The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 86: Bathing and dressing (big

The house is not big, ten square meters at most, but it has three fireplaces, and the raging fire makes the whole house look like an oven.

But for people like Hermione with mild to moderate hypothermia, there is no more suitable room than this.

Hermione's symptoms were classic hypothermia: hypothermia due to loss of too much heat due to wet clothes. The symptom of hypothermia is, in layman's terms, freezing. Contrary to ordinary people's common sense, hypothermia is quite easy to trigger. In fact, under certain circumstances, a room temperature of more than ten degrees can freeze people to death.

Fortunately, Tom found out in time, and he happened to know the way to treat hypothermia, otherwise the consequences would be extremely serious.

To treat hypothermia, three things should be done: take the patient out of the low-temperature environment; take off the cold and wet clothes and replace them with dry and warm clothes; soak them in warm water higher than the body temperature of the human body or warm them with a fire to warm them up. 【Note】

Tom felt that he had done a good job on the first two points - although the second point was not thorough enough.

Tom put Hermione on the bed, and she looked slightly better. Her body no longer trembled involuntarily, and the purple color on her lips gradually dissipated.

She lay weakly on the bed, her body sank a little, her chest rose and fell slightly with her breathing. At this time, Hermione didn't have the usual sense of strength and looked sickly. But it is this appearance that makes people feel more distressed and makes people want to protect her.

"Sorry," Tom couldn't just leave Hermione alone, he still had a lot to do. He first helped Hermione take off the team robe that was wrapped around it, revealing the black turtleneck sweater underneath.

"A dress that fits very well." Tom felt that Hermione's aesthetics was getting better and better, but he still leaned in front of Hermione, stared into her eyes and said, "If you can still move, I suggest Come yourself."

The tip of his nose was almost touching the tip of Hermione's.

"Just let me lie here..." Hermione lay on the bed and said weakly, trying to pass the test cutely.

"No, wet clothes! You're going to catch a cold!"

Tom is a very principled man.

"Come on then," Hermione said, turning away from him.

Tom shook his head, grabbed the hem of Hermione's sweater, and took it off at once, revealing the delicate black corset underneath, and then put his hand on Hermione's trousers amidst Hermione's exclamation .

Hermione screamed, and a force surged out of nowhere. After pushing Tom away, she jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom.

"Tom the Rascal!"

"Remember to take a hot bath." Tom was relieved.

After Hermione ran into the bathroom, she lay down on the edge of the bathtub and turned on the tap. Looking at the bubbling hot water, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. She stood up, did it herself, and took off her trousers, leaving only her close-fitting little coat and shoes and socks on her body.

Today, the lucky color for girls is black.

She deftly unbuttoned her black corsage with her backhand, and then removed the same style of bottoms.

Hermione's hands rested on both sides of her thighs, gently stroking the silk fabric on her legs: it felt smooth and soft, with the unique fragrance of girl's skin. If it is normal, it will still carry the body temperature of a girl. It's just that Hermione's skin is icy cold today, and even the silk has lost its temperature.

The best clothes, the most precious things, are reserved for the best people.

Hermione slid her hands down, hooked the heels, took off the shoes on her feet and threw them aside, then clasped the edge of her knee socks with her hands, and stroked them down, the whole knee socks rolled up and fell all the way to her feet. department.

Hermione lifted her right foot first, grabbed the sock on the heel, and took it off completely, followed by her left foot, and she took off a pair of wet silk knee socks completely.

She raised the sock to the tip of her nose and sniffed it lightly twice. Fortunately, there was no smell, only the fishy smell of rainwater. Hermione threw the knee socks on the ground casually, and finally took off her bracelet, anklet and leg rings, placed them neatly by the side of the bathtub, and stepped into the bathtub barefoot.

"Ah..." The hot water made her let out a comfortable moan, and she felt that every pore in her body was opened and enlarged in the warm water. After a while, Hermione's face was covered with fine beads of sweat, and her whole body became warm. The hot water in the bathtub added a little color to the girl's creamy skin.

