought about it, and felt that there was only one place that fit the requirements - the screaming shack in Hogsmeade.

These days, Sirius has been hiding in the Screaming Shack, making it his home base.

This cabin was originally a "safe house" prepared by Dumbledore for Lupin. Whenever the night of the full moon came, Lupin would come here to complete the werewolf transformation. Years of vacancy and the reputation of being a haunted house have kept the house at a distance, and tourists won't enter it, but at best look at it from the edge of the fence. This makes the long-abandoned Screaming Shack an excellent hiding place.

At least Sirius doesn't have to worry about being accidentally seen while taking a nap one day.

Of course, being inaccessible isn't Screaming Shack's biggest advantage. Sirius chose to settle here because the house connects Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Sirius can use the Shrieking Shack as the center to get supplies from Hogsmeade while looking for opportunities to get close to Peter. You can also sneak into Hogwarts when you encounter a dementor and search, which is really perfect.

Moreover, no matter how dilapidated the Screaming Shack is, it is also a house, and living in a house is much more comfortable than sleeping in the wild. Recently, the temperature has plummeted, and Sirius has also shrunk into the screaming shack, sleeping in the room with nothing to do, thinking about how to torture Peter Pettigrew.

But today seems to be a little different, blood is pouring out of the window again, and there is some noise at the same time. From the gap in the wooden planks that sealed the window, Sirius saw a young couple coming out of the house, as if they wanted to enter the screaming shack for some excitement.

Sirius didn't care about that. He felt that the two should not have the courage to enter the house and explore. But what happened next was a little unexpected.

Several boys clashed with them.

From the dress and tone of the man in the territory, Sirius smelled a familiar smell.

"This golden bunny always smells of the Malfoy family." Draco Malfoy's behavior and appearance reminded Black of many old things.

Then came the conflict and the aftermath, and Harry's sudden appearance.

The moment he saw Harry, Sirius felt like his heart was being pinched, and he was so excited that he couldn't breathe for a while, as if the blood all over his body had poured into his brain. It wasn't the first time he saw Harry, but the excitement was the same as when he first saw him.

Sirius went to Privet Drive in Surrey as soon as he escaped from Azkaban, just to take a look at Harry from a distance.

His goal was achieved, but there was a little accident...

After seeing Harry, Sirius was so excited that he couldn't control himself, he couldn't control the distance, and he ran too close. As a result, he was seen by Harry, which seemed to startle him. This made Sirius restrain some of his behavior.

After leaving Privet Drive, Harry went to Diagon Alley, and Sirius went to Hogwarts one step ahead of Harry.

However, after he heard that Harry was the Seeker for the Gryffindor team, he couldn't hold back his thoughts and went to the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts to watch a Quidditch game that Harry participated in. Ditch game. Although it was raining heavily, Sirius could still see that Harry was flying well, exactly like his father, which made Sirius very happy. Looking at Harry's flying posture, he once saw James' shadow.

As for the troubles he caused Harry in those few appearances, Sirius didn't know. Sirius could never have imagined that he just wanted to see his godson for a while, leaving such a huge psychological shadow on Harry.

Looking at Harry, Sirius's eyes gradually became spoiled. However, he looked at it and found that the atmosphere below seemed a little wrong.

Sirius hurriedly ran outside the house, and was seen by Harry within a few seconds of going out.

Harry saw a dark shadow out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head and saw a big, unkempt dog staring straight at him.

He froze for a moment. But he reacted quickly, and it seemed like a good opportunity! A good opportunity to solve the "ominous" in one fell swoop! Tom is here, Hermione is here. Harry felt that of the Hogwarts students, the two of them were the most reliable peers.

With them around, maybe try to explore the ominous truth? See what it really looks like.

So he dropped the invisibility cloak, ran to the edge of the barbed wire in three steps and two steps, jumped violently, the barbed wire cut his palm, but he didn't realize it, and rushed in the direction where the big dog disappeared. past.

Tom was about to follow, but saw a yellow shadow in the snow. He bent over and picked it up. As he thought, it was an ordinary piece of parchment.

Tom put the parchment in his pocket and took the invisibility cloak with him.

"Come on!" Hermione had run to the edge of the fence and pulled out her wand: "Fractured!"

The barbed wire snapped, opening a big hole, and she and Tom got in together.

From Sirius' point of view, things were a little weird: when Harry, his dear godson, saw him, he ran over excitedly. It's just a pity that his expression is a bit grim, not quite like what the godfather and godson should look like when they meet again.

Sirius didn't react for a while, but he was already frightened after being wanted by the Ministry of Magic for a long time. He reacted instinctively: run away. So he turned back into the screaming shack.

All entrances outside the Screaming Shack are blocked. Only a small gap was left, just enough for Sirius to squeeze in.

Not long after he got in, there was a loud bang behind him. There was a gap in the wall, and the three of Tom got in.

Sirius cursed inwardly and continued to run away. He was not afraid of the little wizards, but worried that he accidentally hurt Harry.

The "accidental injury" is only a superficial reason. Sirius has another reason hidden in his heart that he dare not face directly, and that is guilt.

Yes, guilt.

He had always harbored a sense of guilt towards Harry. He always felt that it was his own mistakes that caused little Harry to lose his parents. If he hadn't changed his secrecy wisely, maybe James and his wife would not have been betrayed by the traitors, and they would not have died...

