The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 132: Gentle Township (Part 1)

Remember [New] in a second! Dumbledore was still wearing his star robe and a top wizard hat, as if he had just stepped out of a fantasy, perfectly fitting people's stereotype of wizards. Hermione next to Dumbledore was wearing a gray woolen coat with a black plain skirt and a dark gray scarf. Probably because of the coldness in winter, Hermione's face was a little pale.

"Hey, I'm back!" Tom waved to Hermione and greeted enthusiastically. Hermione and Dumbledore smiled back at him. Tom, who was so focused on Hermione, didn't notice that there was such a bitterness in Dumbledore's smile.

"Professor Dumbledore, today's harvest is quite fruitful!" Tom took out the Hufflepuff gold cup wrapped in dragon skin from his arms, and handed it to Dumbledore.

Tom, who came back from the expedition, felt three points better after seeing Hermione. Combined with the three happy events of winning the Death Eaters, sweeping Gringotts, and successfully confiscating one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, his mood improved visibly with the naked eye.

"This is..." Dumbledore opened the dragon hide package, and was taken aback by what was inside.

"Riddle's Horcrux was copied from the vault of the Lestrange House. After you destroy it, you must remember to return the remains of the cup to me. This is a relic of Ms. Hufflepuff—of course, if you can restore it, That would be great!" Tom rambled, for fear that Dumbledore would miss the cup.

"Okay." Dumbledore squeezed out a smile on his old face.

"It's getting late, let's go back to have dinner first!" Seeing that Dumbledore was still looking at the Horcrux, Tom didn't bother to suffer the cold outside with him, grabbed Hermione's hand and rushed to Hogwarts Castle go.

But as soon as he touched it, he instinctively noticed something was wrong, Hermione's hand was much colder than usual.

"What's the matter, your hands are so cold?" Tom asked with a smile.

Hermione also replied with a smile: "It's too cold outside."

"Yeah, look how cold you are, and your face is white." Tom took Hermione's hand and breathed in.

"Dumbledore is really outrageous. There is no need to wait outside. How nice it is to stay in the castle."

Hermione: ...

The last trace of blood disappeared from her face.

She took her hand out of Tom's hand with some anxiety, and quickened her pace towards the castle.

"Hurry up, if you delay, you will miss the main course."

"Okay." Tom followed Hermione, and the two quickly ran across the lawn in front of the castle and hid in the castle.

As soon as you enter the castle, you can feel a burst of warmth. The house elves worked hard to burn the stove in the castle so vigorously that they might burn down a small forest in one night.

Feeling the warmth, Hermione thought of the hundreds of house-elves at Hogwarts. She wanted to say something, but she swallowed it.

It's not necessary, talking about these things will only add to Tom's burden, so can't we spend the last time together?

Hermione wanted to be selfish for once. She took off the scarf with a smile and handed it to Tom.

"I have a new body wash, do you think it smells good?"

"Huh..." Tom, who had entered the warm barrier, let out a breath of cold air. When he first heard this sentence, he subconsciously wanted to say: How do I know.

But then, a scarf with warmth and aroma was stuffed into his hand.

That's how it turned out, Tom sniffed the breath on the scarf, only to feel that it smelled inexplicably good.


"That's good." After Hermione handed the scarf to Tom, she led him straight into the auditorium.

[Should I want you to remember my smell, or should I want you to forget my smell? Maybe only Merlin knows the answer]

The atmosphere in the auditorium was much more harmonious than when Tom left. The main reason is that the Ministry of Magic responded with an extremely swift and violent posture, raiding the whereabouts of the escaped prisoners from Azkaban and giving them "the punishment they deserved." As for the details of the punishment, the "Daily Prophet" did not mention it.

Hearing what the Ministry of Magic said, everyone felt that the overall situation seemed to be getting better again, and the uneasiness and anxiety in their hearts naturally disappeared.

As for the issue of Gringotts, it was taken lightly - the wizards in line all took out their assets, not a single Nat was missing. One or two people still couldn't dispel their doubts, but it was the same for one or two hundred people, and the wizards who lined up felt a little shaken.

Am I queuing for hours just to take out dozens or hundreds of gold coins for a look?

The human heart is the easiest thing to change.

Minister Burns took the opportunity to announce that the Ministry of Magic will carry out a series of banking reforms. Although the wizards still went to the vault to check their balances habitually, the doubts in everyone's hearts were instantly dispelled.

The changes at Gringotts did not cause much trouble.

Since it's nothing serious, why not talk about the Yule Ball?

Tom and Hermione sensed the Christmas fever as they entered the Great Hall. The girls sat together in groups, whispering, and observing the passing boys with scrutiny, as if they were picking prey. Boys who are naturally at a disadvantage in this regard are much more passive. They gather together, like a group of mice trying to tie bells on a cat, discussing how to "catch" a girl and invite her to join them for Christmas. prom.

High-end hunters are often too lazy to disguise themselves as prey.

After Tom walked into the auditorium, he felt countless pairs of fiery eyes looking at him. Many girls made no secret of their interest in Tom, after all, he was somehow more dazzling than the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament.

There are still three warriors, but the only student who has won the Order of Merlin is Tom. And in the first project, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the content of the first project comparison is simply to see who gets the help of Tom Yodel first.

Such a dazzling boy, how could the girls not be moved? So even though it seems that he already has a master, the girls still feel that they need to dig two hoes first.

After all, in their view, there seems to be no gap between themselves and Hermione. After discussing with their girlfriends, they feel that "the advantage is with me", as long as A goes up, they will win.

Then why not A?

Many little witches are secretly thinking about how to make a move.

Compared to Tom, Harry and Ron suffered a lot. At this moment, the two of them were secretly making plans of action by the long table in Gryffindor.

"My God, did they grow up together?" Harry couldn't help but want to complain, since the Azkaban prison escape crisis was resolved, he wanted to find a chance with Ron to settle the matter of the Christmas ball partner . But to their surprise, the relationship between the girls at Hogwarts suddenly heated up. All the girls went in and out of the lounge in groups, and there was no single girl at all.

This made Harry and Ron very depressed.

"Maybe we can get one out with a rope," Ron said half jokingly, half sincerely, "Do you have a goal?"

Not far away, Ginny stopped the spoon and pricked up her ears.

Harry was silent. Of course he has a goal! He knew all too well who he wanted to be his partner, but he couldn't muster the courage.

Ravenclaw's Qiu Zhang is a grade higher than him. She is very beautiful. She is also an excellent Quidditch player and is very popular. If you can invite her to be your dance partner...

Ron next to him saw at a glance that Harry already had a goal. As a friend, he persuaded: "Listen, if you have a goal, then ask for it! I dare say that few girls will refuse you Yeah, not like me..."

Ron's tone was full of bitterness. Not far away, Ginny also instantly turned into a bitter face. She lowered her head and dealt with the steak in front of her.

He was right, Harry was also a favorite. Although he did not become a Hogwarts warrior, he has another identity: the Boy Who Lived, which is enough to attract many witches.

Listening to Ron's persuasion, Harry looked up at the long table of Ravenclaw College, and he saw Qiu Zhang laughing with several of his friends.

His heart gradually became firmer. But when he turned his eyes back, he saw Tom sitting at the table and cooking, and a plan that Harry thought was very good appeared in his mind.

"It's too embarrassing to speak directly. How about asking Yodel to deliver the message for me? He used to be a member of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and he should be quite familiar with Cho Zhang..."

"Maybe it's a good idea, but—" Ron began to discuss the feasibility of this strategy with Harry, but just as Harry was listening to Ron's plan, a sharp pain pierced Harry's head like a sword, His scars burned again, the delicious food on the golden plate disappeared, and Ron's voice gradually became hazy...

He was standing on a barren hill now, with a few scattered figures standing around him.

"Is it just these few people?!" His voice was high-pitched and cold, and anger was burning in his heart. He was angry, and he was still puzzled, why did his power disappear in an instant?

Harry could still feel the pain in his left arm, as if someone was cutting his arm with a knife.

A female voice sounded: "I'm very sorry, master... People from the Order of the Phoenix followed us and followed us to Lestrange Manor, and the dementors also followed... We, we can't resist—but as long as you and them have a little time , they will definitely come here... Now they may be playing tricks with the Ministry of Magic..."

"This is betrayal!" Voldemort roared. "After I initiated the call, anyone who dares not to come is a traitor!"

"When they saw that I had suffered a secret loss at the hands of Dumbledore, they started thinking that they shouldn't, these traitors!" Anger and fear lingered in his heart. He was angry at the "betrayal" by his men, and he was also terrified by the feeling of betrayal.

He vented for a while, and the anger in his heart gradually subsided.

"I can understand their difficulties." Voldemort, who regained his senses, suppressed the dissatisfaction of his opponents. Although he can't understand love, he is very clear that he is indeed at a disadvantage now, he can't be too harsh on his subordinates, and sometimes he has to learn to forgive.

"It doesn't matter if you don't come this time, there are always some things to deal with." He said lightly.

Bellatrix breathed a sigh of relief seeing that her master had pardoned those Death Eaters who "broke their promises". She also understands that it is the best choice to be tolerant to the remaining Death Eaters now, but if the master is determined, she will not let them go. Seeing that the master did not pursue it to the end, she also felt that everyone was happy.

"Okay, let's go to our 'friends' first and see if we can get a foothold from them." Voldemort made the next arrangement. While speaking, his right hand covered his withered left arm.

The pain in his left arm made him a little regretful, such a good opportunity, he couldn't kill that old man! Damn brown-haired girl!

But after the image of the spell hitting her flashed in his mind, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Heroes are not so easy to be—

His arm ached again, and Voldemort knew it was time to fix the dark wound.

After being injured, he searched for many ways to heal his injuries, but all of them had little effect. In the end, he could only choose the worst solution.


He needs to take out a piece of soul fragment and let this piece be "corroded" by Dumbledore's curse instead of himself, so that he can transfer that curse to the Horcrux and eliminate Dumbledore's influence on him at the cost of one Horcrux. A curse imposed.

He was pacing on the desolate hilltop, blurred pictures flashed in his boiling mind: the lake, the cabin, Gringotts, Hogwarts——

Before the next picture appeared, the scene before Harry's eyes suddenly became blurred. He opened his eyes and returned to reality. At this time, he was sitting in a lively auditorium, with delicious food in front of him, and the lively and cheerful voices of his classmates in his ears.

"Harry, are you okay?" Ron's voice rang in his ears. When Harry turned his head, he saw his good friend looking at him anxiously. Only then did Harry realize that his back Already drenched in cold sweat.

"You, you just, suddenly—" Ron carefully prepared his words, but it was still difficult to express Harry's state just now.

"It's him." Harry lowered his voice, making sure that only Ron could hear him: "He was very angry because his servants were caught a lot, and some people seemed to choose to betray. After talking with Dumbledore In the battle, he was injured, and he is trying to heal his wounds..."

Ron frowned: "Merlin is Could you-"

He stopped talking, his eyes widened.

"Yes, I suspect that this scar connects me with him, and I can see something when his mood fluctuates violently." Harry looked serious, "I'm afraid that dream during the summer vacation was not a dream."

Ron shrank back into the seat with some fear: "So he's really back?"

Harry nodded, "I'm afraid so."

Ron thought for a while, but he became less nervous, because according to Harry's description, the mysterious man seemed to be beaten badly by Dumbledore.

"Things are getting better, aren't they?"

Harry glanced at Tom and Hermione, but didn't answer Ron's question.


Four thousand words combined into one big chapter!

Good night, by the way, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket

1 second to remember the net:.