The hot water revived the girl.

Her fingertips slid across her collarbone, wandered around her waist, all the way down to her toes, every inch of her skin was carefully wiped and kneaded several times until the blood flowed through and the whole body felt comfortable.

It's been a long bath. It wasn't until the hot water was changed three times that Hermione reluctantly left the bathtub.

"The Room of Requirement is a good place. Ravenclaw's bedroom will not have such good conditions, where people can take a bath at will." Hermione liked this magical little room from the bottom of her heart. This is the starting point of her and Tom's adventure!

But when Hermione stood up from the enveloping fog, she discovered a somewhat embarrassing fact: there was no change of her own clothes here, and as for the wet and dirty clothes on the ground, she didn't even want to touch them.

Fortunately, there was a small wardrobe next to the bathtub. She opened the door of the wardrobe, and a set of neatly folded clothes appeared in front of her.

Hermione unfolded the clothes and was taken aback: This it really okay to just wear it like this? But if you don't wear it, it seems that you have no other choice...

And after thinking about it, this outfit seems to be okay, because there are only her and Tom in the room, and besides, the cat ears look furry and cute.

[The task is completed, the mysterious reward has been issued]

Tom saw the message.

"Oh?" Tom raised his eyebrows: it was an unexpected surprise. He almost forgot if the system didn't mention it. As for what the mysterious reward is, he is looking forward to it.

While Hermione was in the hot bath, he was recalling the Patronus he had summoned today. What happened today is really special, two patron saints can be fused together to become a more powerful patron saint, this is simply unheard of! This is not Yu-Gi-Oh, who can also fuse two kinds of monsters. Whether this phenomenon is common or only used with Hermione is uncertain, and things have yet to be proven.

But this magic that he and Hermione used together has never appeared in the history of magic, so I'm afraid they will have to come up with a name for it.

what name should I choose? Tom was a little conflicted. First of all, he definitely couldn't call it the Patronus Fusion Technique. The name was too unlucky, and he didn't even want to use any names with "fusion". But this is not a very good name-because it is indeed two Patronuses fused together.

Suddenly, Tom had a flash of inspiration and thought of a word, which was very appropriate.

"Perfect match!" This phenomenon is simply called perfect match! Tom had a new name for himself and Hermione's Patronus.

As for the appearance of his Patronus becoming Hermione's Patronus, he figured out the reason: his Patronus is likely to be a Boggart, which can imitate and transform into the appearance of other Patronus. And without other Patronuses, it will maintain the appearance of fog... Very unique Patronus, boys are fickle...

Just when he was thinking wildly, the door of the bathroom opened, and a scent of water vapor filled the air, followed by the sound of heels tapping on the floor.

Hermione came out of the bathroom wearing the new clothes she had found.

"Does my dress look good?"

It looks great! Tom answered with his own eyes.

Hermione was wearing a black short-sleeved dress with puff sleeves at the cuffs, giving it a sense of gorgeousness. The women's leather shoes on the feet were replaced by a pair of black flat boots, without frills and raised, messy laces. Clothes are made sparingly, exposing a large expanse of fair skin. She also wears a pair of cat ears on top of her head, and the furry black cat ears add a touch of cuteness to Hermione.

Hermione looked like a black and white kitten with white front paws and black back paws, slender but not weak, proud but not arrogant.

She walked to Tom's bed step by step, bent down and looked at him.

"Looks like you're warming up?" Tom moved his eyes away as he moved to the side, making room for Hermione.

"Yeah," Hermione snorted, and nudged Tom's chest like a cat with her head before jumping onto the bed and sinking into the fluffy quilt.

"It's time to sleep~" Hermione tried to jump, bringing a burst of fragrance.

"Hey! At least take off your shoes before going to bed!" Seeing that Hermione went to bed with her shoes on, Tom protested, and then he saw Hermione tucked into her quilt, with only her head exposed, With a rustling sound, the dress and boots were thrown out.

