The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 193: Luna skipping class

After the Christmas break, Hogwarts resumed its normal schedule. To make matters worse, the Scottish Highlands recently ushered in a cold snap, and the weather suddenly turned cold - not dry and cold, but wet and cold. The wet air-conditioning seemed to be enchanted, easily piercing the defenses of the little wizards.

The spot by the fireplace suddenly became sought-after. The senior students of various colleges also fully developed their subjective initiative and created various "pot fires" to help everyone ward off the cold.

Once invented, this magical application of magic quickly became popular. During this time, wherever the little wizards of Hogwarts went, there was a small jar in their robes, and the jar was a blazing flame.

Tom also had the "pot fire" that Hermione helped him make, a little spell that Hermione used when she was in school, and is even more perfect now. The fireball she created lasted the longest, and it was not a problem for a fireball to burn all morning.

However, in this weather, even with the blessing of "pot fire", it is extremely painful to go to classes outside the castle. . The herbal class was okay, the temperature in the greenhouse was not much different from the indoor temperature, and the Conservation of Magical Creatures class was quite painful.

Fortunately, Newt noticed this and changed the lesson plan to schedule the lessons on salamanders and ash snakes in the days after Christmas.

These two magical beasts have one characteristic in common: they are associated with fire.

Salamanders are small lizards that live in flames and feed on flames. Newt just needs to start a bonfire and transfer his salamander in it. Next, he doesn't have to do anything, just watch the little wizards happily collect firewood and leaves everywhere, and watch them add these things to the bonfire. He also had to pick out the branches that were too wet to avoid too much smoke.

The little wizards were so intrigued by the little creatures that they spent the entire class hopping around in the burning firewood. After they got the fire going, the salamander's color also changed with the temperature of the flame, starting from a dazzling white to blue or bright red later.

The Grey Snake course is much more dangerous, which is why Newt has the confidence to offer it. Fire Ash Snake was born from "Magic Fire". The so-called "magic fire" is a flame with magic substances such as Floo powder added.

It is not difficult to make the fire ash snake born, as long as this pile of demonic fire burns unchecked, the fire ash snake will be created. This process is rather exhausting. Before the Grey Snake class, Newt stayed up all night to get ready.

Among the various magical substances for breeding fire snakes, Floo powder is the cheapest, so Newt also chose Floo powder. He first found a big brazier, and then he spent the whole night adding firewood and floo powder to the brazier, and by the time the class started, the Ash Snake was about to be born.

Newt wanted every little wizard to witness the birth of the Fire Ash Snake, but he overestimated his energy: he was too old, his energy and physical strength could not support the preparatory work, and he was not at ease to let the students Let's do these things. Demonic fire is very dangerous, and controlling the timing of the fire snake's appearance is also very important, which only a seasoned master of magical animals like him can do. Let the students do it, he is not at ease.

So in the end, only the third graders of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff got the chance to watch the Fire Ash Snake be born. As for the other students, although Newt said that everyone was welcome to come to sit in, there were very few responders. Those students either have classes or are too lazy to come down. Between watching the birth of the ash snake and getting an extra hour of sleep in the morning, they chose to sleep a little longer.

No wonder they were lazy - there were little snowflakes in the sky today! When Tom woke up in the morning and saw this kind of weather, he subconsciously wanted to skip class. Because that means standing outside in snow for two hours. The danger of the ash snake made Newt refuse to teach indoors, even when it was snowing, he insisted on teaching on the lawn outside the castle.

Tom and Hermione followed their classmates to the lawn outside the castle. All were wrapped in thick cloaks and gloves, and carried a jar of fire in their arms. In order to keep warm, the girls gave up their usual sneakers and square-mouth leather shoes, and put on the boots they had prepared for a long time, lest the cold on the ground erode their pink and tender feet.

When they arrived, Newt was already standing in the snow.

When everyone saw Newt, they were taken aback by the professor's state: he looked very haggard. His hair had become tousled, with a lot of charcoal and burnt hair hanging from it. His eyes were bloodshot, his cheeks were sunken, and there was a smoky feeling on his skin.

"It takes a lot of energy to artificially breed a fire grey snake. You are lucky, because I shouldn't try to breed this magical animal again. I'm too tired..." Newt shook his head with a wry smile. With his gray hair swaying in the wind, he explained to the students why he was so haggard.

At this time, Hufflepuff's students also came one after another, but in the crowd, Tom saw a familiar figure who should not have appeared here.

"Luna? Why are you here? Didn't you have class in the morning?" Tom was a little surprised, but thinking of Luna's love for magical animals, he thought it was normal to see Luna here.

"There are two potions classes in the morning." Luna looked a little dazed, as if she hadn't slept well.


Students who heard the conversation between the two around: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Everyone was shocked by Luna: Is this school girl so brave? Dare to skip Snape's class?

Many people looked at Luna with Dare to skip Snape's lesson, warrior!

"The appearance of the fire gray snake and the process of laying eggs are very rare, and I don't want to miss it." Luna explained a little. For her, some things are trade-offs. And she felt that even if she skipped potions class today, there would be no serious consequences.

At this time, the students were almost all there, and Professor Scamander clapped his hands to calm everyone down, "Children, I took you to observe salamanders in the last class, and left the homework to preview the ash snakes. ...I'm sure many of you have guessed that the amazing animal we're going to learn about today is the Fire Grey Snake. The course on Fire Grey Snakes is very dangerous, so I hope you can cheer up during the class."

"Today's Conservation of Magical Creatures class has a special guest, let's welcome Professor Snape!"


Everyone draws 0, ah no, is it Aya? I took 80 rounds to ship it, but the breakthrough materials were not enough, so I only raised it to level 80 - the samurai of the rice wife are too poor!

I hope everyone can make ten consecutive withdrawals.