The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 120: Strategic Intimidation (2 in 1)

Days of Drawing at Hogwarts Chapter 120 Strategic Intimidation (2 in 1)

After Dumbledore received a message from the Patronus of the insider, the entire Order of the Phoenix began to function. The Patronus of the Phoenix that he had summoned earlier delivered his order to initiate the rally to the backbone members of the Order of the Phoenix.

There was already some confusion in Hogwarts at this point. The news published in the Evening Prophet quickly spread to all corners of the school, and all the students knew that Azkaban had been breached.

There was an uproar in public opinion for a while, and no one paid attention to the Christmas ball anymore.

The students at Hogwarts were in the same panic as wizards elsewhere in the British wizarding world.

"How is it possible, how can someone break through Azkaban's defense? That's Azkaban!" Many little wizards couldn't believe the authenticity of this news. In their perception, Azkaban is the most difficult place to escape, and for hundreds of years, only Sirius Blake has successfully escaped. How can there be a collective jailbreak in such a place?

Of course, if it is broken...

"Did that person do it? After all, the dark wizard's activities have been a little too frequent in the past six months..." Some people also suspected the matter on Voldemort's head. Because this thing is so unbelievable! The place that was captured is Azkaban! If you must find a dark wizard who can capture Azkaban, this group of little wizards must be

"These dark wizards should have been sentenced to death in the first place, after all, they committed such atrocious crimes!" Some Muggle-born young wizards were full of grievances, only to think that it was all the fault of justice. If all these dark wizards were hanged, there would not be so many troubles today.

But there are more people who refute him. Even the non-magical world is about to abolish the death penalty, let alone the magic world - the magic world has completely abolished the death penalty, even if committing a heinous crime, it is just a matter of going to Azkaban. Done.

The topic quickly went awry, with students accusing each other, arguing, and chaos in the auditorium.

The school was chaotic like this, but the professors who were usually able to control the situation didn't have the time to do it. A Phoenix Patronus appeared in front of Professor McGonagall outside the auditorium, and another Patronus appeared in front of Snape who had just returned to Hogwarts.

As for Mad-Eye, Lupin, Mr. Wesley, Tonks... they all saw the patron saint from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore's patron saint revealed his plan and the members of the Order of the Phoenix did not hesitate to act directly.

However, Snape received more news than the others, and that was to divulge the news of their attack to the Death Eaters.

Seeing the Patronus disappearing in front of him, Snape's mouth twitched twice. Dumbledore left no evidence of giving orders, making him a lot like a Death Eater spy in the Order of the Phoenix.

Snape felt a little helpless. What made him speechless was that his identity with the Death Eaters was really a spy inserted into the Order of the Phoenix.

So an extremely complex nesting doll was formed. The people of the Order of the Phoenix think he is a person of the Order of the Phoenix, the people of the Death Eaters think that he is a person of the Order of the Phoenix, on the surface he is the inner ghost inserted by the Death Eaters into the Order of the Phoenix, he is actually the order of the Phoenix planted to eat The inner ghost of the dead. The Death Eaters thought he had broken into the Order of the Phoenix and became an insider, when in fact he wanted the Death Eaters to think he had broken into the Order of the Phoenix and become an insider.

This relationship, when the Wizengamot was tried, could make those committee members faint.

Although he had been complaining in his heart, Snape still passed the news out obediently.

Dumbledore's plan can be summed up in the word "intimidation". He will use various channels to convince Voldemort that Azkaban, the Order of the Phoenix and the Ministry of Magic will conduct a three-way siege of his men.

According to Dumbledore's judgment, Tom Riddle would withdraw voluntarily and not conflict with him. In that way, he can also give everyone in the British magic circle an explanation and let them settle down. At the same time, those wizards who can also keep the magic world neutral are more inclined to their side.

As for Riddle, if he chooses not to evacuate, but to fight the Order of the Phoenix at Malfoy Manor, then Dumbledore would just Apparate in the past.

