The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 41: Mustache King Menis (2 in 1)

Fox looked at Tom thoughtfully, with a very human slyness flashing in his eyes. Today, it knows something extraordinary. But Fox is not going to tell the old man and others about this matter—this is a good handle, and he must hold it in his own paws. Thinking of this, it narrowed its eyes, looking indifferent to the matter, secretly listening to every conversation carefully.

After getting Tom's affirmation, Menis asked again: "Then the Nirvana of the Phoenix, you should also know it?"

Hearing this sentence, Fox almost opened his eyes in shock: This kid actually knows the untold secret of our Phoenix family?

"Nirvana is not counted. After Nirvana, I will become a child, and my change should be described as resurrection."

Menis nodded, "That makes sense, so you came back from the illusion?"


"Try to use this ability less in the future." Menis persuaded Tom, "Every time you go to the Misty Illusion, your soul and body will be separated, making the two less coordinated. creatures, this shortcoming will be magnified, and eventually the dementor may just approach you, and your soul will leave your body."

At this time, the catwoman named Ankaya also came back, holding a small tray and a sycamore branch in her hand. Tom put Fox on the branch and took the tray from Ankaya. There was a small clay cup on the tray. The cup was very plain without any patterns, and it contained a golden-yellow thick liquid.

Tom picked up the clay cup and took a sip. The wine in the cup was very sweet, not so much wine as honey mixed with wine. The glass was very small, and there was not much wine in it, just a sip, but after Tom drank it, Menis, who was sitting opposite him, still showed a painful expression.

At the beginning, Tom didn't feel anything unusual when the wine fell into his belly. He only felt that the wine was very sweet, even a little bit sluggish. The third sip will kill you. But after a while, Tom felt itchy in some places on his body, and it got worse. He couldn't help scratching, but it didn't help.

This itching sensation even made him fall to the ground, twitching non-stop. Hermione quickly hugged him, and asked Menis, "What did you make him drink? What did you do to him?"

Menis, on the other hand, looked "as expected", lying leisurely on the cushion, watching Tom's twitching non-stop, "It's a good thing for him that he didn't do anything. Don't worry, I It won't hurt him."

After about three minutes, Tom felt that the itching on his body had subsided, so he sat up and looked at Menis. He needs an explanation.

Menis gave a "tsk", and said lazily: "It's so kind to be a donkey's liver and lungs, kindly to help you remove the defects in your soul, but you don't appreciate it, tsk tsk tsk..."

"Huh?" Tom felt his body carefully, but he didn't find any difference before and after drinking. If he had to say it, maybe his body felt a little more comfortable? It's like taking a hot bath.

"The glass of wine just now was brewed by the priest under me back then. It is very good for the soul. It can fuse your soul and body together again. Next time you meet a dementor, you won't be so embarrassed. "Menis felt that he still had to explain it carefully, lest the two of them would be ungrateful for chewing peonies.

It can be seen that Menis is still very proud of this wine, "If this wine is drunk all year round, it can even bind split souls together—boys of later generations, did you have such a good thing in your time? "

Tom heard that this wine had such a miraculous effect, his eyes lit up: "Then can I..."

"No." Menis refused him without waiting for Tom to finish speaking.

"Drinking a glass of something less than a glass, how can you drink it—unless you stay here forever."

It turns out that in the time loop of Menes, all kinds of materials will be restored to their original reserves the next day, but once the person who has consumed the materials leaves this time loop, the materials he consumed will not be restored. This is "conservation". For Menis, it was nothing to consume the wine and meat used to entertain guests on weekdays, but he didn't even store much of this kind of divine wine, and it was enough for him to be hurt by being drunk by Tom.

"So that's how it is." After Tom understood the ins and outs of this, he quickly got up and saluted Menis very seriously to express his gratitude.

Menis waved his hand, expressing magnanimously that this is nothing, who told me to see you pleasing to the eye?

He clapped his hands and signaled the servants to bring up the banquet.

"You can eat whatever you want." Afraid that Tom and Hermione would be burdened, he took the initiative to invite them to let go of their stomachs and eat and drink. "I have plenty of these things!"

When the main course was finished and Catwoman came over with dessert, Tom also took the opportunity to take out the gift for Menis.

"A little gift from our time is not precious, but it is also rare. Do you think it suits you? We will bring it to you next time if it suits you." Tom wisely left a "button" for him. Prepared a foreshadowing for the next visit.

Menis naturally understood the deep meaning in Tom's words, but he didn't care. In his opinion, it would be nice for a little guy to come and chat with him often to relieve boredom. What he cared more about was what kind of experience this junior brought him. Gift.

"Take it out quickly, I can't wait." Menis urged Tom.

"This is a popular candy in our place called chocolate." Tom took out a box of chocolates from his bag and handed it to Menis. Naturally, the chocolates given to Pharaoh cannot be small brands or miscellaneous brands. He chose Godiva's chocolates. This is a Belgian brand. It has been the royal chocolate brand of the Belgian royal family since 1968. It is known as the most expensive chocolate, the Rolls Royce of the chocolate industry. Giving this kind of chocolate to Menis as a gift is not an insult to his identity.

Tom thinks that Menis probably has never eaten chocolate—this stuff originated in Central and South America, and was first born in the 16th century. The Spaniards ground cocoa beans into powder, then added water and sugar to make a drink called "chocolate". Solid chocolate was not invented until 1828, and even the word chocolate was in 1300. The aborigines used processed cocoa beans to make a drink, which was just born before, and they named it "Cafe". When the word was born, Menis had been an otaku for thousands of years... so he must have never seen chocolate.

