The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 130: throw the pot

Peter was in tears there, and kept telling his helplessness, "I was forced too. The mysterious man found me, but I couldn't do anything... His magic power is too strong!"

Sirius cast a contemptuous look at him.

Peter was furious, "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, if it were you, you would confess! Besides, the Dark Lord can use Imperius Curse, Veritaserum, Dementor—"

"Peter, you probably didn't listen carefully when you first learned about the Faithful Charm," Dumbledore glanced at Peter and interrupted him, "The Faithful Charm is an extremely complicated spell. It uses magic to make someone's secret forever. Hidden in the soul of a living person, the keeper. That secret will never be discovered, and there is only one way to know it: the keeper voluntarily divulges it."

Peter: ...

Harry looked at this messy farce and thought it was very absurd.

"Peter's crime has been confirmed." Seeing Peter being speechless when asked, Dumbledore felt that this should be over. So he looked at Fudge, waiting for his response.

"Well, yes, that's right," Fudge fiddled with the bowler hat in his hand nervously, "I'll go back to the department first and bring someone over to take him away..."

Fudge was extremely nervous. He knew very well that Sirius was just resenting Peter now, but when Peter was punished, he should point the finger at the case investigator back then, that is, him. The occurrence of such an incident on his resume is extremely detrimental to the election of the Minister of Magic.

Well, the election. Wizards also want to hold elections! The Minister of Magic is elected through democratic elections. However, in an emergency it is also possible to directly ask someone to take up the position without voting, although this is very rare. There is no fixed term limit for the Minister of Magic - if the prestige is sufficient, the Minister of Magic can serve until his death, but they must hold regular elections, with an interval of up to seven years.

By the way, since there is no fixed term limit, since the birth of the Ministry of Magic, few ministers of the Ministry of Magic have stepped down with dignity. There are a total of 32 ministers, from the first-generation minister Uric Gamp to the current Fudge, the longest serving for 18 years, and the shortest for only two months. They tend to step down for a variety of reasons: poor handling of goblin rebellions, inability to cope with work pressures, too appeasement, imminent death, or even sudden death. Perhaps the most bizarre was Hortensia Mirifat, Minister of Magic from 1841 to 1849, who stepped down for introducing a statute for pointed hats.

Fudge was very worried, lest the Sirius case would become the trigger for his resignation. But after a brief panic, Fudge quickly calmed down. Because he thought about it carefully, and found that it didn't seem to be a particularly bad bad thing for him.

The people who handled the Black case back then, except for the insignificant gangsters, had three core characters. These three people should be mainly responsible for the Black case: themselves, Barty Crouch, the then director of the Magic Law Enforcement Department, and the former magician. Minister Millison Bagno.

He was in charge of arresting Black, collecting evidence and submitting a report, and initiating a lawsuit by the way. Barty Crouch was in charge of leading the trial of the Magical Law Committee, and Millison Bagno just signed it. Among the three, Millison Bagno has long since retired, let alone. Barty's future was ruined because of his son's affairs, and he was in full swing, proud of himself, and even became the Minister of Magic.

It stands to reason that if Blake makes a big issue, who is the person most afraid of? In other words, who can't afford this price? Retired old lady, Barty Crouch with a ruined future, or herself? It must be me! But Fudge recalled a detail that gave him sudden confidence.

It's not terrible to make mistakes, but it's terrible to find someone who is to blame. And old Barty Crouch is very suitable to carry this black pot.

While Fudge made countless mistakes, it was ultimately one of Crouch's decisions that made the whole thing irreparable: he sent Sirius to Azkaban without trial. That decision at the time gave him a staggering amount of popularity, but now it's an excellent excuse to dump the blame.

Going back and analyzing the Sirius case again, it is not difficult to find that this unjust case was largely caused by not following the correct trial procedures.

Gu Chen Then can I take advantage of this and pick myself out? Fudge thought to himself. It has been three years since Millison Bagno retired in 1990 and Fudge took over. Fudge has gradually become familiar with the role of the Minister of Magic, and coupled with his previous experience in the Ministry of Magic, it is not too much to call him an official idiot.

For him, it is not difficult to take the blame, and it is not impossible to cleanse himself and even gain profits from this incident.

Fudge sorted out his emotions as his thoughts twitched. He put on his bowler hat and calmly said to Dumbledore: "Then please take good care of Peter first. I will go back to the Ministry of Magic to recruit people and hold a trial meeting to bring this madman to justice!"

"Okay." Fudge's calmness was somewhat unexpected by Dumbledore, but this did not affect his approval of Fudge's arrangement. After all, it was really unreasonable to let the Minister of Magic **** Peter back alone.

"See you later!" Fudge waved his hand, pushed open the door and walked out. He walked so fast that he didn't notice a pair of malicious eyes staring at him firmly.

On the way back he has already thought of a countermeasure: he just needs to firmly claim that he has been deceived. It's all old Crouch's fault.

After all, it was Crouch who made the decision to directly put Sirius in prison. He Fudge is just a humble and pitiful social public tool with a seriously overworked workload.

During that time, he ran every day in order to eliminate the Dark Lord's remnants.

As for whether the dignified deputy director of the Ministry of Magic can be regarded as a "humble social instrument", whether Fudge made a small mistake, he himself refused to answer.

If Fudge knew anything about British Chancellor Bacon, he would have shouted to the Daily Prophet reporter: One wrong sentence is better than ten crimes, because crime only pollutes the water, and wrong sentence pollutes water source.

Crouch polluted the water source of the British Ministry of Magic's justice!

Before Fudge returned to the Ministry of Magic, he had already figured out a countermeasure.

At the same time, the conversation between several people in Dumbledore's office was not over yet.


In the future, I will update the story of a Minister of Magic in the writer's words every day~

Working overtime today... only one shift. Feel sorry.


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