Hermione wrapped the quilt tightly, twisted twice, and changed her position so that she and Tom lay face to face. She looked at Tom's lips, opened her small mouth slightly, and bit her lower lip lightly, her eyes seemed to be full of autumn water.

At this moment, their faces were already so close that they were almost touching, and Tom could even feel the heat of Hermione's exhalation. He felt his heart beating faster and his blood rushing.

"Your skin is so good..." she said in a very soft voice, and then offered to kiss the corner of Tom's mouth.

"You are really the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts." Tom took a deep breath, trying not to respond to Hermione, but stretched out a finger, touched her forehead, and pushed her away a little, " Go to bed quickly! You are tired enough today."

He tried to pull his hand back under the covers, but Hermione grabbed her, and he twitched but didn't. He looked at Hermione, but found that the girl seemed to have fallen asleep, so he let Hermione hold his hand, held hands together, and fell asleep face to face.

The candles in the room were also automatically extinguished, leaving only the charcoal in the fireplace still emitting a faint light. The whole house was gradually shrouded in darkness.

But the silence in the Responding Room does not mean that other places are also so quiet. Dumbledore's office is very lively.

"Ridiculous!" Professor McGonagall slammed his fist on the table, causing a small silver cup on the table to fly a little.

"The dementor walked into Hogwarts just like that - if my eyes weren't still there, I thought I was sent to the public toilet of the Three Broomsticks by the Portkey!" Professor McGonagall looked angry Terrific, "Dementors...Hogwarts...Albus—"

Dumbledore raised a hand, motioning for her to pause for a while, "I know, Connelly wants to give us an answer."

Sparks of rage flickered behind his crescent-shaped lenses.

"Is Harry okay?" he asked suddenly.

"Alive." Snape in the corner gave the answer.

"He is recuperating in the school hospital, and his teammates are accompanying him." Professor McGonagall added, "But his broom lost control and seemed to float into the Forbidden Forest and hit the Whomping Willow. Pomona I went to get it...Maybe Felius can fix it..."

"Poor boy," Dumbledore shook his head, "it will take him a while to accept all this."

"The matter about Potter is irrelevant. The patron saint of the young couple is more interesting than the sad story of little Potter." Snape didn't want to hear about Harry after he knew that his life was safe. Care about those two magical Patronus just saw.

This sentence and his attitude made Professor McGonagall a little annoyed, but she also needed to admit that the performance of Yoddle and Granger on the court just now was indeed worthy of their discussion.

"Generally speaking, Patronuses don't take the form of magical animals," Snape said slowly, "but just now, obviously, Mr. Yodle and Miss Granger summoned the same three-headed dog Patronus, And their Patronus has also merged, which is not common."

Dumbledore didn't rush to answer, but fell into thinking.

Early the next morning, several clothes were thrown on Hermione, waking her up.

"It's all washed, you change it quickly, let's go down to have breakfast." Tom found a mirror, and said to Hermione who was still lying in bed while combing his hair.

"Hey! These are my underwear—"

“There is a washing machine in the bathroom!”

"You wash your socks and underwear together?!" Hermione showed a shocked expression.


is there any difference? Isn't it all snoring, clattering, and then the laundry is done in a blink of an eye? Why do you have to wash underwear and outerwear separately?

Hermione was a little annoyed, but fortunately the clothes were all dark. She comforted herself like this.

"You don't want to go out in them?" Tom asked, looking at the "Little Pussycat".

"why not?"

"Of course not!" The only person who can see this dress is me!

"The seasoning box is perfect..." Hermione muttered and pushed Tom into the bathroom and closed the door, and didn't let him out until she had changed her clothes.

"Let's go, eat!"

A door suddenly appeared in the corridor. After the door opened, two figures jumped out from behind the door, walking towards the auditorium.

It was Tom and Hermione who came out.


Slight hypothermia (the temperature in the core area of ​​the human body is 37~35°C)

Moderate hypothermia (the temperature in the core area of ​​the human body is 35~33°C)


Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :