The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 143: rustic town

Tom: ? !

His hand touched his wand subconsciously, but seeing that the former slaughterhouse owner named John didn't do anything, and didn't "ambush", he just resisted and didn't take out his wand.

Hermione's reaction was a tad slower, she saw the wand first, then the familiar emblem. She reacted for a while before realizing that this was actually the mark of the organization "Purgeers" that hunted wizards!

Hermione was also shocked. She couldn't understand why she saw the mark of this wizard-hating organization here. You must know that the purgers are extremely hostile to wizards, and basically the wizards who fell into their hands were sent to the stake.

Thinking of the town's name, both Tom and Hermione's expressions changed.

The origin of this place name is probably not...

Combined with the two wands hanging on the wall, Tom and Hermione were deeply malicious.

Most wizards are just ordinary people after losing their wands. The owners of these two wands have probably been executed by the purgers.

Hermione's nerves were tense to the extreme, but she remembered something and relaxed again. Hermione remembered that she was wearing the anklet that Tom gave her, and the bell on the anklet didn't ring!

This shows that the people around her are not hostile to her.

At least she wasn't exposed yet, Hermione felt a lot more at ease.

Tom quietly glanced at Yuri, who was chatting with John, and didn't see anything unusual about the two of them.

Yes, because of reason, Yuri has no reason to kill him.

"What is this? I've never seen a cross like this." Tom asked, pointing to the purger's coat of arms.

"This is an antique handed down from my great-grandfather's generation," John told Tom and Hermione about its origin when he saw that Tom and Hermione were interested in what was handed down from his grandfather's generation: "I'm ashamed to say it. , My great-grandfather once joined an organization that hunted witches, this is the badge of that organization and his trophies... Because it is a relic that my ancestors fancy, I have never dealt with it. "

John said with some embarrassment. After all, the "witch hunt" thing, in the eyes of normal people, is the persecution of one group of people against another group, which is not a glorious deed. These items hung in his living room when he was a child, and it was out of habit that John didn't throw away the badge.

He was a little embarrassed when he was suddenly asked by Tom and Hermione today.

Tom and Hermione looked at each other, agreeing with John's statement. As for Yuri, when he heard "Witch Hunting", his face was startled, and he was surprised by the "sideline" of John's ancestors.

He knew that he had two wizards by his side! He was a little apprehensive about this, only to see that Tom and Hermione didn't have any drastic reactions, and he was relieved.

Tom walked towards the wand hanging on the wall. He wanted to take a closer look at the relics of the purgers, but before he took two steps, a pocket watch on the table under the badge suddenly burst, and the glass shattered to the ground.

"God! Are you not injured?" John hurried over and apologized to Tom again and again. He couldn't figure out why the pocket watch left by his great grandfather suddenly exploded today.

"I'm so sorry..." After finishing cleaning up the ground, John invited the three of Tom to his kitchen and put on a sumptuous feast.

"It's all meat from our own factories, it's very fresh!"

The theme of today's feast is wine and barbecue. It was obvious that John took great care of the meal and made the best of everything possible - the wine was a good beer and the meat was the best snowflake beef.

After three rounds of drinking, John's chatterbox was opened.

"My friend!" It can be seen that John is a little drunk: "Although the farm has sold you, it has nothing to do with me in theory, but there is one thing I need to remind you, you have to think about the water and blood of the livestock. There is a way to deal with it. Recently, the laws and regulations in Texas have changed, and the way that can be dealt with in the past can not be used now... The cost has risen a lot all of a sudden."

It can be seen from this point that John is an upright person, and he has directly pointed out the biggest disadvantage of his slaughterhouse. Of course, this is also related to the fact that the contract has been signed, and a large amount of liquidated damages will be fined for breach of contract.

"We have cutting-edge ecological waste treatment technology." Tom lied without changing his face.

"Oh, good luck." John obviously didn't believe Tom very much.

"Then what are you going to do with the money?" Yuri asked.

"Go back to my real hometown to settle down." John refilled himself a beer: "The people here are not very right."

Tom raised his head and put the steak aside, "I would like to hear more about it."

"Ha, in fact, I only moved back to my ancestral home in the past few years!" John drank half of a glass of beer in one gulp, "The people here are very enthusiastic and pure... There are some problems with the view.”

"It wouldn't be that sect, would it?" Hermione also realized that what John was saying was very important, so she put her acting skills to the extreme, and pretended to be afraid to inquire about the news.

"No! It's definitely not!" John suddenly woke up a lot: "It's not that serious, I'll take you to church tomorrow for the specific situation and you'll understand - they're a bit like the people who believe in the idea that the earth is flat with the earth, Some anti-intellectual, but usually very simple."

Tom and Hermione pondered a and decided to go with John the next day to find out.

So the next day, Tom and Hermione, like devout believers, showed up in the church early in the morning, waiting for the priest to arrive.

The priest of Burning Town is a young man, and he is not the image of a priest in people's impressions. In terms of temperament, he is more like an office worker or a museum docent.

Tom and Hermione took the air of listening to the history of magic and finished his speech.

Then they found out that this guy is actually not much different from other priests. The only problem is that he seems to really believe that there are wizards in the world. Wizards are evil. They will collude with some big businessmen to form a "deep state", Control Congress and the President. Fortunately, there is a group of civil righteous people who have formed a group called Cleaners to fight against the Deep State. The residents of Burning Town are all descendants of these righteous people...

Mr. Reverend's eloquent speech made Tom and Hermione stunned for a moment.

"Did the Magic Society of America really do such a thing?"

"I have no idea……"

The two once thought that wizards in the American wizarding world really did these things.

After the pastor's sermon, Tom noticed two burly men walking into the church.


God, the earth, my air conditioner is actually broken! Ah's air conditioner is dripping with condensation water! I am so hard!

PS: Halfway through the code, I heard a strange noise from the balcony. When I went over to see it, the roof of the balcony was leaking? ? ?

The defense is broken.