The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 211: early judgment

"I don't quite understand why..." Hagrid's eyes revealed a trace of confusion, "I received a letter from the Ministry of Magic in the morning, saying that my case was moved to Friday, which is next Friday."

Everyone present except Tom frowned. Tom understood that this was Burns at work.

"Could it be that old fellow Lucius?" Ron thought for a while, always feeling that there must be a conspiracy behind this sudden change.

"It's hard to say," Harry, who was sitting next to him, shook his head, "but we have no choice."

"Let's send a letter to the Knight Bus first, book two berths on the bus, this should be the easiest way - it's not realistic to transport Buckbeak by broom or Floo network." Hermione said in Think about countermeasures. She understood that Hagrid had absolutely no bargaining power in the face of orders from the Ministry of Magic, so the first thing he had to do was to find a way to bring Buckbeak to London.

After thinking about it, Hermione felt that none of the traditional methods would work—Hagrid was too big, and Buckbeak was too big. We can only hope in the simplest way: by car.

And due to the restrictions of the "Secrecy Act", one person and one beast must go directly to the Ministry of Magic.

"Also, you'll need a plea, a decent set of clothes, and if possible, some grooming for your beard and hair - first impressions on the jury are important." Hermione had already begun planning.

"'re right..." Hagrid sprang into action, pulling out an oversized shaggy brown coat and a yellow and orange tie from his closet. After looking for his clothes, he lay down on the table and began to write a letter to the person in charge of the Knight Bus.

Hermione took out a piece of parchment and began to help Hagrid write his defense - Hagrid himself didn't hold back a word before, which was really too difficult for him. As for the three of Tom, they sat on the side obediently, trying not to get in the way.

Harry and Ron had been poorly prepared, and Tom hadn't been prepared at all. He hadn't looked at a single Fantastic Beasts case, but he had made connections for Hagrid.

The night passed in such a busy way.

Friday came. Hagrid fed Buckbeak well early in the morning, and then led him onto the Knight Bus. For Hagrid's sake, the Knight Bus deliberately didn't carry other guests. Because the hippogriff is too dangerous, it is likely to hurt other passengers. Buckbeak even got in the car through the back door, so as to avoid the driver and conductor.

Not everyone can get Hippogriff's approval. Hagrid would be in big trouble if Buckbeak didn't accept the two men's bows.

When Hagrid got out of the car, two wizards came over. One was extremely old, as if he would shrink in front of Hagrid in the next second, and the other was tall and burly with big arms and round waist.

As soon as the old wizard took a few trembling steps, Hagrid panicked and motioned for him to stop. This unexpected move startled the old man. Judging by his appearance, it was almost as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

"Please bow to Buckbeak first, so that he won't attack you, Buckbeak is very gentle—"

"So if we don't bow, the brute will attack us?" said the tall wizard in a muffled voice with anger that even Hagrid could hear.

"Ah, um, this—" Hagrid was speechless. He couldn't deny what that person said, but his instinct told him that once he admitted, the consequences would be very serious.

It was the old wizard who stood up and smoothed things over, "It's okay, it's okay... Fantastic animals, it's normal... This is the nature of the hippogriff, so don't make a fuss... Oops, I'm old and useless, I actually It's only now that I think about it..."

He said tremblingly, his tone was intermittent, making people worry that he would die in the next second.

"So..." The old wizard narrowed his eyes, "We keep a distance from you, you take it to the trial hall..."

Hagrid nodded repeatedly, and took Buckbeak to the Ministry of Magic's trial hall as the old wizard ordered. It was another toss. Obviously, Buckbeak is very wary of unfamiliar environments and has a strong sense of resistance.

Without the help of that old wizard, he might have been arrested before even reaching the courtroom. The old wizard was very kind and helped Hagrid clear the pedestrians on the road in advance, and reserved a dedicated elevator for him and Buckbeak, ensuring that they would go all the way to the Judgment Hall without stopping in the middle.

These are the practices of the Ministry of Magic, and the old wizard is familiar with it.

"Why bother?" After Hagrid walked into the elevator, the burly man muttered dissatisfiedly, took out a handkerchief from his robe pocket, and wiped the sweat from the old man's head, "Let me say, Just leave them alone and let that beast go berserk at the Ministry of Magic and hurt someone—”

"McMillan!" The old wizard gave his junior a very stern look, "I know that you have been in charge of executions, but the verdict has not yet come down, we must not have a discriminatory attitude towards prisoners! Everything must follow the rules Come on...cough cough-"

He spoke very fast, and coughed directly at the end.

"Okay, okay, follow the rules," the strong man quickly stroked the back of the old wizard, and agreed verbally.

"However, I don't think that guy's chances of victory are great. Lucius Malfoy is determined to win this time, and he summoned a large group of wizards from pure-blood families to help out..."

Hearing this, the old wizard couldn't help but secretly sighed, his heart was clear. He knew that he couldn't refuse Malfoy's request at all. This time, the man named Hagrid will definitely lose the case.

Sorry, Albus, who made Hagrid mess with the wrong people?

Hagrid walked into the and found that this place was a bit different from other courtrooms. The whole courtroom was like a bowl, with the jury on the edge of the bowl, and Hagrid and Buckbeak on the edge of the bowl. At the bottom, surrounded by iron railings, it was like being in a big cage.

This is where the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Animals conducts its trials. Due to the particularity of the trial objects, this place has been remodeled. It is completely different from other courtrooms. The accused and the accused animals will be tried in cages.

At this time, a group of members of the committee had already taken their seats. After a while, the old man also appeared here, but instead of sitting in the jury seat, he went directly to the presiding seat.

Then came the audience who came to observe—because Hagrid's case was unremarkable, the audience who would come here were all pure-blood family members invited by Lucius Malfoy to show their momentum.

Seeing wizards and nobles entering the arena one after another, the people in the committee gradually became agitated. At this time, the balance in their hearts has begun to tilt.


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