Anyway, after Azkaban and Voldemort fought once, Dumbledore's side has occupied the absolute initiative. No, actually from the time Tom and Dumbledore joined forces to drive the nail into Voldemort's side, they had already taken the initiative.

The reason why Dumbledore is still conservative is that he does not want to cause too many casualties, and the second is that he wants to completely eliminate Voldemort. In his opinion, it is better not to fight Voldemort as a wandering spirit. To fight, he must be completely wiped from the world.

As Hogwarts descended into chaos, the atmosphere in Malfoy Manor was as heavy as a dead man.

"Is the news true?" Voldemort sat in his chair, turning his wand.

"It's true, Master." Little Crouch replied immediately, "This is the news that Severus just sent back."

Yaxley next to him also added: "The Auror office of the Ministry of Magic has also changed. Several Aurors seem to have left the Ministry of Magic in a hurry. As for Azkaban, we really can't find any news."

Yaxley said this almost as if the Ministry of Magic was going to join forces with the Order of the Phoenix.

This is the truth! Dumbledore also contacted Burns, the Minister of Magic. Burns had decided to organize a search of Malfoy Manor by the Aurors.

Organizing an operation against the Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic, which has already been infiltrated by the Death Eaters, will definitely leak. Burns' orders reached the Auror Office and Malfoy Manor almost simultaneously.

But it was just right, exactly what Dumbledore wanted.

The Death Eaters were overwhelmed by the news and panicked. The Order of the Phoenix was not ready for a decisive battle, and neither were the Death Eaters! Allies Voldemort planned to contact - giants, werewolves, the Japanese Ministry of Magic - but none of them were in place!

"Tell me what you have in mind!" Seeing the stern expressions of his subordinates, and the red light in Voldemort's eyes, he decided to let his servants express their opinions first.

"Where else can we go!" a dark-haired Death Eater shouted in dissatisfaction, "Just right here and fight with the Order of the Phoenix!"

"Pull it down, Dolohov!" Little Crouch slapped back mercilessly: "You don't even have a wand!"

The wizard who was attacked was Antonin Dolohov, an old man who belonged to Voldemort and belonged to his first batch of Death Eaters. The deranged man, who was sentenced to life in Azkaban for the brutal murder of Fabian and Gideon Prewett, has just been rescued from prison by Voldemort. Among the Death Eaters present, only such a high-status Death Eater as Little Crouch dared to reprimand him mercilessly.

Antonin Dolokhov, a Death Eater with wizard and Muggle blood on his hands, had a long, pale, twisted face, and just by looking at it, he knew he was proficient in the dark arts. The man had a large frame, or was thin due to his long stay in Azkaban.

At this moment, Dolohov's eyes flashed with a fierce light, but considering the identity of little Crouch, he had to swallow this breath. And what little Crouch said was the truth, the Death Eaters who had just been rescued by Voldemort were in poor condition, and all had their wands confiscated.

He could only sit in his own seat and complain in a low voice.

Most people just pretended that they didn't hear it. These people didn't want to fight to the death with the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix, because the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix were too timely and decisive at this time, and the Death Eaters were not ready to fight at all. Prepare.

"If only Regulus was still alive, then we could still go to Blake's house..." A Death Eater sighed.

Isn't it! Regulus Black, heir to the Black family, one of Voldemort's most trusted men. It is a pity that he died young and gave his life to Voldemort's cause. If he was still alive, the Death Eaters present could have taken refuge in Blake's old house.

Bellatrix Lestrange, who was sitting at the top, snorted coldly, feeling a little unhappy in her heart: she was originally a member of the Blake family, but the Blake family's inheritance did not share half of her with her. Relationship. In the end, the rich inheritance and the Blake family's ancestral home fell into the hands of his traitorous cousin.

However, her companion's words inspired her. Although she did not have the authority of Blake's ancestral home, she had the qualification to enter the Strange's house.

"You can consider going to Strange Manor, which has been abandoned for a long time, and I don't know if it can still be lived in."

"Even I know that now is not the time to quarrel, and members of the Order of the Phoenix may appear at any time." Even Lucius, who was sitting at the end of the long table, expressed his own opinion.

