The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 150: Karkaroff's Redemption (2 in 1)

Remember [New] in a second! "A rose? I don't think so..."

Tom's head was full of black lines, and he was very grateful that he and Hermione cleaned up relatively thoroughly and did not show their feet.

Tom had already changed his clothes while the roommates were discussing which flower scent it was. His eyes fell on the pile of presents at the foot of the bed.

There are more gifts than usual this year. Tom's newfound connections have sent him quite a few things this year. For example, Minister Burns gave him a very delicate leather notebook with the "m" logo of the Ministry of Magic on it, which made Tom suspect that it came from a conference room of the Ministry of Magic. Mr. Boggin, who accepted his asylum, gave him a string of rosary beads, which are said to disperse all kinds of insects in the room. Even Lockhart sent him a signed photo.

These things, except for the signed photo, are quite practical. Beneath these ceremonial gifts are more heartfelt things from friends. Beneath the notebook that Burns had given him was a large parcel from Fred and George, full of their little inventions. Because Tom was so close to Fred and George, Mrs. Weasley also sent him a gray sweater with a silver three-headed dog knitted on it.

The Grangers sent a set of portable flossers, befitting their status. Of course, it also made Tom wonder if Hermione had sued him for black. When I kissed Hermione, there should be no smell in my mouth, right? Tom was a little guilty. He remembered that he brushed his teeth before going to bed last night, but he couldn't help taking a breath and confirming himself. After confirming that his tone was normal, Tom happily accepted the flosser.

He intends to rinse his teeth every day to wash away the food residue between his teeth. They are a source of cavities, tartar and bad odors. With this dental flosser, Hermione's kissing experience with him is estimated to be improved to a higher level.

The previous gifts were beautifully wrapped, except for what Dumbledore gave. What the old man sent was wrapped in a pair of woolen socks! This gift, packed in a brand new woolen sock, was almost ignored by Tom. It just lay quietly beside the box of snacks that Hagrid gave it, inconspicuous at all. However, although the packaging is simple, this gift is very important to Tom.

Because it contained the potion that Professor Snape had prepared for Hermione, she needed to take it once a day, and it had to be taken at the same time every day as much as possible. Because the potion itself is slightly toxic, the body needs to be given enough time to detoxify, but the curse-suppressing ingredients in it can only take effect for 24 hours, so it needs to be taken at the same time.

Looking at the timer and "instructions" sent with the potion, Tom felt that it is still necessary to expand the production capacity of the slaughterhouse and arrange the Philosopher's Stone as soon as possible. Because after reading the "instructions", Tom was sure that what he was holding in his hand was not only a life-extending potion, but also a slow poison enough to kill her!

After taking it for a long time, it is hard to say whether Hermione died from the curse or was poisoned by the drug.

After disposing of the potion with a heavy heart, Tom unwrapped the last package, which was a serious Christmas present from Hermione - a small magic camera. Some are similar to Polaroids in the non-magic world, and you can get photos on the spot after taking pictures. However, this kind of photo is different from the Hogwarts portrait. It is a simple gif picture and cannot make complex responses to external stimuli.

Looking at the camera Hermione gave, Tom had a not-so-daring idea.

It looks like I'm going to change my job as a photographer next, he thought so.

Compared with the gift Hermione gave him, Tom gave Hermione a much simpler gift. He gave Hermione a lady's watch, hoping she would like it.

Of course, as a celebrity in the wizarding world, many people who admired Tom sent letters or other things to him and Hermione. But Tom asked Dumbledore to collect these things, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble-you can never predict what weird things the wizards in the magic world will send.

After Tom finished unwrapping the presents, he waited for Hermione in the common room. She was very fragrant. After leaving the dormitory in the morning, she went back to take a shower. After meeting, the two went downstairs to have breakfast together.

