The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 9: new song from the sorting hat

The hat twisted, a mouthlike slit opened in the brim, and it began to sing:

[I was a new hat a long time ago, before Hogwarts was built;

The four founders of Hogwarts wanted to build the best wizarding school in the world.

At that time, wizards were not in a good situation. The noose of the church, the guillotine of the king!

Difficulties and obstacles cannot become shackles, and Hogwarts will be built soon.

Friendship is sincere and strong, teaching is pleasant and harmonious;

The battle of the goblins was quelled, and the enemy's tentacles were cut off mercilessly.

The singing and dancing in the auditorium can't stop for a while, and there are always inexhaustible delicacies on the table!

The fire of wisdom is burning in the classroom, and the song of courage resounds through the sky!

Pure blood, wise mind, extraordinary courage, equal thoughts.

Noble qualities are difficult to have at the same time, and differences bring small quarrels.

Disputes and rivalries intensified, and the school was about to collapse.

Countless quarrels, endless fights,

Good friends in the past turned against each other, and old enemies returned.

Blood and fire, soldiers and spears.

The dispute finally subsided, but Slytherin chose to leave.

Live in harmony, unite as one, fight against differences, and intrigue.

The age of wizards has passed, and a new age has yet to come.

The storm is coming, can the house with broken pillars shelter from the wind and rain?

Know the danger, read the signs, and the lessons of history warn us!

The enemies outside the school are staring at them, but the students inside are ignorant;

The great and powerful predecessors will set up the last cover for us,

We still have time, enjoy the last feast, or sharpen our swords and guns.

I've spoken to you straight, I've sounded the alarm for you.

Remember the motto left to us by the Big Four:

courage! wisdom! Proud! tolerate!

The sun sets in the west, the moon rises in the east, the sun and the moon alternate, and the old and new are constant.

Come on, come wear me! Don't be afraid! Don't panic!

Leave everything to me, because I am a thinking magic hat!]

The hat stood still again, and after a moment's silence there was applause mixed with murmurs in the auditorium.

In the auditorium, the students were whispering to the people around them. Tom clapped his hands like everyone else, but he had something to say in his stomach.

"There seems to be something wrong with this year's song?" Hermione raised her eyebrows. Generally speaking, the Sorting Hat is only responsible for describing the qualities and styles of the four colleges, and finally stated that it is responsible for sorting students. It is not the Sorting Hat's job to advise schools.

There was a trace of anxiety in Hermione's voice, "There have been too many strange things this year, I wonder if this hat has issued similar warnings before?" Hermione looked at Lavin who had just floated in and was sitting next to Tom. The ghost of Crow College, Ms. Gray.

"Well, it has been sent out." She said coldly, "When the Sorting Hat feels it has the responsibility to warn the school, it will do so—"

She stopped talking, because Professor McGonagall took out a roll of parchment, and stared at the students who were whispering sternly in the audience, and everyone shut their mouths knowingly—Principal Dumbledore is not here, Professor McGonagall is the school the first person.

Tom sat quietly under the stage, listening to Professor McGonagall calling the freshmen to the stage one by one, putting the sorting hat on their heads, and sorting them into the most suitable colleges.

His hands began to fidget, first slipping under the table, then up Hermione's lap - he tried to write and draw on it, but Hermione's hand caught him. He could only settle for the next best thing, and wrote in the palm of Hermione's hand: Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up (Note)

Hermione felt itchy in her hands, but still understood Tom's words, so she replied: We can always trust Dumbledore.

Ms. Gray noticed the small movements of the two, glanced at Tom who was enjoying it, rolled her eyes, and turned her head away to ignore the two.

When the last freshman also knew his college, the sorting ceremony was over.

Professor McGonagall put away the Sorting Hat, moved the four-corner stool aside, and stood in front of the podium where Dumbledore usually spoke.

"Before everyone enjoys a sumptuous dinner, I would like to say a few words," Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, and she did not speak until the noise in the auditorium disappeared: "I saw many students because Dumbledore Professor Dumbledore is puzzled by the absence of the professor. I think this kind of thing should be discussed to avoid everyone being suspicious. Professor Dumbledore has a lot of things to do every day. There are many important things in the magic world that need him to decide. Today he has an important meeting and cannot get out. , so let me preside over the opening ceremony for him, and tomorrow you can see Headmaster Dumbledore enjoying breakfast pudding here."

Hearing that something happened temporarily, the little wizards were relieved a lot, and a little doubt flashed in their hearts: What kind of meeting is it that makes Professor Dumbledore attend rather than miss the opening ceremony?

After reassuring the little wizards, Professor McGonagall continued: "You must have known that the dementors from Azkaban searched the Hogwarts Express this afternoon. I regret that Let me tell you that this school year the school will be hosting a number of dementors on ministry duty."

Speaking of this, Professor McGonagall's face darkened a bit. Dumbledore, she and the school's professors were actually very unhappy about the dementor guarding the school, but they couldn't shirk it.

"There will be dementors guarding every passageway in and out of the school. I must make it clear to you in advance that no one is allowed to leave the school without permission. No tricks or disguises can deceive the dementors—not even invisibility. No McGonagall didn't look at anyone when he said this, but both Harry and Ron knew it was meant for them.

"Dementors are different from wizards. They cannot understand requests or excuses. They have their own way of behavior. Therefore I warn you: don't give them any chance and reason to hurt you. The prefects of the houses and the newly appointed male and female students will It is the chairman's responsibility to ensure that no student comes into conflict with a dementor."

Percy, who was sitting at the long table in Gryffindor College, puffed out his chest and looked around seriously. At this time, no one in the entire auditorium made a sound, and everyone fell into silence.

"The following are two pieces of good news," Professor McGonagall adjusted his mood and continued, "This year, our teaching team welcomed two new members. I am very happy to welcome two new colleagues."

"Two?" The young wizards in the audience were taken aback. It was not surprising that a new professor came, because the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts was born every year, but who was the second professor?

Their eyes wandered over the teaching staff, and finally locked on a vacancy.

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