The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 244: Harry's SOS (Happy 51!)

Taxi driver: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Young man, your question is very strange!

It has been several months since the prime minister changed, how do you know?

But it's strange, the driver still made up a reasonable explanation: this child may have gone to a relatively closed school before? You see, as soon as the summer vacation comes, I slip out to go shopping with my girlfriend...

Very reasonable explanation.

Anyway, idle is idle, the driver seriously gave Tom "science" the changes in the British political arena in recent months.

It seems that in all countries, taxi drivers are the most competent people. This is determined by the particularity of this profession. The taxi driver must have a car. A car, no matter whether the two cars belong to you or not, means that the driver's own class has been improved. In the era when private cars were not yet popular, being able to drive a taxi was a very remarkable thing. Only drivers with driver's licenses can be hired by taxi companies, which shows that the drivers themselves are literate and understand certain mechanical knowledge and traffic regulations. In the middle of the 20th century, such a person was definitely worthy of the word "talent".

In the era when fares were expensive, taxi passengers were not ordinary people. When two people with certain status got together, it was easy to find a common topic, so Jianzheng began.

Even if private cars become popular in the future and the status of taxi drivers declines, this habit has not disappeared, but has been retained. Because driving is boring, what else can you do without chatting while driving?

Don't underestimate the taxi drivers in the UK. There are large and small trade unions in the UK. These unions unite the workers closely. An ordinary London taxi driver is likely to get acquainted with the minister's driver at an event. The minister Drivers have their own network, so a well-informed news network was born.

Sometimes, the driver is more informed than the minister!

The taxi driver Tom took was a well-informed man.

"Although Mr. Harker was elected...but people with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that he can only become the prime minister. I predicted this after Christmas!" The driver master held the steering wheel with one hand and waved it vigorously with the other, as if It is like a relative who becomes the prime minister.

"Then, has Mr. Huck achieved anything in the past few months?" The fact that the new prime minister is someone she knows made Hermione very excited. ideal.

The driver fell silent.

He smacked his mouth, and suddenly realized that the prime minister usually had a strong sense of presence, but if he really wanted to count his achievements, it seemed that he couldn't remember for a while. He seems to be speaking and interviewing every day, but he has nothing to show for his achievements.

Maybe it's because he's been in office for too short a time? But his predecessor didn't seem to have any conspicuous political achievements—although the former prime minister turned the opposition party into the ruling party, his achievements were limited to within the party, and he did not leave anything to the country.

The last time the Prime Minister of the British Empire had a bright moment, I am afraid it can be traced back to the Falklands Sea Battle in 1982.

"Well...he defended the reputation of British sausages, saved the cost of the prison...he also said to cut the government budget, what kind of trident, transparent government, but these have not been seen yet." The driver searched his stomach and finally found Huck's A little grade.

Tom: ...

Sure enough, almost nothing was done soon...

"It's good, the country can't stand the toss now." Tom felt that the problems of Britain could no longer be solved by a wise prime minister.

"Yeah," the driver agreed with Tom, "when the country is going downhill, the people in the driver's seat are always trying to put a foot on the gas pedal—but they always forget to turn around first and then put on the gas pedal."

There was a cheerful atmosphere in the car.

Tom was very happy to work with Mr. Driver. The two went from the confrontation between the two poles to the discussion of one superpower and more powers, and then delved into the reasons for the outbreak of World War I and World War II and whether the decline of the British Empire was accidental or inevitable. When the taxi arrived at the destination, they were already talking about the resurgence of Britain. possibility.

"The destination is here, 10.5 pounds." The driver braked and stopped firmly on the side of the road.

While Hermione was rummaging through her wallet, the driver's snow-white owl attracted attention. He patted the seat and motioned Tom to look out.

"Look, there's an owl over there!"

Following the driver's index finger, Tom saw a snow-white owl squatting on the mailbox of Hermione's house. This owl was familiar to everyone, and it was Harry's Hedwig.

"Sure enough, environmental protection has been getting better and better over the years. Even the suburbs of London can see owls." Hedwig's appearance did not arouse the driver's suspicion. He attributed all this to the improvement of the environment.

"Goodbye!" After accepting the fare, the taxi spewed exhaust and drove away quickly. Tom looked at the tail lights going away and sighed, "What a talkative driver!"

"You're not bad either!" Hermione walked quickly to Hedwig, trying to untie the letter from her lap. But Hedwig refused. Hermione took a closer look, and it turned out that Tom's name was filled in the recipient column.

Hedwig is a principled owl who only delivers letters to their recipients. So Hermione didn't get the letter until Tom came over.

She tore open the envelope, glanced at two lines quickly, and said to Tom: "Harry's letter is, well... interesting."

Tom hurriedly took the letter from Hermione and read it.

Hermione was right, the letter was indeed Harry's distress letter.

[Dear Tom:

Hello! Say hello to Hermione for me (I guess you should be with her)]

Tom: ...

This guy guessed pretty well.

【Have you had a good summer vacation? I heard from Ron that you are also going to the Quidditch World Cup final? That would be great to see us again in August.

Things haven't improved for me here - or worsened a lot because Dali is going on a diet to lose weight. Uncle Vernon and the others were always good at making excuses, but this time they couldn't get away with it: there were no more trousers in the school clothing store for Dudley, ha!

I wanted to have fun, but I didn't realize that the ultimate diet plan was for everyone in the family—Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and me.

Can you imagine the pain of eating nothing but weight loss diets every day? I now eat fruits and vegetables every day, and I have hallucinations, as if I were a rabbit. For Merlin's sake, save me! Could you send me something to eat (no fruits, vegetables), I would be very grateful.


Note: Let Hedwig bring something back at night, there is a possibility of exposure during the day]


Happy Friday everyone!

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