The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 97: Why not ask the Dementors?

From Professor McGonagall's point of view, her request was reasonable and reasonable, but Umbridge would be damned if she accepted it. In other words, a little scoundrel like her has no right to accept it at all.

The evacuation of the Dementors can and can only be ordered by the Minister of Magic, and the current Minister of Magic happens to be an irresponsible one. It is better to count on Fudge to order the removal of the Dementors than to count on Sirius to die in the wild by mistakenly eating poisonous mushrooms.

Umbridge: Are you finding fault? Are you embarrassing this Investigator?

"Minerva, please don't joke!"

"I'm not joking."

Umbridge: …

Umbridge didn't even bother to put a smirk on her face, she screamed, "It's impossible. Minerva, I warn you that removing the dementors is extremely dangerous. , will cause Hogwarts to lose its protection, will cause innocent children to be exposed to the sight of evil fanatics, you can afford-"

"But Sirius has slipped in under the eyes of the Dementors once," Professor McGonagall folded his hands and looked at the clown in front of him indifferently, "The portrait of the fat lady has not been repaired."

"I think the school's teachers and Headmaster Dumbledore are enough to protect the students, and even the You-Know-Who can't do anything to us, let alone a Sirius. To put it nasty, it is your Ministry of Magic who has done the most harm to the students. Dementors."

The last sentence directly broke Umbridge's defense. She immediately started to rot: don't listen to McGonagall chanting!

Looking at Umbridge's non-violent and uncooperative appearance, Mag is also a cat scratching a toad and has nowhere to lay his claws. Non-violence does not cooperate, which means that if violence is used, cooperation will occur. However, Umbridge is also an official of the Ministry of Magic, and Hogwarts is not the home of dark wizards, so how can he attack serious officials?

Professor McGonagall was helpless. Negotiations have stalled.

She knew it was hard to get the Ministry of Magic to admit that they were wrong, and it was almost impossible to get them to remove the Dementors, but she had to try. Because this is the perfect time to expel the Dementors.

At this time, the bell rang for the end of the get out of class, and Umbridge, who was at a disadvantage in the negotiation, said to Professor McGonagall as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw: "Minerva, get out of class is over, let's go to lunch first? To be honest. , I miss the canteen pudding so much."

"Of course," Professor McGonagall, who was diverted from the topic, took a deep breath and led Umbridge towards the castle.

Umbridge, who was behind her, showed a smug smile. This trick was a trick she found in the ministry: if you encounter a difficult thing, you can delay it for a while to let the other party's spirit die, and then wait for the opportunity to find flaws. Of course, returning home is also a bit of her selfishness.

Umbridge didn't do well at Hogwarts when he was a student. Now that he has "made a name for himself", he naturally wants to come back to show his strength.

"Everyone hand in a werewolf-themed paper before class next week, two rolls of parchment, focusing on how to identify a werewolf. Class!" Snape dismissed the get out of class after assigning his homework, leaving the little wizards wailing in the classroom.

Tom followed the crowd out of the classroom, ready to go to the auditorium for lunch. As he walked through the hallway, he saw from the hallway window that Professor McGonagall was walking down the stairs into the auditorium with a cloud of pink.

"Umbridge? What's she doing here?" Tom instantly recognized the witch who had visited Hogwarts with Fudge two years earlier. He thinks that this guy has no good intentions in coming to Hogwarts, and it is impossible to visit his alma mater, right?

After a little analysis, Tom immediately guessed the purpose of Umbridge's visit: to clean up the mess left by the Dementors.

"Maybe this is an opportunity to take advantage of?" According to Tom's meaning, he didn't want the dementors to wander around the door of Hogwarts every day. If he could take this opportunity to drive the dementors away from Hogwarts, it would be the best. Well, if you can't, you should also see if there is a possibility to use Umbridge to improve your reputation with the Dementors.

