The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 69: white dolphin prison

Justin Fenriely spoke to himself.

"Contracting prisons is very profitable, and the government will not lose money..." At this time, several young wizards around had heard their conversation and were attracted.

"Are you kidding me? How can you make money and save money for the department?" Ernie McMillan felt that the matter was beyond his comprehension, "If I'm not wrong, it's from your place." The Ministry of Magic pays the company, and the company goes and builds a prison—then the problem is, the Ministry of Magic has been paying the money in the process, so how do you save money?"

Ernie MacMillan is a third year Hufflepuff student who is on good terms with Justin Finch. His family is considered a relatively enlightened pure-blood family, which can be seen from the fact that he was sorted into Hufflepuff and then made friends with a **** wizard. But at the same time, he also has the very distinctive characteristics of a pure-blood wizard, that is, he knows almost nothing about Muggle knowledge-he even thinks that the government department of Muggles is also called the Ministry of Magic.

Justin Finchrey: …

"First of all, we don't have a Ministry of Magic there. Where did the Muggles get the Ministry of Magic? Secondly, I need to give you a little common sense, that is, the Muggle government spends money to detain prisoners, a lot of money!"

All the little wizards present were stunned: so it costs money to imprison prisoners? !

No wonder they made a fuss, the Ministry of Magic really didn't spend money to detain prisoners, the most they could do was send someone to Azkaban to deliver a meal, and food was the least valuable thing in the magic world. Even the Weasley family, which is also famously poor, has never been short of food for the children. Every meal at Hogwarts is like a banquet, also because food is really cheap and easy to get in the wizarding world.

"Do you know how much each prisoner spends on finances every year?" Justin Fenlieli looked at his classmates and smiled, "The two million prisoners in the United States spend nearly ten billion dollars a year— You may have no idea about this amount of money. Intuitively speaking, tens of billions of dollars can be exchanged for 260,000 ounces of gold, five tons of gold... What's more terrible is that the annual expenses are rising, and the Muggle government has long been miserable. Overwhelmed, so private prisons came into being."


They may not know what a dollar is, but they know gold. Now they know that the Muggles spend five tons of gold a year just to feed the prisoners.

"The approval process for private prisons is simpler and cheaper. In fact, the use of private prisons can reduce prison spending by the Muggle government by about 20%."

To put it simply, the government originally managed a prisoner by itself, and the annual investment cost was 100. At this time, the private prison came to the door and said that the prisoner would be sent to him, and only 80 per year would be enough for the government. Naturally, he was happy, so the government saved 20% of the expenses in this way. As for how much money a private prison can make, it depends on the director of the prison.

And because the prisoner is just needed—you can't release the criminal just because the prisoner spends too much, can you? So the government has to pay the money, so for them, saving is earning.

As for the ways for private prisons to make money, there are generally three ways. One is government appropriation, and the other is low administrative costs—private enterprises spend much less on various "fire consumption" than public enterprises. A coffee cup costs two thousand dollars. Do you dare to report such an account in a private company? The third is that they can really extract the surplus value of prisoners. There is no labor union in the prison, and the detainees have no voice channel, so there is no obstacle to the arrangement of various labors.

Increase revenue and reduce expenditure plus subsidies, this is the way for private prisons to make a fortune.

Through Justin's explanation, the young wizards present finally understood why such paradoxical phenomena appeared in Muggle society.

"If I want to open a private prison in the UK, what should I do?" Tom is not interested in how much money a private prison can make. What he cares about is opening the prison itself, or he only cares about the prisoners who are sent in.

"Uh..." Justin showed a embarrassed look, "To be honest, Jodl, it's almost impossible, there are only so few places in the UK, and there are only so many light criminals, and they have been divided up by various private prisons. This market is already saturated, and outsiders cannot squeeze in."

He didn't say a little detail: To enter, you need a strong relationship. Even his family was able to open a private prison out of chance and luck.

"Little criminals? What if I only want serious criminals?" Tom didn't want prisoners who went to jail for petty and petty things. They didn't deserve that. What he wants is the real treacherous and evil generation. Tom's idea is simple: I can open a prison by myself, and then kidnap a group of dementors to be jailers.

In this way, he can hold part of the power of the dementor in his own hands.

With them as jailers, Tom doesn't need to think about the issue of escape - Sirius can escape because he is an Animagus, Tom's prison is full of Muggles, where are the Animagus?

Hearing that all Jodl wanted were serious criminals, Justin frowned and relaxed, "That's fine, as long as you convince the officials that the prisoners won't escape from your prison, it's fine. Committing is expensive, and they must be happy to get rid of that burden."

With such a positive answer, Tom's eyes lit up. He decided to formally put the plan on the agenda. The question is, who will take the lead for him? Justin's parents? I am not familiar with him. Mr Granger? How about that? Mr. Granger doesn't look like someone who can run a prison.

After thinking about it, a figure appeared in Tom's mind. Although it was not very suitable, it was much more reliable than other options.

Just as Tom was choosing a candidate in his Justin gradually changed the subject, he began to talk about his experience in the non-magic world, and the other young wizards were taken aback for a while.

"Really? Muggles landed on the moon?"

"So what is the principle of such a thing as a phone?"

"Muggles really...?"

Tom didn't join this nonsensical question and answer. He seized the time to fill his stomach and went to the owl house to post the letter.

As night fell, Yuri, who was far away in London, received a letter.

He took the letter from the white dove's foot in the window, opened it and read it.

The first sentence on the letter was: [Yuri, are you interested in opening a private prison? I think the prison can be named "White Dolphin", do you like it? 】


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