This emotion has been buried in the heart of Sirius, and has never been revealed. It also made him afraid to show up and meet Harry all the time.

Sirius vigorously crossed the stairs, rushed to the secret passage, and got in.

"It's safe." This was the first thought that popped into his mind. At the end of the secret path is the beating willow, which is enough to stop the three little wizards. It's just a pity that this house can't live in it. Where should I go in such a cold day?


"Are you a wizard after all!" Hermione pulled Harry away from the edge of the gap, and at the board was a torn apart, breaking the board to reveal the room inside.

The three rushed into the house, and what they saw was a messy, gray living room. The wallpaper in the living room had peeled off, the floor was full of thick stains and scraps of furniture, and there was little light in the room - the windows were all boarded up, and only a few gleams of light leaked through the gaps in the boards.

And the big dog has disappeared. There were only three people gasping for breath in the room.

"Look here!" Hermione said, pointing to a series of footprints on the ground. "The dog's paw marks, it's heading here."

The three walked along the dog's footprints and finally saw an authentic entrance. Harry couldn't wait any longer. He took the lead, jumped in, ran down a steep slope, turned a corner, ran a few steps, and saw an exit that looked like a tree hole.

But when he got out of the tree hole, he only felt that he had been beaten heavily on the face, his eyes were black and his nose was sore.

Harry rolled down from the tree hole with a head on.

"You're all right," Tom held him up just in time.

"It's alright..." Harry responded dazedly, feeling a rush of heat on his nose.

"You're nosebleed!" Hermione screamed.

"I'm fine... catch 'Ominous'..." Harry said weakly, lying in Tom's arms.

"We need to take him to Madam Pomfrey," Hermione said anxiously, taking out her handkerchief and trying to stop Harry's bleeding, but to no avail.

"The bridge of his nose may be broken, and maybe he has a concussion." Hermione made a preliminary judgment.

"Okay." Tom acted immediately and ran towards the tree-like exit.

"What are you doing," Hermione grabbed Tom, "do you want to be like him too?"

"Don't worry, we're under the beating willow in the Forbidden Forest now." Tom shook off Hermione, ran to the edge of the tree hole, and rushed out.

As soon as he came out of the tree hole, he felt a strong wind blow, and he immediately transformed into a phoenix, dodging a branch that fell from the sky. Then he glanced at the situation on the edge of the tree hole while dodging the attack of the branches. Soon, a prominent knot appeared in his field of vision.

He swooped down, rushed to the knot, and poked the knot with his beak, and the violent beating willow suddenly quieted down.

He returned to the hole and pulled Harry and Hermione out together.

Tom saw that Harry's condition was not very good, so he and Hermione helped Harry to the school hospital.

Madam Pomfrey at the school hospital was a very good doctor. She stopped Harry's nosebleed with just a wave of her wand, and gave him a sedative. After Harry drank, he fell into a deep sleep.

Tom and Hermione left the school hospital after staying for a while, allowing the place to be quiet again. In the entire hospital ward, Harry was the only one who slept in a big sleep - as for Peggy, who had lived here for a long time before, he was transferred to St. Mungo's for further treatment. Many doctors have asserted that the chances of this little girl waking up are slim to none.

It was quiet in the ward. Suddenly, a window was pushed open. The **** dog got in through the window.

It stared at Harry with extremely mixed emotions in its eyes.

"Pass out!" Suddenly, a voice came from behind it. With a twist of the limit, Sirius avoided the curse that suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his body sink, and a teenager took the opportunity to press on him.

"Sirius, let's capture it!" The words he shouted made Sirius break out in a cold sweat.

How does he know my name? How did he know I could turn into a black dog? Sirius was full of questions. It's just that now is not a good time to think about it. Sirius can feel a chill on the back of his neck, and he knows that the wand is against his neck.

He had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender.

"Return to human form." The voice spoke again.

Sirius was silent for a moment before releasing Animagus' transformation.

The man on Sirius's back is naturally Tom. He pretended to leave just now, but he was actually hiding in the ward wearing an invisibility cloak, waiting for Sirius to take the bait.

Tom was pretty sure that Sirius Black, who accidentally injured his godson, would slip into the ward to make sure Harry was okay. So he did such a wait and see.

Soon, a skeleton-like man appeared in front of Tom.

But before Tom could take a closer look at him, Tom felt a force from under his knees, knocking him to the ground. Sirius stood up and threw Tom on his back, then turned around and tried to subdue Tom, but what caught his eye was a pair of yellow snake Sirius froze, almost froze. fall. This time, his movements became stiff, and Tom seized the opportunity.

"All petrified!" Tom's petrification spell hit Sirius precisely, and he fell to the ground with an incredible look on his face.

Tom, who had subdued Sirius, breathed a sigh of relief, pulled a chair out of breath, and sat on it.

But before Tom could take a closer look at him, Tom felt a force from under his knees, knocking him to the ground. Sirius stood up and threw Tom on his back, then turned around, trying to subdue Tom, but what caught his eye was a pair of yellow snake pupils.

Sirius froze and almost fell. This time, his movements became stiff, and Tom seized the opportunity.

"All petrified!" Tom's petrification spell hit Sirius precisely, and he fell to the ground with an incredible look on his face.

Tom, who had subdued Sirius, breathed a sigh of relief, pulled a chair out of breath, and sat on it.


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