Tom walked into the auditorium with a plan in mind. By this time Umbridge was already sitting on the staff bench.

Soon she regretted it.

Umbridge, dressed in a tender pink wizard robe, immediately attracted the attention of the students, many of whom sat down and pointed at her. This is nothing, after so many years of experience, Umbridge has long been as thick-skinned as social bullshit, pointing and pointing.

The key is that Professor McGonagall's next move is to put her on fire.

Professor McGonagall stood up, cleared his throat, and tapped the goblet beside him with a tune to signal the students to be quiet.

"Classmates, please welcome Ms. Dolores Umbridge, Senior Deputy Minister of Magic, Ministry of Magic Investigator to Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall paused, glanced at Umbridge, and continued: "As we all know, during the Quidditch match last Saturday, the Dementors broke into Hogwarts and turned our game day upside down. It's a mess. The Ministry of Magic is deeply sorry that the dementors under the control of the Ministry of Magic have made such a bad incident, so Ms. Umbridge has been specially sent to assist us in investigating the dementor riots of the past few days. I believe she will give us a satisfactory answer."

Professor McGonagall closed his mouth after introducing Umbridge, waiting for the little wizards to applaud Umbridge. Although Umbridge's personal image is not good, but after all, he is here to deal with the Dementor incident, and the little wizards applauded for face.

The applause made Umbridge, who just wanted to go back to her alma mater, a little embarrassed: she knew that the students wanted to punish the Dementors, but she had the opposite. The sincere smiles and applause of the children are so ironic at the moment. Of course, after so many years at the Ministry of Magic, Umbridge has no moral burden, so this embarrassment quickly turned to shame - Umbridge felt that these little wizards were really I don't know how to make trouble for myself and the Ministry of Magic, and Minerva who incites them is even more hateful...

Amid the applause, Umbridge gradually adjusted his mentality. She thought very clearly: she only needs to give a statement, and there will always be people who believe it.

There is a very critical idea in the field of marketing called "any publicity is good publicity", which means that if you want to promote an idea, even creating negative news is better than no one cares. A certain loose-mouthed president openly insulted reporters at a press conference, and voters thought he was "flesh and blood", not to mention that Umbridge's side really backed the endorsement of the Ministry of Magic, and the statement made was very reasonable. Reliable?

She is naive. Professor McGonagall's opening remarks can only be regarded as a fire. What really put her on fire was the next question from Professor McGonagall.

"Ms. Umbridge, can you tell the children about your plan for punishing the Dementors?"

"Of course, wait, what's the punishment?!" Umbridge was taken aback, his little eyes widened, and his voice was a little higher.

"No matter what the original intention of the Dementors' actions is, the trouble they cause to the students is real, so punishment is inevitable." On the way to the auditorium, Professor McGonagall figured out something: it is difficult for the Ministry of Magic to Openly back down, but you can let them suffer a dark loss - first punish the dementors in fact, and then verbally fight the Ministry of Magic.

In front of the teachers and students of the whole school, the advantages of this public opinion environment can be magnified as much as possible.

Sure enough, hearing Professor McGonagall say this, a buzzing sound immediately resounded in the auditorium. The little wizards felt that Professor McGonagall was right, that whatever their intentions were, the Dementors should be punished.

"My father said that Dementors are just servants of wizards, and now they dare to do such a thing, it's a master!" Malfoy sat at the long table of Slytherin Academy, complaining in a very loud voice on. The dementors that appeared at the game that day did make him a little uncomfortable.

"No reason should be an excuse for the Dementors to get away with it!" More and more little wizards realized this.

"If you make a mistake, you should be punished!" Tom raised his voice and shouted, which attracted the surrounding students to agree.

Umbridge's forehead was already sweating. Fudge did agree to punish the Dementors, but that's the bottom line for the Ministry of Magic. As a result, now Minerva directly bypassed the investigation and demanded that the dementors be punished first, and then the discussion. This is deadly!

