The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 123: bad feeling

Remember [New] in a second! Voldemort appeared so suddenly that Dumbledore had no time to react.

Dumbledore turned around with wand in hand, but Voldemort had already raised his wand—

Time seemed to stand still.

A miserable green light flashed from the tip of Voldemort's wand. At this most critical moment, Voldemort chose his favorite and best killing curse to send his guide in the wizarding world, respected professor, and lifelong enemy. Bust Dumbledore hit the road.

Voldemort's unexpected tricks earned him a once-in-a-decade opportunity. At this time, Dumbledore had just cast a spell, and he was in a state where the old spell had gone and the new spell hadn't been born, and Voldemort appeared in the blind corner of his sight again. Putting the two together, Voldemort really had a chance to kill Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore was not so easy to deal with. Seeing that he had no time to fight back, and the Iron Armor Curse could not resist the Killing Curse, Dumbledore disappeared in place like a gust of wind, and then appeared a few feet away, lightly dodging Voldemort's Killing Curse .

But Voldemort's snake face showed no disappointment at all, the corners of his mouth were raised: Albus, do you really think I will forget that you have such a trick?

The flame fragments that had been transformed from the two fire snakes turned around and rushed towards Dumbledore's back. In the flames on the edge of the shards, there is a palpitating blackness hidden. Obviously, the consequences of being hit by this fragment are not as simple as burns.

Now Dumbledore was really cornered.

A gleam of joy flashed in Voldemort's eyes. He knew very well that even Dumbledore would be dead if he suffered this trick!

Just then, Hermione moved.

She dodged behind Dumbledore with a stride, with her arms outstretched, trying to use her body as a barrier to resist the spell for Dumbledore.

Everything happened so quickly that neither Dumbledore nor Voldemort had time to react.

At this critical moment, a small translucent shield appeared on Hermione's chest, colliding with Voldemort's ultimate move.

From Dumbledore's point of view, he would call it love magic. But for Tom, he would only say that it was a self-defense armor he prepared for his girlfriend.

The small transparent shield shattered after flashing twice, but its mission was fulfilled, most of the flames were stopped by it, and only the last piece broke through the air like a shooting star and landed on Hermione's white collarbone superior.

The flame went straight into Hermione's smooth skin without leaving any scars, but in the next second Hermione's neck was covered with a layer of black air, like a drop of ink dripping onto white paper.

Seeing that his trump card was blocked, Voldemort let out an angry roar, but Dumbledore, who escaped from death, only felt that every hair stood on end.

Hermione, who was hit by the magic, fell limply, and her wand slipped from her hand and rolled to the side.

The girl lay on the ground, unconscious.

Voldemort saw that his well-prepared ultimate move was deciphered, and knew that it was pointless to fight any longer, so he decisively turned into a wisp of black smoke and fled away. Dumbledore had no intention of chasing and killing Voldemort, he rushed to Hermione's side, and gently hugged the brave child.

Hermione, who was unconscious, was limp. She was paralyzed in Dumbledore's arms as if her bones had been pulled out.

Dumbledore looked at Hermione's appearance, a rare flicker of panic flashed in his eyes.

He first put his wand against the position where Hermione was hit, trying to remove the curse.

As he cast the spell, a puff of black smoke wrapped around the tip of Dumbledore's wand. Seeing this, Dumbledore was overjoyed, and he held his breath, trying to pull the black air out of Hermione's body.

It went smoothly at first, the black smoke was entangled by the magic wand, and was pulled away inch by inch, but just after it came out, the black smoke snapped off, and the remaining black air suddenly retracted into Hermione's body , Let the girl's smooth and tender skin continue to be shrouded in a touch of black.

Dumbledore was not discouraged, he stretched out his wand again, trying to draw out the black air like last time. But this time, the black air seems to have learned a lot, and he refuses to be fooled desperately.

Dumbledore sighed, the worst had happened.

He tried a few more spells, but with little success, except to suppress the spell in Hermione's body. The current Hermione didn't look any different, except that the layer of black air on the chain bones had disappeared. She seemed to be asleep.

During his fight against Voldemort's spell, Dumbledore figured out exactly what happened to Hermione's injury. Contrary to the original expectation, she was not poisoned, it was Voldemort's curse that hurt her. This curse is like a tarsal gangrene, firmly rooted in Hermione's body, devouring the girl's vitality.

Dumbledore was a little lucky, fortunately, most of the curse was offset by the Iron Armor Curse, otherwise Hermione might have died at this time!

Dumbledore looked down at the pale girl, full of self-blame.

How is he going to face Tom? Tom trusted him so much that he handed her over to him, but he failed his trust...

If Tom knew... Dumbledore pushed the thought out of his head. He was pretty sure the consequences of letting Tom know about it would be disastrous.

He turned his head to look at the place where Voldemort disappeared, and the anger in his eyes was burning. He vowed to make Voldemort disappear from the world forever.

But now he has more important things to do.

Dumbledore picked up the fainted Hermione and ran to the infirmary. He needed Madam Pomfrey's help to stabilize Hermione until Snape returned.

A curse that is difficult to remove with a spell, a potion might have a miraculous effect.

Dumbledore planned to discuss Hermione's treatment plan with Snape when he came back.

Outside Lestrange Manor, Tom led his dementors and the members of the Order of the Phoenix successfully Now, the strength of the Order of the Phoenix has greatly increased, completely overwhelming the Death Eaters Remnant. At this time, if they join forces to march into Lestrange Manor, the Death Eaters will only end in destruction.

Apparating to escape is a luxury in the presence of dementors.

After rendezvous, Tom signaled his dementors to control the captured Death Eaters first. While the dementors were busy arresting people, Dawlish communicated with the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix.

After a few shallow conversations, Dawlish figured out the situation. He felt as if he was about to make a contribution again.

As for Tom, his mood suddenly turned bad, as if something bad had happened.

A nameless fire of karma rose in Tom's heart, making him very angry.

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the captured Death Eater.

"Give them a kiss." Tom ordered lightly.


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