The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 220: Phase 2 of Anticlimactic

Chapter 477 The second stage of anticlimax

Hermione thought that Tom had already cleared the level, but Tom didn't think so.

"It's still far away!" Tom's body began to swell, and black hair quickly appeared on his body, and a bulge appeared on each side of his neck.

"Since the guy in the way has fainted, I can go all out..." The next second, all the ropes stretching Tom's body snapped, and a huge three-headed dog appeared in front of Hermione, its shoulders almost reaching the ceiling On the ground, the paw just slapped lightly, leaving a deep hole on the ground.

Tom's previous duel with Hermione can only be said to be to the point, after all, he is a "second stage" person! The wizard form is only his first stage. Once the wizard is beaten to the ground, he can also transform into a magical animal and fight again.

Among the various magical animal forms, Tom likes the three-headed dog form the most. I just like this kind of simple and rude power and strong defense and vitality. When encountering a problem, I just slap it, and if it doesn't solve it, I slap it again!

The other forms are all about assisting and controlling. Only the three-headed dog is a true combination of offense and defense—the dementor form is for abuse. For wizards like Hermione who have mastered the Patronus Charm, the dementor form is like a target...

But it has been a long time since I have fought as a three-headed dog. Today was also a coincidence, this room was isolated from the outside world, and the third person, Padma, was also knocked out by him. There was still some time before Professor Lupin entered the arena, so he could just let go of his hands and feet and fight.

Hermione felt like a formidable enemy. She had an intuition that in front of Tom in this form, as long as she made a mistake, she would be admitted to the school hospital. But everything doesn't matter, Hermione has long wanted to see how big the gap is between herself and Tom. For this reason, even if there is a risk of being seriously injured, Hermione will not back down, she has this awareness!

She raised her wand—


"Wait...a...down!" The black dog's paw had obviously been raised, but it suddenly made a stop gesture. Tom's other paw groped in the black hair for a moment, and took out a dog that was framed by the paw. Tiny hourglass. The sand in the upper half of the hourglass has been drained away.

"It's over..." Tom directly changed back to human form.


I have already made up my mind, but you stopped fighting? ? ?

"Change back to me!!" Hermione shouted angrily, "Come and fight! Hurry and fight me back into a three-headed dog!!"

"I think so too," Tom said helplessly, "but the time is up, and Professor Lupine is about to come in..."

Hermione: ...

She also understood that Tom didn't want to expose his secret to others, so she could only swallow this breath.

Outside the examination room, Professor Lu Ping has already entered the examination room. At this time, he was standing outside the cave in the swamp of the second level, staring closely at the bells in his hand, one of the bells was making a slight ringing, while the other was still lying quietly in his hand, However, three stars lit up on both bells. This means that both of them broke into the third classroom, and Padma of the two has passed out.

And in the waiting area outside the examination room, the little wizards were talking about it.

"How long has this been? It feels like Granger's group has lasted longer than the other groups?"

"I just checked the watch. Seven minutes have passed. It is indeed the group that lasted the longest. And I noticed that only one of the bells in Professor Lupine's hand rang, which means—"

"One of the two has already been knocked out."

Seeing the time Hermione insisted on, the little wizards showed expressions of admiration. This is a difficult dungeon, and it's really remarkable that it lasted for seven minutes.

"So can you get out of the way?!" Hermione angrily pushed Tom aside and came to the front of the treasure chest.

"I'd like to see what Professor Lupine stuffed in the treasure chest—" she opened the chest in front of her as she spoke.

Two seconds later, screams resounded throughout the examination room. Professor Lupine stopped Hermione, who was still in shock, at the junction of the second classroom and the third classroom.

"Hermione, what's going on? What did Tom do to you?" Professor Lupine was very surprised. He didn't expect Hermione to be frightened like this.

"I, I, I..." It took Hermione a while to calm down, "I saw Professor Flitwick come out of the box and told me that I failed all the subjects I took before!"

It turned out that Professor Lupine stuffed a Boggart into the treasure chest, and Hermione got caught as soon as she opened the chest.

Lupine: ...

Hold back, can't laugh!

Tom: ...

Why did you change your mind? !

It's not that Hermione has changed her mind, but she suddenly realized that Tom's phoenix form seems to be able to be resurrected infinitely, so he will definitely not die. In addition to the recent exam pressure, the thing she fears the most is There has been a change.

Professor Lupine took Hermione and a fainted Padma out, and called the next group in.

When Harry and Ron came to the third room panting through the cave and swamp, they were stunned by the potholed floor in the room.

The floor here looks like it has been plowed by gunfire, and there are still a large area of ​​scorched marks.

Looking at the remaining scars on the floor, it is not difficult to imagine the intensity of the battle here just now.

Harry and Ron swallowed, feeling in their hearts that their exams might be over.

How many seconds can I survive under Tom's hands? Harry was very unconfident, but he had seen the duel scene between Tom and Hermione.

But Tom, who was sitting in the center of the field, just waved his hand weakly, indicating that the two could pass.

"Let me rest for a two go out and don't talk nonsense..." The fight between Tom and Hermione just now consumed too much mana, and he needed to recuperate for a while.

So it was cheaper for Harry and Ron.

He watched Ron stuff back the spider conjured up in the box, and UU Reading also saw Harry successfully use the Patronus Charm to beat the dementor transformed into a Boggart into a scramble.

After Hermione cleared the level, the difficulty of the level did drop a lot. At the end of the exam, three or four groups of young wizards saw the Boggart in the treasure chest.

The afternoon exams were Muggle Studies and Divination. Naturally, Tom and Hermione used the time-turner to go to the examination room of the Muggle Studies class, and wrote a small paper on the process of the first Muggle industrial revolution, and then rushed to the west tower where the Divination class classroom was located.

At this time, many little wizards were already queuing outside the tower. Most of the people are crouching temporarily, holding a copy of "Seeing the Future Through the Fog"

"I will never register for this class next semester." Hermione said firmly.


It's the 19th, and I'm asking for another wave of monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

I found that adding some green vegetables, salt, soy sauce and diced meat to plain porridge is really delicious, but it makes me hungry quickly.