The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 139: Peter's trial

The chaos in the auditorium didn't stop until Dumbledore tapped the goblet in front of him.

After everyone was quiet, he said to all the little wizards: "No matter how good the porridge is, it will become unpalatable when it is cooled. Let's enjoy the porridge while it is still warm!"

If the little wizards continued to quarrel like this, they were destined to have their first class on an empty stomach.

"Professor, since the real murderer has been caught, is the Dementor going to be removed?" Fred asked loudly.

After getting an affirmative answer, the entire auditorium fell into a boil again.

While the dementors haven't had much of an impact on the little wizards' lives, it's good news for them that the dementors will be removed. After all, the Dementors lurking near Hogwarts are a direct threat to Hogwarts teachers and students. It must be a good thing now that this threat has been lifted.

Dumbledore's words did not make the students eat well. Instead, they discussed the Black case in low voices.

In the news of the magic world, there is rarely a reversal. But once it reverses, there must be big news. Like best-selling author Gilderoy Lockhart is actually a liar, and so is today's news.

Some little wizards from wizarding families shared the details of the case with their classmates with great interest. Some of the parents of the little wizards were the investigators of the case back then, so some of the details were extraordinarily real.

"My uncle thought there was going to be a big fight, but when he got there, Blake didn't fight at all, he just stood there, laughing like crazy."

"My dad said the same thing, and who was in charge of arresting Black, guess who? It's the current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge! He's completely frightened, and it's my dad reminding him that he remembers it. Order to arrest him..."

"Whether you believe it or not, in fact, my mother always thought that this case was strange. Peter Pettigrew did not die, because how could only one finger be blown up and no other parts could be found? At that time, she thought that Peter might be It's hiding-"

Everyone was chatting with each other.

"Seize it on Saturday, take it away on Sunday, and hold a trial meeting on Tuesday. The efficiency of the Ministry of Magic is really high." After reading the report, Hermione learned that Peter Pettigrew's case would be heard tomorrow.

"It's a pity we can't go to the scene." She sighed. She still hopes to see with her own eyes that this scum who betrays her friends is punished.

"It's nothing to see." Tom didn't care about Peter's case, he was more concerned about the next development.

The news of the Sirius case was brought to every corner of the British wizarding world by the Daily Prophet's owl messenger, causing an uproar.

Tuesday, Ministry of Magic Courtroom Seven

Dumbledore came to the Ministry early in the morning. At this moment, he was sitting peacefully in a chair in the front row, waiting for the trial to start. He was dressed in black and blue robes, and behind him sat about fifty wizards in fuchsia wizard robes with a delicate silver "W" embroidered on their left chest. These people were members of the Wizengamot jury. .

Opposite the Wizengamore jury sat a large group of Ministry officials in black wizarding robes. The center seat in the front row was vacant, with Amelia Burns on the left and Umbridge, Fudge's henchman, on the right.

Hundreds of people sat in the courtroom, but it was very quiet, almost no one whispered, only the sound of raindrops hitting the skylight - it rained again in London today.

At nine o'clock Fudge entered the courtroom.

When Fudge's eyes fell on Dumbledore, there was a look of panic in his eyes, but he was quickly hidden by him.

He went straight to his seat. After he was seated, a small podium was raised in front of him, and there was a small hammer on it. Fudge picked up a small hammer and hit the table top, and a chair rose from the floor in the middle of the room.

There are several iron chains on the chair, which tightly bind Peter Pettigrew above. Peter seemed to be dozing off, oblivious to what was happening.

Fudge glanced at a short, plump, bald wizard sitting in the corner. The man immediately understood what Fudge meant, got up and walked quickly to Peter Pettigrew and filled him with a bottle of potion.

The potion entered, and Peter suddenly woke up.

"I..." Just as he was about to say something, the wizard next to him cast a spell quickly, sticking his tongue and upper jaw together.

Peter was speechless and could only make a whimpering sound.

"Thank you, Horace," Fudge thanked the wizard, then looked at the wizards present, "Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished members of the Wizengamore jury, today we will conduct a Judgment."

"A man who should have died has been resurrected. He has fooled the entire magical world. His name is Peter Pettigrew, the recipient of the First Order Merlin Order." Fudge stared at Peter Pettigrew, his eyes terrifyingly cold.

You bastard, even if you do this kind of thing, why don't you run away, why don't you hide, why are you popping out to cause trouble for me? Fudge was full of resentment towards Peter.

He had considered instigating the Dementors to give Peter a kiss directly, but he had given up on the idea because Peter and the case behind him weren't worth breaking the rules and ripping off Dumbledore.

Peter hadn't touched his fundamental interests yet.

"Go on, the trial on December 18," Fudge said in a bell-like voice, as the stenographer next to him was already taking notes.

"Trial of Death Eater Peter Petru's case of violating seventeen laws, including the International Secrecy Act." Fudge didn't want to talk about anything and started the trial directly. As for the interrogation method, it is also very simple and crude: Veritaserum.

The potions master Horace Slughorn, who was invited by Fudge in advance, took out a small vial of clear liquid-that is, the famous Veritaserum, and poured it into Peter Pettigrew. Peter struggled frantically in the seat, but to no avail.

After being dosed, Peter slumped in the chair with his eyes dazed and his cheeks slack.

Fudge began to question.

"Can you hear me?"

Peter replied in a low voice, "I can hear you."

Fudge asked a few more simple questions, confirming Peter's real identity and making sure the Veritaserum really worked.

"Peter Petru, I want you to tell us, did James Potter and Lily Potter choose you as their keepers?" Fudge asked casually, staring at Peter.


Today I will talk about Basil Fleck, the sixth minister of the Ministry of Magic, who is the shortest serving minister in the wizarding world.