After listening to the arguments of his subordinates, Voldemort finally made up his mind.

"Everyone retreated to Strange Manor and prepared to counterattack."

Hearing that Voldemort made a decision, the Death Eaters stopped arguing, and everyone stood up, ready to pack up and bring their colleagues, and followed Bella to the Strange Manor.

But Voldemort didn't move with his Death Eaters, he just sat there, as if thinking about something.

[Dumbledore is about to bring the elite of the Order of the Phoenix and the Dementors of Azkaban and the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic to fight together. This is a very powerful force...]

Before Voldemort made his decision, he estimated the strength gap between the two sides. He found that if there was a war, his side had a high probability of losing. Because he will be dragged by Dumbledore, and the remaining Death Eaters are obviously not the opponents of Dementors and Aurors of the Ministry of Magic and members of the Order of the Phoenix.

So after weighing the pros and cons, Voldemort decided to back down first.

But the stronger the offensive power, the weaker the defensive power. Dumbledore, how much power have you left at Hogwarts?

Just let me have a look!

Voldemort stood up and looked at the panicked Death Eaters around, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes: This group of rabble!

But now he can only make do with this group of people.

When the Death Eaters rescued from Azkaban are repaired, the level of the Death Eaters will be improved. Voldemort comforted himself in this way.

Then, he turned into a puff of black smoke and left here voluntarily.

He believed that the news of the attack on Hogwarts, Dumbledore's side would surely panic. At that time, the Death Eaters will fight back and turn defeat into victory as easy as the palm of your hand.

Voldemort had planned everything, and the moment Dumbledore stepped into Malfoy Manor, he was about to lose!

When the Death Eaters were about to evacuate, the owner of the Malfoy Manor, Lucius Malfoy, looked very bad. When Voldemort made the decision to evacuate, he instantly sat on wax.

Other Death Eaters can run away, but not their own manor!

He realised suddenly that the efforts of the Malfoy family for generations were likely to be wasted in his hands. At this time, he was extremely fortunate that he threw an olive branch to Dumbledore through Dobby in advance. With Dumbledore testifying, he certainly would not lose the last chip.

Thinking of this, Lucius is not very panic. He stood up slowly, put a few valuable furnishings in his bag, and evacuated to Strange Manor with his companions under Bella's guidance.

Their movements were quick, and a few minutes later, the huge Malfoy Manor was empty.

At this time, the members of the Order of the Phoenix had assembled.

Just as they were about to set off, Lupin's Patronus reappeared and gave them a new address.

Professor McGonagall looked at the patron saint in front of him and showed a confident smile: "Albus has arranged everything, we just need to execute it. Now, everyone will come to Strange Manor with me! "


"What are you going to do?" Delixi looked at the suddenly restless Dementors with a vigilant look.

After Azkaban was attacked, the Ministry of Magic showed amazing efficiency and quickly dispatched an elite Auror team to station in Azkaban to support the Dementors here. The leader of this squad is the Dawlish who has just been awarded a Merlin Medal.

Dolix has come running recently.

Already marginalized, he returned to the center of power with his brave performance at the World Cup finals. When the time came, he was entrusted with the task of being stationed in Azkaban. There are ten people under him, including Aurors and strikers.

However, his luck seemed to be exhausted here, because today the dementors suddenly became restless without warning. They flew into the air one by one, circling recklessly, and the scalps of the Aurors and strikers stationed here were tingling.

His old partner, Naya, walked over to Delix and reminded him in a low voice to prepare early. In a short period of time, the dementors were attacked twice, and they started to kill again. It was normal for them to be emotionally unstable.

It's called wild.

Delixi glanced at his subordinates and felt that it was unrealistic to suppress the dementors. So he stood up and decided to take the initiative to negotiate with the dementors to figure out what they wanted to do.

"Vengeance?" Delix was stunned, this group of Dementors was actually going to organize an expedition!

Dulix looked at the mobilized Dementors and made a decision by himself.

He's going with the Dementors!


Two-in-one 4,000-word chapter!

good night~

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