The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 232: Crouch's Department of International Mag

Chapter 489 Crouch's International Magic Cooperation Department

The elevator came down quickly. With a tinkling, rattling sound, the golden grille door in front of Percy slid open, and there was a push from behind, and the crowd pushed Percy into the elevator. Soon, a large number of wizards poured in, squeezing Percy against the inner wall of the elevator.

"Can't you cast a traceless stretching spell on this thing?" The wizard named Bob next to him complained. Because there were too many people, the box on his chest was more tightly attached to him, which made him feel even more uncomfortable. .

The surrounding wizards hummed and haha ​​echoed a few words.

After the elevator couldn't hold any more people, the fence door slammed shut. Amidst the rattling sound of the chain, the elevator slowly ascended and then stopped. Then Percy heard an indifferent female voice:

[Floor 7, Department of Magical Sports, including the headquarters of the British and Irish Quidditch League, the official Gobstone Club, and the Patent Office for Funny Products]

The elevator door opened with a creak, and several wizards tried their best to push through the crowd and squeeze out. There is a little more room in the elevator.

The elevator continued to rise and came to the sixth floor—because the Ministry of Magic is built underground, the number of floors is decreasing. The lobby that Percy first came to was on the eighth floor, with the Department of Mysteries and the Wizengamot courtroom below. The elevator gradually goes up and finally reaches the first floor: the office of the Minister of Magic and the logistics department. As for the International Magic Cooperation Department he was going to, it was on the fifth floor.

The elevator stopped at the Department of Magical Transportation for a while, a few wizards went out, and a few paper airplanes came in. These paper airplanes are uniform in color, all light purple, with the stamp of the Ministry of Magic stamped on the side of the wings.

Percy knew it was a note passing messages between departments. When my father first started working, owls were still used to pass messages between departments, and the entire Ministry of Magic was full of owl droppings.

Looking at the paper airplanes circling slowly above his head, and taking another look at his straight suit, Percy felt that this reform was really great.

[Fifth floor, Department of International Magic Cooperation, including the International Magic Trade Standards Association, International Magic Law Office, and the British Branch of the International Federation of Wizards]

"Excuse me, let me!" Percy squeezed out with great effort. In front of him was a clean and tidy corridor. There were no unnecessary decorations in the corridor. The floor was as smooth as a mirror, giving people a refreshing feeling.

Reminiscent of the corridor of the Magical Sports Department just glimpsed like a bar nightclub, Percy felt that choosing this place was really the right decision.

Before that, under the guidance of that kind witch, he applied for several positions. In the end, the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, the Department of Magical Transportation, and the Department of International Magical Cooperation all showed interest in him. After some careful consideration, he chose the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

At this time, a figure appeared at the end of the corridor.

"Is it the new assistant director, Percy Weasley?" The person who came was a well-dressed witch, and her temperament was more like a white-collar elite than a wizard. She has short hair, wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and the wizard robe on her body has obviously been modified. It is not as loose as other wizard robes, but more slim, which will not hinder the use in daily life.

After receiving Percy's affirmative reply, the witch sized him up with some strange eyes, "Very well, come with me, Mr. Crouch wants to see you."

Percy straightened his collar nervously. As the director, Mr. Crouch wanted to see him. He wasn't very surprised—he was his assistant after all. And it should be.

The capable witch led Percy into the depths of the corridor.

"Mr. Crouch likes neatness and order the most, so our company's environment should be the best in the Ministry of Magic. Everything must be in order and meticulous." They walked by a window, and the bright sunlight shone on Percy. face.

Percy knew that even if it was underground, it would not affect the lighting of the Ministry of Magic, because these windows were enchanted, and the specific weather would be determined by the Magical Maintenance Service-if this department wanted to raise wages, the entire Ministry of Magic would be very difficult. Potentially a long period of severe weather is in store.

The two turned a corner, and there were two heavy oak doors facing them. The words [International Department of Magical Cooperation] were written in cursive script on the top of the doors. Through the gate, Percy entered an open area divided into cubicles, where everyone was hunched over their desks, quietly busy. The only sound in the whole area was the rustle of the quill pen across the parchment and the sound of documents being turned. It was as if what he came to was not an office area but an examination room.

From time to time, a few messages passing notes flew in and out of the cubicle, bringing messages to colleagues sitting nearby.

Percy saw a sign on a cubicle that said in extremely neat letters: International Association for Magical Trade Standards.

This scene completely shocked Percy. He felt that there was no other place in the world that was more perfect than this place. This place was simply the embodiment of rules and order.

When passing by the cubicle, Percy peeked into the door secretly. He saw a wizard sitting on his desk, writing something on a note, and there was a lot of documents on his desk. , but everything is neatly arranged.

"He must be busy with something extremely important!" Percy thought to himself.

But if Percy saw what he was writing, he would be shocked. The wizard's note read impressively: [Joy, do you want to have a drink at noon? 】

Most of the notes in this office have similar content, or some complicated procedures: here you need to sign, and there he needs to submit an The wizard here even has to come up with Take some time to write today's work summary, and then send the work summary to your boss. After reading your summary, the boss will write a receipt and arrange the next day's work for you.

The wizards here seem to be very busy, and they are actually very busy, but how much work did they actually do...

Don't ask, don't ask! Everyone is working hard!

Of course, Percy did not know the truth. Even if the witch who took the lead knew, she didn't bother to expose this tacit status quo.

And the source of all this is Mr. Crouch who likes rules and is very busy.

Percy and the witch walked through this office area, and walked through corridors and similar office areas for a few days, and finally came to a wooden door. The nameplate on the door told Percy that this was Mr. Crouch's office.


Live a happy pig life~