How can a negotiation start from the bottom line of one party? ! Also, they dare to punish the dementors now, so she won't dare to think about what they will dare to do in a while!

"Well... It is the interests of the majority of wizards to realize, maintain and develop well. It is the basic code of conduct of the Ministry of Magic. We have decided to let the little wizards at Hogwarts enjoy more real, full and extensive powers, and focus on solving your most difficult problems. Concerned, most direct and most realistic interests. To this end, we have built a reliable, proficient, efficient and high-quality Ministry of Magic service team. Of course, we will also strengthen our own construction, play a coordinated relationship, and strive to create To the role of gathering strength and coordinating the overall situation - we will use extraordinary determination and energy, extraordinary measures, extraordinary work results, and perform well..."

Umbridge didn't know what to say for the time being, so he took out the rhetoric that he usually said at Ministry of Magic meetings and began to repeat it. These clichés seem elegant and ambitious, but in fact they do not express any real opinions. They have only one advantage, and that is that you can never go wrong with your mouth.

"So the Ministry of Magic is going to punish Dementors? Yes or no?" Fred was dizzy, so he stood up and asked aloud.

"Student, please don't interrupt my speech, this is a waste of everyone's time, there are so many teachers and students in the school, and everyone wasted one minute by you, that is a dozen or even dozens of hours of waste— "Umbridge was a little dissatisfied, dissatisfied that his speech was interrupted, and dissatisfied that Fred had raised a very sharp question.

So she scolded him severely. According to her idea, Fred should sit down with shame on his face and fall into autism.

But he didn't. It's impossible for Fred to fall into autism because of this trivial matter, he is not such a person. So he ignored the angry gaze his brother Percy was throwing at him.

"Time cannot be superimposed!"

At this time, one sentence took everyone's attention away.

"Sorry, what?" Umbridge thought he might have heard something wrong.

"I said time is not superimposable," Tom repeated what he said. "One minute for one person is one minute, and one minute for a group of people is still one minute. Minutes. So Fred at most wasted a minute for everyone."

Umbridge: …

After Tom finished speaking, the classmates around him agreed.

"That's right!"


"Ms. Umbridge, I'm willing to let Fred waste my time."

All the students looked at Umbridge, waiting for her reply.

"Yes" or "No," two simple words were placed in front of Umbridge, forcing her into a corner.

"Yes or no," Umbridge replied bravely, "this is a big matter, and it requires a long-term plan and a serious and rigorous investigation!"

Hearing her say that, the little wizards were a little disappointed. They thought that this official was here to vent their anger, but they didn't expect to have a long-term plan. Do you really think what happened to them was fake?

The auditorium gradually fell silent.

"Why not ask the Dementors?" A crisp voice sounded in the auditorium.

Umbridge looked at the place where the voice came from, and saw a little girl with pale blond hair in a fancy dress talking.

The speaker is Luna.

When the people around heard her speech, they couldn't help covering their foreheads: This crazy girl is sick again! Dementors, how do you communicate with them? This method is too unreliable.

But Umbridge on stage didn't think so. After hearing what Luna said, her eyes lit up, she really found an excellent solution!

Little wizards who don't know the truth always think that Dementors are inhuman, indifferent and cruel monsters that UUkanshu cannot communicate with, but in fact it is not the case. As an insider at the Ministry of Magic, Umbridge knew something about the nature of Dementors.

She knew very well that this kind of monster could actually communicate. Otherwise, how does the Ministry of Magic control them and make rules for them?

But they are really cold and that few people want to communicate with them. But coincidentally, Umbridge was someone who understood what they meant and was willing to communicate with them. When she entered the Ministry of Magic, she suffered a lot for promotion.

She immediately borrowed the donkey and said that it should be like this. After lunch, she took the school professor to question the dementors.

Since this incident involved a dementor, it would be reasonable to ask about the "weird" involved! As for what to ask...

hey hey hey...


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