The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 176: bald head

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Tom glanced at Lockhart and asked Peter, "Have your psychiatrist and pastor solved it? If not, I have a good candidate here."

Peter looked at Lockhart, who was sitting quietly in the corner studying the pattern of the plate, and immediately replied, "No, just one person is missing."

In fact, they are recruiting psychiatrists, and priests are also in contact, and they all have more specific goals. But the second boss has spoken, of course, this face must be given. Even if it was found, it was not found.

Lockhart's face stiffened, "Actually, you can seriously consider—"

"I've decided that you will be the priest." Tom stared at Lockhart's eyes, and his right eye had a tendency to turn into snake pupils. "There is no second option."

The words in the ears of Peter next to him were saying that Lockhart was the only candidate for the pastor, but Lockhart knew very well that Tom was warning him that he had only the prison pastor to choose.

Either stay in prison as a pastor who counsels prisoners, or...

Lockhart's tears were about to fall: how could there be such a wicked little wizard! Is this really Dumbledore's student? It looks white on the outside, but the inside is full of black hearts!

Lockhart raised his head pitifully and looked into Tom's eyes. Seeing that his expression gradually became cold and his eyes became more and more like snake pupils, Lockhart did not dare to talk nonsense any more, and quickly expressed his approval.

"But I don't have professional skills..." He was still babbling.

"The prisoners here don't need to pray to you, you just need to make them forget their painful memories." Tom blocked Lockhart's retreat.

He looked at Peter on the side, "Go and get a haircut for our Pastor Lockhart. Men in prison are not allowed to have long hair. Just shave him bald."

Lockhart: !

"Wait! No way!" He almost jumped out of his chair. "I agree! You can't, don't touch my hair!"

Tom asked curiously, "Why can't I? I'm the master of this prison."

He gave Peter a wink, and the latter understood, stood up immediately, and held Lockhart firmly.

"Change your hairstyle and start a new life from now on." After Tom said this to Lockhart, he waved his hand and motioned Peter to take Lockhart down to shave his head.

Lockhart struggled and wailed, but he couldn't break free from Peter's powerful clutches. As Tom listened to Lockhart's voice gradually receding, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Laogai should look like Laogai! To forcibly shave Lockhart's proud hair is a powerful enough dismantling to let him understand that Tom's will is absolute here.

Shaving your hair is a good choice. This trick is used in almost all prisons in the world. Tom has no reason not to learn from it.

Peter dragged Lockhart out of the restaurant, then gave a wink to the jailer on standby outside, and two people followed immediately and dragged Lockhart into the confinement room.

There was only one chair in the confinement room, and the jailer pressed Lockhart on the chair and bound his hands and feet.

"Please," Lockhart struggled twice, but the jailer's technique was very professional, and he was firmly tied to the chair, completely unable to move, "No, don't shave my hair!"

Lockhart burst into tears: If he didn't have this charming blond hair, how could he see people? If he shaved it, it would be very ugly!

But the guards of the White Dolphin Prison are all hard-hearted people, and they simply ignore the prisoners' pleas.

Peter walked into the cell with a clipper and a pair of scissors and handed the tools to the two guards.

"Shave it clean," he ordered, and Lockhart's expression turned desperate when he heard his words. His long hair has been kept for a long time, and he usually trims it carefully. If he shaves one more strand, he will feel distressed for a long time, but today he is going to be brutally and rudely shaved.

It would be a real pity to hang up. The jailer on the side stretched out his hand and stroked Lockhart's supple blonde hair, thinking in his heart. However, he was not slow to start. He first took a few knives with scissors, and cut off the longer part of the hair. Then I sprayed a little water on the remaining hair, wiped a little body lotion, and brushed with a fader a few times, and the pieces of hair fell on the ground.

"No!!!" Lockhart felt the cold blade, and let out a wailing when he heard the sound of his hair falling to the ground.

Tom walked past the door of the confinement room with the food box, when Lockhart groaned for help from the door: "Forgive me, I can't take it anymore, don't shave... Leave me a little..."

After a few minutes, the door of the confinement room opened, and the two jailers came out. After seeing Tom and Peter, they immediately saluted.

"Bring him out." Tom wanted to see what Lockhart looked like with his head shaved.

The two guards obeyed and took the half-dead Lockhart out of the frame. At this time, Lockhart's lips were white, his face was covered with tears, and there were several golden hair residues on his face. He also muttered in his mouth: "Forgive me... I was wrong..."

Lockhart's consciousness was still awake, but after being shaved, he no longer dared to look directly into the eyes of other people. It seemed that it was not just his hair that was shaved. He felt a chill on his head now, and a sense of shame welled up in his heart, as if he had been stripped naked and presented to others. But... in addition to shame, there seems to be something else? A strange emotion spread like weeds in Lockhart's heart.

Tom looked up at his head and saw that his well-tended curly hair had been shaved clean, and the crown of his head had been smooth and barren, almost reflective.

Not to mention, after shaving his head bald, his head looks extraordinarily clean and clean.

"Look, so much energy." Tom took out a mirror and showed Lockhart a look. Looking at himself in the mirror, Lockhart burst into tears.

"If your performance is good, I can also consider letting your hair grow back, you know what we are capable of." Tom whispered to Lockhart's

This is a slap and a sweet date. Tom didn't want to push too hard either. People, have hope, Tom is building a hope for Lockhart now, giving him a little hope.

Lockhart raised his head suddenly, and there was hope in his eyes.

"However, you really have to behave well, very well, to be rewarded." Tom left the prison after leaving this sentence. Before leaving, he motioned Peter to keep Lockhart under strict watch.

As for whether Lockhart will run away? Tom is not afraid of this. Lockhart only used the Oblivion Charm when he had a wand, what else could he do now without a wand? A wizard without a wand is like a venomous snake with its teeth pulled out, no longer able to resist.


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