The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 96: Ministry of Magic Envoy

"It's just a small investigation, and there is no need to alarm the Aurors, Minister." Umbridge responded respectfully.

"I have to bring it."

To Umbridge's surprise, Fudge was not out of courtesy this time, but really wanted Umbridge to bring a team of Ministry of Magic elites to Hogsmeade for standby.

"If...Dumbledore is unwilling to compromise, then teach the dementors a lesson and let them know that the wizarding world is still a wizard, and our Ministry of Magic has the final say."

Fudge was still resigned. He didn't want to have too much conflict with Dumbledore. In his mind's balance, Dumbledore was still heavier than the Dementors.

Umbridge doesn't have any ideas of her own, she only has one idea, which is to be consistent with the superiors, so of course she said that she will definitely complete the task satisfactorily.

"Of course, we must always remind these lowly creatures that wizards are their masters, and the Regulations of the Ministry of Magic—"

"Go ahead." Fudge didn't bother to talk to her any more, the smell of Umbridge's perfume made him uncomfortable.

Umbridge stood up respectfully, bowed slightly to Fudge and said, "Yes, Minister."

Umbridge exited Fudge's office and quickly dispatched a team of Aurors and a team of Ministry strikers to Hogsmeade.

After arriving there, she arrogantly ordered the Aurors and strikers to stand by here, and she went to Hogwarts to negotiate first.

Then she met Professor McGonagall.

"Vice-principal Minerva McGonagall, I am the Senior Deputy Minister of Magic, Dolores Jane Umbridge, the Ministry of Magic investigator, responsible for investigating the strange movement of the dementor that happened recently." Umbridge Introduced himself in a sweet voice, then extended the hand of "friendship".

The expression of Professor McGonagall opposite her is this:

subway, old man, mobile phone.jpg

She looked at the five short and thick "fat radishes" that were stretched out in front of her, and she refused all of them—she didn't want to touch this woman at all, but she was a special envoy of the Ministry of Magic. Very polite.

So Professor McGonagall could only pinch his nose and touch Umbridge's five carrot-like fingers lightly.

The smile on Umbridge's face became even sweeter, and he followed Professor McGonagall into Hogwarts with short legs.

"Tsk tsk tsk, after graduating for so many years, the scenery of Hogwarts still hasn't changed at all." After a few words of hypocritical politeness, Umbridge got to the point.

"Minerva, I believe this is all a misunderstanding. As we all know, dementors are loyal to the Ministry of Magic, so they will not disobey the orders of the Ministry of Magic."

"But the dementors did break into the Quidditch pitch, causing great chaos - all the teachers and students of Hogwarts saw it clearly!" Professor McGonagall looked serious, and she was trying to suppress her heart Impatiently, he carefully explained to Umbridge the ins and outs of what happened that day.

However, one cannot wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. Of course Umbridge knew the cause, process, and result of the matter, but she had "her" position.

So, Professor McGonagall broke his tongue, and Umbridge kept repeating like a repeater: This is a misunderstanding.

It was also clear what she meant: the Ministry of Magic must be right, and the Dementors weren't there - they were just doing their job, and the Hogwarts teachers... could be right too - it was all Sirius Black made it!

Professor McGonagall felt his temples throbbing.

"The dementors rushed in and attacked the students." She tried to calm her tone, "It's a fact."

This time it was Umbridge's turn to raise her blood pressure: no amount of faking her death would change the fact that the dementors were harassing the students. Hogwarts student, what is that ingredient?

Leaving aside witches and half-blood wizards, the descendants of every pure-blood family go to Hogwarts. Although some of them kept saying that they wanted to send their children to Durmstrang—such as the Malfoy family, they still chose Hogwarts with extreme honesty.

The juniors of these pure-blood families were terrified that night. After they were frightened, they naturally complained to the elders at home. And the attitude of the elders is also very consistent: Whoever makes our children feel uncomfortable, I will make him feel uncomfortable.

Dementors doing something? They certainly wouldn't hold the dementors accountable. Dementors are dogs raised by the Ministry of Magic. If a child is scared by a dog, he will naturally look for the owner!

So various accountability letters were sent to the Ministry of Magic through official and private channels. The names of the senders on the letters became more and more frightening.

But Fudge wasn't in the slightest panic.

It's not terrible to make mistakes, as long as you can get rid of the blame, then it's not a problem. Sirius Black is an excellent candidate for dumping blame.

The purpose of Umbridge's coming is exactly this: through a "comprehensive" investigation, come to a conclusion - it's all about Sirius, it's a misunderstanding! The Ministry of Magic is a good person, the dementors are conscientious and good servants, and Hogwarts is also an innocent victim. Everyone is right, and the one who is wrong is that Blake!

Umbridge even thought about how to write the notice: the dementor made a small mistake when chasing Sirius, and had a little friction with the students, causing unnecessary trouble, and now the dementor who took the lead has been severely punished Strange. The Ministry of Magic is very sorry about that, and the matter has settled down, so it is no longer taking up public resources, and so on.

It's a big deal to send someone out to bow and apologize!

Hello, me, everyone, how to deal with it, Umbridge couldn't understand why Professor McGonagall and that bad old man refused to let go?

Umbridge knew from Professor McGonagall's reaction that it might be difficult for her to get by with mud and bows.

"Minerva, we are all women, we should be considerate of each I am very aware of your difficult situation at Hogwarts, and correspondingly, I hope you can understand me..." The slime card Nothing worked, and Umbridge started playing the emotional gender card.

Professor McGonagall gave her a strange look.

Difficult situation at Hogwarts? me? I feel like I'm doing okay? Aside from the fact that a few little guys in the college are not very worrying, the headmaster always fishes, and the Slytherin house and their headmaster are too annoying, there seems to be nothing to worry about.

"These seem to have nothing to do with our topic today. Speaking of being considerate, I think my students should be more considerate." Professor McGonagall responded stiffly.

She has only two demands: one, to get the dementors out of the castle; two, to punish them.


I hope that all book friends have drawn the characters they want. At the same time, I also hope that your Gan Yu uses bows and arrows, and Zhong Li uses long spears.

I wish you all a happy new year!

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