The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 207: The ministry has decided

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"Oh?" Umbridge looked up from his desk, as if he had just been on business. In fact, she has not received any serious tasks at all these days, and even the students at Hogwarts are busier than her.

As the senior deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic, such leisure is a very dangerous signal, but there is nothing Umbridge can do about it. Who made her a Fudge? She really wanted to take off the label, but the label was put on by someone else, so she couldn't take it off.

Today's minister summoned, the visitor is not good, Umbridge sighed in his heart. But it's also an opportunity. Umbridge cheered up and encouraged himself.

She put on a fake sweet and greasy smile again on her face, "Okay, I'll go over there."

She came out from behind her desk, moved her short legs, and entered the minister's office.

"Sit down!" Looking at Umbridge with a submissive look, Burns asked her to sit down with a gentle smile.

"How's your work going? Would you like some tea?" Burns and Umbridge exchanged a few hypocritical greetings before cutting to the chase.

"Recently, there is a very important task in the Ministry that requires a reliable senior official to take charge. I wonder if you are willing to take up this burden?"

Umbridge understood that although the minister used an interrogative sentence, it was actually a declarative sentence, and he had no room for rejection.

"Of course, as the Senior Deputy Minister of Magic, it's my duty to worry about the magic department." She seemed happy to accept the assignment.

"That's great," Burns said, picking up a wet commission from his desk and handing it to Umbridge, "Azkaban is a strategic location in the wizarding world, but for a long time, the Ministry has There has been no effective connection between Li and Azkaban, which I think is very wrong..."

After a few minutes of chattering in Mandarin, Burns finally tried to see it: "So Dolores Umbridge, the Ministry has decided that you will be the Ministry of Magic's correspondent in Azkaban! "

Umbridge's face turned pale in an instant. How could she not see the sinkhole in this job? That's Azkaban! It's like the non-magical world told you to be stationed in Antarctica - and Azkaban's conditions are worse than Antarctica. In Antarctica, you can keep warm, and Azkaban can solve it by keeping warm?

Umbridge's face was blushing and blushing, as if she was suffering from malaria. After a difficult decision of more than ten seconds, she took a deep breath and said, "Okay, what time do you leave?"

Borns was a little surprised. She thought Umbridge would find a way to deny it, but she didn't expect her to agree so happily.

The reason Umbridge didn't say no was simple: If she refused at this juncture, Burns would have an excuse to replace her. Then all her years of hard work were completely in vain. And if she takes over this responsibility, there will be a turning point. After staying in Azkaban for a while, she will naturally be able to transfer back to London after Burns steps down, and then count the years of experience in Azkaban. , it is almost a certainty that he will go further, and he can basically take charge of a division. If the new minister doesn't get along with Burns, the future is even brighter.

As for being stationed in Azkaban, it sounds scary, but it shouldn't be particularly bad, since Umbridge is on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, and Dementors always have to give the Ministry a little face.

Burns had a rough idea of ​​what was going on inside Umbridge, but she didn't care.

"As soon as possible, you can take up your post when the department's formalities are completed." She said lightly, and at the same time drank the Muggle potion on the table.

Umbridge's face turned ashen as he walked out of Burns' office. She walked quickly back to her office, and then she sent letter after letter. Gubei

Now that she has been cornered, she can only use all her power and relationships. She sorted out what she had to do in her mind, and found that the most urgent task was to figure out what happened to Azkaban. Although 99% of the mandarin that Burns said was nonsense, it also revealed a very crucial message: Azkaban had a "talker" who united the Dementors.

Umbridge's heart was alive. This may be her chance.

No sleep tonight.


A lot of things, if you don't care or say you are not the one who has experienced it personally, you won't notice it. For example, the annual employment consultation, for example, the annual school recruitment for graduates. Students who are not fifth or seventh graders hardly notice that these things are happening.

Notices were posted everywhere, and various brochures filled every corner of the common room, but most of the little wizards turned a blind eye to it.

Because it really has nothing to do with them.

Employment? That's something to start thinking about in the fifth grade, and it's even farther away for graduation, so worry about what to do so long in advance.

What is the growth process of a wizard?

First of all, at the age of eleven, he received an admission letter, went to Hogwarts, was assigned to his favorite house, started elective courses in the third year, and had a career counseling before the o.w.l.s exam in the fifth year. Students will know the magic world. Work content of various jobs in various industries, and then have in-depth exchanges with your dean, and finally determine which kind or types of work you want to do.

This link can't help but feel distressed for the little wizards of Slytherin. Come to think of it, professor Snape is giving you career counseling, and just thinking about it is creepy enough isn't it?

But there are enough pure-blood wizards in Slytherin, and their parents will give pertinent advice. There is no sunset industry in the magic world - the entire magic world is a world under the sunset - the parents' experience is very Unlike the non-magic world, they participate in research and deductions, and finally There are many parents who send their children to Tiankeng. Use the highest score and go to the most pitiful major, this kind of thing will not happen to wizards.

After the employment consultation, it is the o.w.l.s exam. After this exam, the life trajectory of a little wizard is roughly determined. After getting the o.w.l.s certificate, the little wizards went on to further their studies, and finally the school recruitment and n.e.w.t. exam.

After these processes are completed, it is time for wizards to go into society completely. This is the whole process of a wizard stepping into the wizarding world.

Among everyone's acquaintances, Percy is the wizard who is about to enter the wizarding world, and he is preparing for an interview.

In the second term of Year 7, after Christmas, the Ministry of Magic will organize an interview, which is very important to him. He needs to submit his CV and talk to representatives of various departments to understand the requirements of the position. certificate.


Yesterday was a day in history! ! ! The neighborhood committee of our community finally distributed the supplies, and it's getting better! ! !