The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 98: Why are these things so silly?

Professor McGonagall: …

How can anyone ask a suspect if they have committed a crime!

But here is where she is helpless. In this incident, Hogwarts has always been a passive party. Whether to expel or retain, punish or let go, the final decision is not in the hands of the school. Hogwarts is naturally in a weak position when it comes to conflict with the Ministry of Magic.

And Umbridge tried to get the "truth" of the matter from the dementor, and Professor McGonagall could not stop him.

"Actually, we can start now." Umbridge's mind changed a little again. She felt that she should hurry up and catch Minerva by surprise.

"Didn't you say you wanted school pudding?" Minerva rolled her eyes, feeling that Umbridge didn't have a single word of truth in her mouth.

"We haven't even served the appetizers yet. We should be in time when we get back." Umbridge jumped off the stool and ran out of the auditorium. After running for two steps, she suddenly thought of something, "Let's take a few more students to witness it together. It would be great to use two patron saints that day, plus the student council president."

Professor McGonagall naturally had no objection.

"Yordle, Granger, Percy!" She called the three of them from the table and told them to follow her.

And then Umbridge saw the barb who had just stood up.

Tom's words made a deep impression on her.

She looked at Tom and raised her eyebrows, but she didn't say much, and led a few people towards the school gate.

At this time, a few dementors guarding the gate of Hogwarts were floating around in mid-air with nothing to do, making a piercing whistling sound.

But if someone could understand them, the sounds wouldn't be so intrusive.

Because what they are shouting is:

"Very hungry, I'm hungry!"

"I want"

"When will the Ministry be...delivered?"

"It's been... weeks..."

This group of dementors hadn't been replenished for a long time. Hungry, they even broke into Hogwarts last week, and they paid a heavy price: they were beaten by a strange Patronus, and the flames ignited on the Patronus were like bones Gangrene, a little bit of it can burn a big hole in the body, and if it is hit directly, half of the body will be burned. Many dementors were seriously injured and had to return to Azkaban to recuperate.

Dementors are immortal, but that doesn't mean they can't get hurt. The patron saints of the wizards can cause harm to them, and if they are seriously injured, they need to return to their hometown—Azkaban for recuperation, where they will slowly recover.

"somebody is coming…"


The dementors became excited when they noticed someone coming from the school. They know that the wizards inside cannot be "eaten", but that doesn't prevent them from stealing money. They would take a small sip when wizards approached, eating a little bit of their happiness.

It's a pity that those delicious little wizards in the castle don't come out often, they only get together and go to Hogsmeade occasionally. But today five people came all at once! Truly a gift from God! Five people are enough for them to have a full meal.

The dementors guarding the gate were agitated, like students before the last class in the morning. They are gathering little by little towards the coming people...

Umbridge took the lead. Although he had the shortest legs among the five, he walked in the front. She noticed a change at the school gate, but she didn't take it seriously, she thought it was the dementors lining up to welcome her!

When she got closer to the dementors, she couldn't help shivering.

"Cold!" This was Umbridge's first feeling after approaching. The dementors are like huge and hard ice, turning the area around the school gate into a cold storage.

The dementors gathered around Umbridge, and before she could say anything, all the dementors opened their rotting mouths in unison and sucked in Umbridge.

Umbridge's brain buzzed loudly, and his soul was almost sucked out. His body seemed to be soaked in a bucket of ice water, and he was frozen there, unable to move. Various sad memories came to his mind, as if all the Happiness is going away from her.

Tom and Professor McGonagall, who were following her, took a few steps back tacitly, allowing Umbridge to enjoy the "enthusiasm" of the dementors alone. Three of the four of them could use the Patronus Charm, but none of them drew their wands to Umbridge's aid.

"Stop...stop!" She bit the tip of her tongue forcefully to wake herself up. "I am the Senior Deputy Minister of Magic! Stop it!"

The dementors stopped sucking and backed away a little, giving Umbridge a chance to breathe.

Umbridge spit out a big mouthful of white steam. Just now she felt that her lungs were filled with ice water, but now she felt that she was spraying out the ice water in her lungs. Every time she took a breath, there was a tingling pain from her lungs. Chest came.

"Monster!" Looking at the bodies of the dementors, Umbridge thought angrily.

"I'm here to investigate what happened on the Quidditch pitch last Saturday!" After a little relief, Umbridge returned to his usual arrogance.

She looked at the dementors. He spoke quickly: "It is reported that you entered Hogwarts last Saturday without the permission of the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic should have reminded you that you can only enter Hogwarts in emergencies! What you are doing is prohibited, what is your explanation for that?"

Umbridge's voice was sharp and fast, and the leading dementor didn't realize it all at once. He only heard a few key words clearly: Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts, prohibition, explanation. As if to let them explain what?

Explain what? The dementors were a little confused, did they explain why they attacked her just now?

"Woo... woo... (We didn't mean to

Only then did Umbridge realize that the dementors couldn't defend themselves at all, and McGonagall and the others couldn't understand what the dementors were saying.

Tom said from behind: "Did you enter Hogwarts because you were hungry?"

The dementor understood this sentence, but its mind was not on this sentence. It was observing Tom seriously. It felt that Tom looked familiar, but it couldn't remember where it had seen him.

But the question remains to be answered.

The dementor nodded, he did enter Hogwarts because of hunger. There is nothing wrong with this sentence!

Umbridge stood aside, everyone was dumbfounded: What's going on? How did this dementor plead guilty at the first question? ! Why are these things so silly?



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