They spent the morning in the Ravenclaw tower until lunchtime. The number of students staying at Hogwarts this year is the highest in history, and almost no one chooses to go home. This also makes the auditorium as lively as usual-in previous years, sometimes only a round table was needed for Christmas.

Since the food in Hogwarts on weekdays is already rich enough, the Christmas lunch is just a few more Christmas specialties, such as roast turkey, Christmas pudding and Cribbage wizard shortbread.

In the afternoon, Tom and Hermione came to the snow-covered field outside the castle together. Harry, Ron, and Brother Fred were having a snowball fight there.

At first it was just a game of a few of them, but more and more people joined in later, and it turned into a melee of dozens of people—Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff students all ran over participated in this game.

It may be a good choice to resolve some old grievances with snowball fights. You fouled me in the Quidditch match, I threw a dung egg under your seat, and such small conflicts were eliminated invisible by snowballs coming and going.

Of course, some snowballs have more or less personal grievances. Harry assembled a snowball the size of a Quaffle, and when he was looking for a target, a girl with long, waterfall-like black hair appeared in Harry's sight holding a snowball.

Harry's heart skipped a beat.

After seeing the snowball in Harry's hand, Qiu Zhang screamed, "Don't hit me!"

Harry thought for a while, lowered his hand, and smiled a little embarrassedly. He didn't know what to say, but was happy just standing near her.

In the distance, Ginny's complexion suddenly became ugly.

"Ginny, watch the game!"

Suddenly, there was a loud cry and two snowballs rushed towards Ginny. Caught off guard, Ginny was hit by snowballs one after the other.

Fred and George appeared out of nowhere, each with a bunch of snowballs in their arms.

Seeing that his snowball was extremely accurate, and his younger sister's expression didn't look happy, Fred and George looked embarrassed: "Why didn't my younger sister get out of the way?" This is not at her level!


The two of them knew very well that their little sister's athletic talent was very strong, even if they didn't shout, she should be able to dodge these two snowballs. But why didn't you escape today?

Following the younger sister's gaze, Fred and George understood something.

"Snowball is coming!" After looking at each other, the two threw the snowball out of their arms without hesitation.

"Hey, wait a minute—" Hearing the familiar voice, Harry instinctively felt that something was wrong. He threw off the snowball in his hand, then opened his cloak, and stood in front of Qiu Zhang.

Then, dozens of snowballs fell like raindrops, and one of them hit Harry's head with a crisp sound.

Harry fell into the snow with Cho Chang in his arms.

Ginny's face became even uglier. Seeing this, Fred and George fled immediately, neither of them wanting to stay and make their sister suffer.

"These two..." Harry covered his head and struggled to stand up from the snow. After he stood up straight, he wanted to give Raqiu Zhang a hand, but found that she was already squatting on one side and digging the ground.

"Hit back? We can't spare them so easily!" Qiu Zhang extended an invitation to Harry.

"Okay!" Harry felt a special feeling in his heart, and squatted down to pick up the big snowball he had just now.

After preparing for the battle, the two looked at each other and smiled, and went after Fred and George together.

All of this was seen by Ginny. Seeing that her twin brothers had completely reversed the effect, Ginny was furious. She stomped her feet and went straight back to the castle.

Hermione on the side ate the melon from start to finish, showing a look of extreme satisfaction. As for Tom, at this time, he has already joined the battle with a snowball in each hand, and he has become one with the students physically.

On the other side, Harry and Cho Chang chased Fred and George across almost the entire field, all the way to Durmstrang's big ship.

"Stop, stop!" Fred, who had a guilty conscience, was headshot by several snowballs from two Seekers, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He waved his hands again and again, begging for surrender.

"You should really be batters, this accuracy is amazing..." George also put his hands on his knees and breathed in the cold air, and the white steam from his mouth even formed a small hole beside him. Group of clouds.

George felt that he had been hit at least five or six times as he ran all the way. This is a moving target! This accuracy can indeed be considered for a career-changing hitter.

