The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 136: Do you want to be the Minister of Magic?

But what the heck, just finish the Minister's job, Umbridge thought to himself.

For her, the minister's task is above all else, and the things that can please the minister should be done properly.

Umbridge lightly brushed the dust off the file and put it away carefully. Just as she was about to leave the file room, there was a clatter and an exclamation from behind her.

"Who!" Umbridge pulled out his wand and turned to look at the source of the sound.

"Confused!" A spell cast from behind her hit her back, and Umbridge's eyes suddenly became distracted.

She muttered: "The rats here are too rampant." Then she turned and left the archives.

After she left, two figures came out from behind the two filing cabinets respectively.

"Tonks! Can't you be more careful when performing the mission!" The middle-aged man with fiery red hair couldn't hold back his desire to complain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I accidentally touched a file. It's not without reason that my stealth performance was poor that year."

It was none other than Arthur Weasley and newcomer Auror Nymphadora Tonks who showed up in the Archives. They had just received orders from Dumbledore to keep an eye on the status of the Sirius Black case file in the Archives.

It turned out that not long after they got here, Umbridge came in...

It can only be said that Dumbledore has a clever plan!

At this time Fudge and two of his subordinates also arrived in Hogsmeade. Since Hogwarts cannot be directly accessed using Apparition, the three of them must first go to Hogsmeade, and then walk to Hogwarts.

"Minister, are we a little too eager?" Kingsley thought for a moment, always felt that it was not appropriate to let Fudge go directly to Hogwarts, could he delay for a while?

He feels he can.

Looking at the empty Hogsmeade street and the dementors drifting by from time to time, Fudge couldn't help feeling like he was in a cocoon - he had given an order before, and Hogsmeade would impose a curfew every day after sunset. Learn about this command.

"As the Minister of Magic, I still have the power to lift the curfew?" Fudge asked pitifully.

"Minister," these words made Dawlish speechless, "If we can lift the curfew by walking over and saying a word, then there will be a big problem!"

Then Fudge woke up. Yes, of course he has this power as the real Minister of Magic, but what if a dark wizard pretends to be him? If a message can lift the curfew, wouldn't the dark wizard be able to walk into Azkaban and take away the prisoners?

Even as the official Minister of Magic, he still needs a series of formal procedures to order dementors.

"Okay, let's go to the tavern for a night first." Fudge saw two dementors slowly drifting towards here at the corner of the street, and felt that he was not very good at blatantly breaking the order he gave. After seeing Ms. Rosmerta, she couldn't help but subconsciously walked towards the three broomsticks.

After the three broomsticks settled down, they went back to their rooms to rest. As soon as Kingsley returned to the room, he immediately sent a Patronus to Dumbledore, and told Dumbledore everything about Fudge's arrival and his orders.

Dumbledore's reply was also very simple: wait and see. Knowing that Dumbledore had already prepared, Kingsley was relieved, took a shower in the private room, and went to bed.

Early the next morning, the sun rose as usual, but the changes in the wizarding world had quietly begun.

Amelia Bones entered the office as usual. Although today is Sunday, and even though Christmas is coming soon, as the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the largest division of the Ministry of Magic, she naturally cannot be idle.

She walked into the office and found that her desk was already full of pending documents. She sighed softly, then sat down in her seat and went to work.

She opened a report and quickly read it.

"Someone enchanted a lawn mower in Burnley so that it turned into a humanoid flying monster when it started? That would require a visit to the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, and possibly memory logging The guys from the headquarters are cooperating... Arthur is busy..."

"Received a report that someone is selling inferior invisibility cloaks in Diagon Alley... Why don't you sell them in Knockturn Alley, no one will report you there... It is the work of the detection and confiscation office of counterfeit defensive spells and protective equipment..."

"Notice of the Wizengamot meeting? Applicant, Dumbledore??!" Looking at the notice in her hand, Amelia Bones narrowed her eyes. She had a premonition that something big would happen.

As the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, Dumbledore certainly has the power to call the Wizengamot Council. As for the reason for the convening, she believed that it would be written in the notice, so she continued to look down.

And, sure enough, the following was the reason for the meeting.

Despite her mental preparations, she was surprised when she saw the reason for the meeting. This meeting actually wants to restart the trial of the Sirius case! Other than that, there was a long passage attached at the end of the notice, detailing the story between Sirius, Peter Pettigrew, and James and his wife.

After reading this passage, Amelia Bones felt as if a storm had set off in her heart. She never expected that the murderer back then was actually innocent, while the honored hero was the real executioner! When she recalled some details of that year, she realized that a storm would also be set off in the Ministry of Magic.

She tried her best to suppress the turbulent emotions in her she handled the matter properly, and sent a letter to every member of the Wizengamot, telling them that the meeting was about to be held, and attached a The reason for the meeting.

After dealing with this task, there was only one letter left on her desk. There was something odd about this letter. There was nothing on the envelope except a small handwriting: To Amelia Bones

Amelia Bones opened the letter, and there was only a piece of parchment inside, which said: Do you want to be the Minister of Magic?

Ms. Burns' heart jumped in disappointment.


The last chapter mentioned dragon pox. I was a little curious about this disease—Malfoy's grandfather also died of this disease, so I searched for its information.

After checking it was really eye-opening. The disease dragon pox is also translated as "dragon plague syphilis". The first patient with dragon pox was a wizard who had close contact with the Peruvian Vipertooth while working.

Syphilis... so big brother, what kind of close contact did you have with the dragon! ! Are you Yin Zhiping?