The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 128: As expected of James's child

It is one thing for Lupine to admire in his heart, but he is still facing a very real problem: now he really can't find Harry in Hogwarts - because he is not in Hogwarts at all. And... I'm afraid this really violates the school rules!

During the time he came to teach at Hogwarts, Lupine observed Harry, and he felt that Harry and his father James were quite different, such as obeying the school rules...

It's been more than three months since the school started, and Harry hasn't violated the school rules much! That's hardly James' breed! Lupine was still surprised, but it turned out to be an eye-opener for him today—it wasn't that Harry didn't violate the school rules, but he didn't let himself catch him when he did.

Lupine was aware of Harry's situation. This poor kid has never been allowed to go to Hogsmeade village, and I'm afraid he's overwhelmed. It's understandable for him to find his own way to Hogsmeade. But how should I explain it to Dumbledore?

To be honest, it was very simple, but if he did this, Harry should be locked up. Lupine himself felt sorry for Harry, and now he couldn't bear to implicate him in confinement. Strictly speaking, if Harry was punished this time, he would be regarded as a pig teammate.

not as good as...

A light flashed in his mind. He knew in his heart that Harry would be back soon, and he only needed to delay it for a while.

At this time, Dumbledore left Fudge, who was in a trance, and came to Lupine, and asked softly, "What's the matter? Have you found Harry?"

"'s like this, when the map was made back then, James left behind..." Lupine improvised a seemingly reasonable explanation, and told Dumbledore: James left behind on the map , Harry's location cannot be seen on the map.

"What—ah yes yes." Sirius was also attracted, but as soon as he came over he saw Lupine winking wildly at him. Years of tacit understanding made him react immediately, and echoed his old friend.

"Oh?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, and leaned over to Lupine himself, looking at the Marauder's Map in Lupine's hand with interest, "Okay, then, do you and Sirius have a way to crack it? I think it would be better to invite Harry over for such a meaningful occasion."

"Well, of course, of course! Let me study it..." Lupine groaned inwardly. At this time, he was already on the verge of riding a tiger. How did he know when Harry was coming back? Can only try to delay.

"Look!" Dumbledore said, pointing to three small black dots that appeared suddenly, "Yordle, Granger, and Harry Potter."

Lupine followed Dumbledore's finger, and his eyes went dark: by coincidence, these three people got out of the one-eyed witch's secret passage and appeared on the map.

"It seems that your cracking method has worked, hurry up and take Harry over." Dumbledore blinked and smiled like a child. When he saw the two names pasted next to Harry, he thought slightly Then, he added: "Call Yoddle and Granger by the way."

Seeing that Dumbledore took the initiative to cover for Harry, Lu Pingan felt relieved, and quickly left Dumbledore's office to pick up Harry.

The rest of the people in the room looked at the three of them muttering in the corner with bewildered faces, a little confused.

Harry walked in a daze. He didn't quite know how he got back to Honeydukes' cellar, and how he got back to the castle through the tunnel. Hermione followed him, wanting to say a few words of comfort, but didn't know where to start.

Until a person appeared and blocked their way.

"Professor Lupine!" Shouted Hermione. The three of them had just returned from Hogsmeade, and she was afraid that Lupine might see something, and even more afraid that Harry would slip up when he was in a state of confusion.

"Granger, Yodle," Lupine nodded to Tom and Hermione with a smile, and then looked at Harry, who lowered his head in a daze, "Harry, come with me, Dumbledore wants to see you, why not?" With you two."

Hermione's face turned pale immediately, and she subconsciously thought that the whereabouts of the three of them had been exposed. She guessed right, but the fundamental reason why Dumbledore saw them was not such a trivial matter. Tom, who was standing aside, was thoughtful, and he was faintly aware of Dumbledore's thoughts.

The three followed Lupine to Dumbledore's office, and the office was already crowded: Dumbledore, Lupine, Sirius, Fudge, Peter, Percy, Ron, and McGonagall who had heard the news professor…

Not counting the three of Tom, there were ten people. After the three of them entered, there was almost no place to stay in the entire office.

It's a good thing that the headmaster's office at Hogwarts is big enough. If it were replaced by another professor's office, someone would have to stand on the desk here.

After entering the office, Harry looked at everyone absent-mindedly, and then his eyes froze.


The following is a bit of my own analysis. Fudge has a high probability of malfeasance in the Sirius case.

When Sirius was arrested, Fudge happened to be the Deputy Director of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters of the Ministry of Magic, and he was also the first Ministry of Magic officials to arrive. The Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters is one of the seven departments of the Ministry of Magic, and according to the division of functions, it is very likely to be the second largest department of the Ministry of Magic (the first department is the Department of Magical Law Enforcement). As the second in command of this department, Fudge It can be called a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic.

Therefore, at the scene of the crime, Fudge should be the person in charge of the case, and due to the nature of the case (involving Muggles), this case should be dealt with by his department in the early stage. So no matter what the reason, what excuse, the first person in charge, Fudge, could hardly absolve himself of the blame for such an unjust case.

As for how Fudge himself did during the trial of the case? Between Sirius being captured and sent to Azkaban, he didn't find out anything! Perhaps Sirius felt that it was impossible for him to redress his wrongdoing, so he gave up treatment. But what did Fudge do in the meantime? He didn't have a deep understanding of the case at all, but took it for granted that Sirius was guilty and closed the case hastily.

I think that as long as he has a heart-to-heart talk with Sirius, Sirius, who is full of grievances, will confide the whole truth to him. But judging from the plot, he must have never seriously chatted with Sirius.

Therefore, meeting such an unreliable official as Fudge, coupled with the fact that Voldemort was down at the time, there were so many cases involved, and Barty Crouch was still impatient, these reasons together caused the tragedy of Sirius.

So, it's normal for Fudge to feel guilty.


PS: Yesterday's two updates, because some things were not written, so I owe it first. It seems that I owe 13 chapters now?