The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 231: Percy's trip to the Ministry of Magic

Chapter 488 Percy's Trip to the Ministry of Magic

Fox came quietly and then left quietly. No one knew except Tom and Hermione. But on this train, Tom wasn't the only one who received the mail.

A little furry guy rushed into Harry's box and brought Harry a mail from Sirius.

[Dear Harry:

Hope this letter arrives in time enough, because I'm not sure your aunt and uncle are used to owl messengers. 】

They should get used to it, but getting used to it doesn't mean liking it... Harry complained in his heart, and his mind came back to the explosive scene when Hogwarts sent the acceptance letter to the Dursleys. He believed that Uncle Vernon should be extremely impressed.

[To be honest, I don't have much confidence in this, this little owl doesn't look so reliable, but it is already the best owl I can find. 】

There was some truth to what Sirius said, as the little owl looked overly excited, flying around and around the carriage, and when Harry grabbed it it felt like he had caught a fluffy Snitch. Glancing at Hedwig next to him, Harry felt lucky from the bottom of his heart—fortunately, Hedwig was very stable.

Hedwig seemed to sense the master's mood, and clicked and smacked her lips, showing a noble look.

[In the next year, I will be very busy, and I will not even have time to meet you and spend Christmas with you, and I am sorry for that. By the way, don't ask Hedwig to send me letters either, she can't find me.

Oh yes, and please forgive my carelessness, I enclose two things for you that I think will make your life on and off campus a little easier and more enjoyable.

love you



By the way, I guess your friend Ron might like to adopt this little owl, if he doesn't find it too noisy, after all, in a sense, I caused him to lose that mouse. Merlin, I wish him good sleep. 】

Harry eagerly turned the envelope upside down and dumped out the contents. Inside the envelope was a piece of parchment, and several ten pound notes with a note stuck to them.

Harry picked up the note, and there was still Sirius' handwriting on it: [It seems that the elders should give the younger a little pocket money. I thought about it, you should not be short of money from the wizarding world, so I got some Muggle money, I hope Enough—Lupin's share is also in it~]

"Ha, the pocket money that Sirius and Professor Lupine gave me!" Harry happily put away these brand-new banknotes. Although it wasn't a lot of money, it was enough for him to buy a bunch of ice cream in the scorching summer.

As for the parchment, it was the Hogsmeade permission form issued to Harry by Sirius.

Both Harry and Ron cheered up. Harry can go to Hogwarts openly, and Ron has his own owl. The atmosphere in the whole box became lively amidst the chirping of the little owl.

"General!" Hermione commanded her knights to cut off the head of Tom's king.

"Do you want me to let you have a few chariots?" She put the chess pieces back into place with a smile.

"No! I'm just unlucky, and the chess pieces in my hands are not obedient, and I can't execute my tactics well—" Tom insisted on a stubborn mouth, refusing to face the root cause of his failure.

"Okay, you're right," Hermione didn't entangle Tom about this, but secretly thought to put some water in her heart, so as not to make Tom too inexperienced in the game, "Do you want another one?"

"Wait, I seem to hear the sound of the dining car!" Tom heard correctly, the old woman pushing the small dining car appeared outside the car a few seconds later, carrying a cart full of food.

After the two enjoyed a sumptuous lunch, Ron brought good news: the Ministry of Magic allows Muggle relatives of wizards to watch the Quidditch World Cup live, as long as they make a note when booking the tickets—at the same time There will also be a bond for the children of wizards.

"The last obstacle is gone." Tom was sincerely happy about this. Crookshanks also meowed twice, as if to remind them not to forget to bring themselves when they went to the game.

The train pulled into King's Cross Station, and Tom dragged Hermione out of the turbulent crowd, through the brick wall, and came to the Muggle world. He saw the Grangers at a glance, the Weasleys were standing next to them, and the fat figure of Uncle Vernon could be seen in the distance—the summer vacation had begun.

"Percy Weasley?" The witch looked up at the big student-looking boy in front of her, reached out and rummaged through a pile of documents for a while, and finally found a pamphlet.

"Let me see... is this year's graduate?"

"That's right," Percy pushed his glasses, nodded nervously, and added by the way: "I'm here to go through the entry procedures at the Department of International Magical Cooperation."

Today was the day for Percy to apply for employment. For this reason, he changed into his formal suit and took care of his hair.

"Ah, that's right!" The witch finally found Percy's name in the long list, "It's on the fifth floor, the elevator is right through the door."

Although Percy didn't want to have too much contact with his father, Mr. Arthur, he had to admit that there was a father who worked in the Ministry of Magic, and he knew a lot of common sense by ear. For example, the location of the elevator, for example, guests going to the Ministry of Magic need to check the wand at the entrance-this is a somewhat unclear operation, because even if the information of the wand is written down, it cannot prevent the dark wizard from using the wand to perform black magic. But as an ordinary wizard, it is better to obediently check the wand.

It stands to reason that his son must be accompanied by his father when he joins the Ministry of Magic, but Percy rejected his father's kindness. He didn't really want his father to accompany him to apply for employment, which made him feel like he had gone through the back he would feel at ease with his father leading the way, Percy still decided to be alone Come.

After registering and reporting, Percy followed the crowd through the gate and into a smaller hall off the foyer. There are at least twenty elevators blocked by exquisite golden grille doors, and countless wizards are standing in line in front of the elevator doors.

Standing next to Percy was a tall, unshaven wizard, holding a large cardboard box in his arms, and there were several barks from inside, accompanied by a gust of cold air coming out of the box.

"Bob, what did you grab back?" an acquainted wizard asked curiously.

"A dog that breathes ice." The wizard replied tremblingly.

Interesting, but it seemed like a serious violation of the Prohibition of Animal Breeding Experiments, Percy thought.


Going to make fried goods~ I will post the picture here later.