Harry and Cho Chang were also adjusting their breath, and there was no time to reply to them.

"Who is that?" Fred pointed to the black lake with a surprised expression.

"This trick can't fool me." Harry didn't like Fred at all, but at this moment Qiu Zhang pulled his sleeve and pointed to the big boat in Durmstrang by the Black Lake and said: "It seems that someone is really coming towards us!"

Only then did Harry believe it. He turned his head and saw a burly figure stumbling towards them. When the man approached, they realized that it was Durmstrang's headmaster, Ingor Karkaroff!

Karkaroff was much emaciated. The ermine cloak he was wearing looked like it hadn't been washed for several days, and it smelled strange. His hair was also greasy and frizzy. Hagrid's style.

This is very different from the image of a decent and beautiful person a few months ago. What's more, his eyes have completely lost their spirit, even the coldness in the past has disappeared, leaving only cloudiness.

"Professor Karkaroff?" Qiu Zhang tentatively called his name.

Karkaroff looked bewildered, and just staggered forward, like a walking dead.

"He's not in the right state." Fred frowned.

At this moment, Karkaroff's eyes flashed a flash of light. He saw the people in front of him clearly, especially Harry. He rushed over quickly, holding Harry's shoulders tightly with his hands, like a mousetrap Caught Harry.

"Take me to Dumbledore, take me..." His face twisted, and then he gradually became dazed again.

"What are you doing!" George and Fred pushed Karkaroff hard to keep him and Harry at a safe distance. What surprised them was that Karkaroff, who was still alive and kicking just now, suddenly fell into the snow and lay down.


"I'm not trying hard!" He was a little flustered. If he really messed up the headmaster of Durmstrang, I'm afraid he would really be expelled.

Just when they were in a panic, a person walked up to Harry and the others. This person Harry also knew: she was Yinsa May from the referee team, an outstanding graduate of Durmstrang.

Seeing the appearance of this uninvited guest, Fred instinctively became nervous. He held the handle of the wand in his jeans pocket, and looked at Yinsa May vigilantly.

"Is there anything you can do?" George asked.

Yinsa Mei didn't answer, she just walked up to Karkaroff and carefully looked at his condition. Then a look of "it really is so" flashed between her brows.

"I need to take him to see Professor Dumbledore." She helped Karkaroff who was lying in the snow, and turned to look at Harry: "Can you take me to see Dumbledore?"

The four immediately relaxed their vigilance. They were sure that this person was not a bad person—how could any bad person ask to see Dumbledore?

So everyone hurriedly helped her support Karkaroff and led him to the principal's office.

On the way, Fred asked about Karkaroff's situation on the sidelines, but Insa May kept silent. Yinsa Mei had suspected for a long time that Karkaroff had been cast with the Imperius Curse, but it was not confirmed until just now.

This is such a shame! The head of a school is actually controlled by someone with the Imperius Curse. Is such Durmstrang worthy of being called the three famous schools together with Hogwarts and Beauxbatons? This is a huge scandal. Yinsa Mei really doesn't want to make it public, so she keeps her mouth Ideally, only Dumbledore knows about it. Now...

Yinsa Mei glanced at the four students behind him, with a helpless expression on her face, and could only sigh: Durmstrang's headmaster, why did you let this trash become you? ! Without him, how could I be ashamed here today?

Yinsa Mei was full of resentment towards Karkaroff. For a moment, she really wanted to throw Karkaroff in the snow—in this kind of weather, it is estimated that he would have been killed by the time the Christmas ball started. so cold.

It's a pity that I can't throw it away. The four students in front of me will definitely not agree. As for knocking them out and erasing their memory... Looking at their age and the students frolicking not far away, Yinsa Mei decisively dismissed this idea.

Fred and George were close to the age of adult wizards, and she couldn't really fight a four-on-one.

In this way, Insa May and Harry brought the delirious Karkaroff outside Dumbledore's office.


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