Menis untied the ribbon on the outside of the box, revealing the black lining inside. There are twelve chocolates of different shapes neatly stacked inside, some are black, some are white, and some are black and white, there are six pairs in total. He casually picked up a piece of white round chocolate with a very thin black silk thread on it, put it in his mouth, and chewed it again, a rich milky aroma came out.

Menis slowly chewed the chocolate in his mouth, feeling the delicate taste. In the end he showed a satisfied smile: "Very delicious dessert, you can bring more next time."

Tom smiled, and pushed a black gift box with Godiva's emblem towards Menis. After Menis opened it, he found that it was actually full of chocolates. The gift box is divided into upper and lower layers, the upper layer contains chocolates of various shapes, and the lower layer contains neatly-sized solid-color chocolates.

"Thank you." A gleam of joy flashed in Menis's heart: just now he was still a little distressed, that box of chocolates only had twelve pieces, and after he finished eating, he had to wait until the next day to refresh. Well now, this whole box of chocolates is enough for him to eat.

Tom took the opportunity to tell a story about Godiva, a chocolate brand.

And there is a very moving story behind the name "Godivin". It is said that in the eleventh century A.D., there was an earl who levied heavy taxes on the people in order to go to war, making the people under his rule miserable. The earl's kind and beautiful wife, Mrs. Godiva (Godiva), saw the suffering of the people's livelihood, and decided to plead with the earl to reduce taxes and reduce the burden on the people. The count was furious, thinking that it was embarrassing for his wife to intercede for the pariah. Mrs. Godiva replied that the earl would definitely find the bright spots in these people. So they made a bet that might be difficult for modern people to understand—Madame Godiva would ride through the streets of the city naked, with only her long hair covering her body. Tax cuts will be announced. In the morning of the next day, Madam rode on her horse and headed towards the city. All the people in the Earldom avoided the house honestly, so that Madam would not be ashamed. Afterwards, the earl kept his promise and announced a tax cut for the whole city. This is the legend of the famous Madame Godiva.

After listening to the story, Menis fell into deep thought, and finally said to Tom: "Is this earl out of his mind? After a lot of tossing, his wife walked around his own territory naked, and he needed it for his military expansion. The source of tax revenue has been cut off, and in the end the people still support their own wives—I think this approach is really stupid.”

Tom said: Maybe the earl enjoys it?

Menis: I was shocked.

Besides the chocolates, Tom also brought Menis a china tableware set, several pots of tea, a few story books, a lot of odds and ends, and a set of cards. That's right, when I saw Pharaoh, I naturally wanted to play cards with him.

He handed the card to Menis, and then told him the story behind the card. Sure enough, Menis was deeply attracted by this story with card monster duels and seven thousand-year-old artifacts as the main line.

"A thousand-year-old artifact in Egypt?" But to Tom's surprise, Menis actually took this fictional story seriously.

"I didn't seem to have heard of these seven gadgets when I was in power, and my descendants didn't invent such things..." Menis rubbed his chin. Tom just wanted to say that this was just a fictional comic story, but Mei Nisi Nice was stunned by what he said next.

"—But I do have several alchemy creations with similar effects to this so-called 'Millennium Artifact'."

Tom:? !

"But it's all pretty tasteless," Menis said while ordering Ankaya to bring some gold utensils over.

"Look, this is a scale of fairness. One side holds the 'wish' and the other side holds the 'price'. When the two are equal, the transaction can be concluded. This necklace is a bit like the millennium jewelry you said, it can help the priest Divination, this scepter can manipulate and enslave others, and these few things can spy on people's inner world..." Menis introduced the alchemy creations in front of him one by one, and it was obvious that he didn't use them often, and some of the instruments actually fell ash. "I've always felt that prying into other people's hearts is useless. Isn't this a spell that can solve it?"

Tom is silent, indeed, the millennium eye, the millennium key and other millennium artifacts, wizards can use instigmatism to solve them, wizards have the Imperius Curse to achieve the effect of the millennium scepter...

Mines put the pile of gold artifacts aside, and started flipping through the cards that Tom brought over.

"Ha! Let me try..." He took two gold nuggets and put his hands on them, then he closed his eyes and meditated for a while, the two gold nuggets became two duel discs, and the floor tiles of the main hall became one squares of different sizes.

"Come on, Yoddle, let's play cards!" Menis threw a duel disc to Tom, and put the other on his hand. At the same time, he chose more than forty cards and put them in.

Tom took the chuck, looked down, and almost blurted out: The duel disk that Menis made casually can be regarded as a four-star alchemy creation!

[Pharaoh's Duel Disk (four stars): A magical duel disk that can scatter cards, deal cards randomly, and project cards by the way

Remarks: The right to interpret the card belongs to Pharaoh]

The two of them fought like this.

Soon, Tom understood what "the right to interpret belongs to the pharaoh".

Menes: I use the trap card Corrosion of the Earth to reduce the attack power of your Obelisk!

Tom: God doesn't eat traps, traps are useless to God!

Menis: I am not using it against the gods, I am using it on the battlefield where the gods are.

Tom:? !

Tom: I hide my water attribute monsters at the bottom of the water, so you can't hit my water attribute monsters, but I can hit you through the bottom of the water! (Tom: You are not the only one who can mustache, I can too!)

Menis: Break your own magic card and the full moon will cause low tide! Now I can hit you!

Tom:? !

Menes: Make my demons summon big moths to attack you!

Tom: Wait! My big moth has 2600 attack Your demon summoning only has 2400 attack power, how do you...

Menis: Did you see the magic mist rain?


Menis: Fog can expand the conductive range and enhance the conductive effect, and the attack method of the demon summon is to throw electric balls, so my demon summon can crush your big moth!


He could see that once Menis played cards, he didn't care much about the rules, and even if he fell into a disadvantage, he could still fool him with a mustache...

However, Menis was having a good time, and Tom's purpose was to make him happy.

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