The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 59: Moscow to Vladivostok

The protective cover looks like a long-haired shell, which shrinks directly when it meets the Time Converter, and fits tightly on the hourglass surface of the Time Converter. Hermione hung the converter's chain around her and Tom's necks and turned the little hourglass. As she turned, she carefully observed the change of the protective cover.

Every time Hermione turned around, the protective cover swelled a little. After Hermione turned 170 times, the protective cover swelled to the extreme, and it seemed that it would explode in the next second.

"Stop!" Hermione stopped. The next moment, the scenery in front of them became blurred, and everything around them turned into a familiar mosaic shape again. When they landed, they were already a week ago.

"Not bad for a week's vacation!" Hermione rubbed her hands together, as if she wanted to whistle, but held back.

"A week..." The length of time touched her, and she remembered something.

"It seems that among the tasks issued by the guild, no one has accepted the investigation task of the Siberia Railway?"

"Probably not yet, I can take it—it's still a C-level mission, and it can be promoted after completion." Tom recalled that the mission had been suspended for a while, and it seemed that no one had accepted it.

"And it just so happened that it would take a little more than six days." Hermione felt that it would be better to take this opportunity to do this task during the vacation. A week off is rare, and if they don't do it this time, they will have to wait until Christmas. And by that time, this task may have been completed by others.

Of course, the most important thing is that taking this railway once is a form of vacation in itself. The Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok is the longest railway line in the world, with a total length of 9,288 kilometers and takes 150 hours to complete. Of course, there used to be a longer railway line than it - Kiev, Ukraine to Vladivostok Railway, the whole journey is 11,085 kilometers, and only one ticket is required. Unfortunately, this line has been out of service with the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It is worth mentioning that the second-ranked main line is the railway line from Moscow to Pyongyang, with a total length of 10,267 kilometers—it is also out of service, and it is also a special product of the Soviet Union.

More importantly, when taking the train, you can also enjoy the scenery along the railway line. Siberia's landscape is impeccable: endless steppes, glacial canyons covered with snow. When the sun rises in the morning, the train seems to be chasing the sun, and at sunset, there is an illusion of driving on gold.

Hermione couldn't help but be moved when she thought about Siberia and the experience on the railway.

If you are excited, then act. For ordinary people, the distance between London and Moscow is simply the ends of the earth. Only Downing Street's state secrets could reach Moscow so quickly. Beyond that, everything else takes a long time and effort.

But this distance is nothing to wizards. Tom and Hermione quietly went back to the dormitory to take some belongings, then went to the principal's office, found Fox, and exchanged Fox's help for a catty of King Snake meat, allowing him to fly the two of them to Moscow. Dumbledore didn't know what he was doing recently, and he was always away from the office. Fortunately, he didn't change the password for the entrance, otherwise Tom would still have to struggle to get in.

Soon after, Tom and Hermione appeared on the streets of Moscow. Their destination was Yaroslavl station, one of the largest railway stations in Moscow and the starting point for the mission. Strictly speaking, the Trans-Siberian Railway, known as the Eurasian Continental Bridge, runs from east to west, and can even start from Hamburg, Germany, but if you really want to "one ticket to the end", you can only choose Moscow as the starting station.

But they can't go directly to the train station. After they "teleported" to Moscow through the Phoenix, they first went to the bank to exchange a batch of rubles. These days, people who exchange pounds for rubles at the official price are simply synonymous with fools. The behavior of the two of Tom attracted quite a lot of strange eyes.

Even when they left the bank, several people followed them silently, and they didn't stop until they were led to the corner by Tom and took a few confusion spells.

Along the way, only the word "depression" is the most appropriate word for the scenery Tom saw. The former prosperous capital of the Red Empire is now nothing but a mess. Although the magnificent building is still there, it is only an empty shell. The streets are full of graffiti, broken wine bottles, sleepy drunks and small vendors with all kinds of sundries. Occasionally passers-by on the street also wrapped themselves tightly, as if they didn't even want to say a word to these small vendors.

Hermione had no such concerns. She looked curiously at the small odds and ends in the arms, baskets, and stalls of street vendors: wine, wine glasses, candlesticks, seemed that they had everything.

"It looks very interesting. Is this a flea market?" She asked Tom with great interest. "It turns out that Moscow is like this... What's the long queue over there?"

Tom didn't answer, he knew the origins of these vendors very well - maybe a few years ago, they were teachers, engineers, workers, but now, they all took to the streets, set up stalls, and became "flexible workers" for Russia. The "street stall economy" has contributed a lot. He also understood very well that this so-called "flea market" was not opened with the theme of "saving". The theme here is "survival". He looked in the direction of Hermione's finger, and sure enough, he saw a long dragon.

"Bakeries." He just took a look at the packages in the arms of the people who left at the front of the line, and he understood what they were queuing for.

"Then the bread taste of this shop must be very good," Hermione's eyes showed a trace of yearning, "It's a pity we don't have so much time..."

With a look of affection in Tom's eyes, he stroked Hermione's hair.

"What's the suddenly touched my head?" Hermione slapped Tom's hand off her head, complaining somewhat dissatisfied, "Hairstyle is going to be messed up!"

"It's nothing, it's fine." Tom took Hermione's hand and squeezed it, feeling the soft, elastic and warm touch.

What a child who knows nothing about the world and is as pure as a blank sheet of paper! Tom was a little bit emotional, what Hermione saw was still a little bit less.

The two of Tom had already left, and the line in front of the bakery was still moving slowly until a woman in a windbreaker came to the window.

Wearing a decent woolen overcoat, with the collar and hat covering most of her face, she bent down to the bakery's small window and asked in a low voice, "Is there any more bread?"

"The bread is sold out."

This answer is very cold.

Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month!

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