The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 16: Business

To be precise, this is not a qualified "Finnish wood stove" because the wood is too fresh.

Fresh wood has a lot of moisture, which can make it difficult to ignite, and it can also lead to unwanted smoke. but

Difficulties are relative. The wood will not be ignited because it is not dry. How else would those wildfires expand? The trees burned by the wildfires are all fresh trees.

Tom's match ignited the dead branches and leaves stuffed into the core at once, and a plume of smoke rose from the stump.

"It's burning up, it's burning up!" Mr. Weasley danced with excitement like a child. For him, making fire the Muggle way was the first experience in his life.

He took Tom's matchbox in his hand, "I'll try it too!"

But like many children who are new to matches, Mr. Weasley can't strike a match. He was also a little confused: Tom had succeeded with only one stroke just now, but it was his turn to row, but he couldn't make any strokes.

The matches in his hands were either broken, or the front ignitor was worn away, and the sandpaper on the side of the matchbox was also worn out in a mess.

Mr. Weasley let out a long sigh.

Tom came over and threw the scattered matches into the wood stove, fueling the fire.

Then Mr. Weasley finally struck a match, but he was startled by the sudden burst of flames, and he threw the match to the ground.


Fred couldn't help covering his face with his hands.

"The sandpaper in this box isn't working anymore," said Hermione softly, taking the matchbox from Mr. Weasley and showing him what to do.

"She must be very good at taking care of children in the future." George listened to Hermione's patient explanation and made a judgment.

Under Hermione's guidance, Mr. Weasley finally learned how to draw a match. He kept striking the match and threw it into Tom's stake.

At this time, the inside of the wooden stake had been ignited, and the thick smoke that came out made people unable to open their eyes.

The principle of this wood stove is to let the kindling material ignite the core of the wood pile, and then carbonize a little bit to form a carbon fire that burns all the time. This smoldering method can effectively prolong the burning time of the wood. At the end, a large hole similar to a triangle will be burned in the stake.

"Ahem...the guy's lit." Tom moved away from the woodstove.

"The Finns will insert a z-shaped pipe into this hole." Tom gestured towards the fireplace, "one end is connected to the wood stove, and the other end is connected to the tent, so that the air-conditioning outside will pass through the wood stove. It will be heated and turned into hot air, which is the heating principle of Finnish wood stoves.

Hearing Mr. Weasley nod, he now understands how unmagical Muggles survive in the ice and snow.

"It's important to note that the air intake of the pipe must be outside the wood stove.... Tom started to learn some safety knowledge again. Because Tom is not sure if the wizards have the concept of carbon monoxide poisoning - he feels that there is, There are ventilation measures behind every fireplace at Hogwarts, which will not cause the tragedy of suffocating a house student one night in winter.

"So it is! Tom, you are so knowledgeable!" Mr. Weasley was excited, feeling that he had learned a lot of knowledge that he didn't know when he would use it. He patted Tom on the shoulder. "Merlin is here! Where did you learn all this stuff?"

"Uh, these are all Muggle common sense." Tom replied in the strange eyes of the Grangers, "After you understand Muggle science, you will know a lot of unreasonable things, such as ice and snow rides. The temperature in the completed house is actually not low, for example, the 'gas' seen after the kettle is boiled is not actually gas."

Looking at the eyes of the Weasleys around him as if they were in advanced math class, Tom knew that they were not listening. There was nothing Tom could do about it. Who made the wizards only take magic classes since they were young? Most wizards do not have mathematics and physics in their world. They cannot understand various physical principles at all, and their logical thinking is also very poor, and they have a shallow understanding of the nature of the world.

The solution may only be to open a compulsory general education class at Hogwarts? Teach students to learn a little simple common sense of physics and chemistry. As for mathematical calculation, this skill can be supplemented by arithmetic divination. In the process of arithmetic divination, a large number of operations will be involved, and by accident, the wizards have been taught mathematics.

A general education class doesn't expect to make wizards into scientists who can do academic research, just that they don't get too ignorant.

At this time, there was no longer a lot of smoke coming out of the wood stove, and a clump of flames emerged from it. This clump of flames announced that the stove was ignited.

After a while, Harry and the others also came back with the kettle. Tom put the kettle directly on the wood stove to boil water to make tea.

The process of waiting for the water to boil was not boring. Their tent was located on the side of the road leading to the stadium, and there were many officials of the Ministry of Magic running along the road. Mr. Weasley is very popular at the Ministry of Magic. Many officials of the Ministry of Magic will stop and say hello to him when they pass by, and Mr. Weasley will keep introducing everyone, so that these officials can communicate with Tom, Harry, Hermione and others met.

This is the hidden asset of the pure blood family. Even if the Weasleys were poor enough to afford textbooks, they were an ancient pure-blood family active in the lower and middle ranks of the Ministry of Magic.

The head of the Goblin Liaison Office, the staff of the Experiment Spells Committee, the Memory Canceller, the Silencer... Tom got to know one Ministry of Magic staff member after another.

The water Mr. Weasley boiled a pot of tea, a pot of porridge, fried a lot of eggs, and skewered the sausages and hung them in the wood stove to roast - this roasting method is wonderful, The fat from the top of the sausage will slide down the sausage, soaking the rest of the way. In the end, the sausage is clearly grilled, but it has a fried taste. In addition to sausage, roast potatoes to make the most of every calorie and fat.

The tiredness of walking in the morning was swept away.

With a bunch of grilled sausages in one hand and a bowl of porridge in the other, Tom ran to Fred and George and sat cross-legged. "It's all wizards here."

"Yeah." Fred was slicing the roasted sausage between two slices of eggs.

"They're all potential clients." Tom took a big bite of the sausage.

"We know, but all our fat-tongue toffee was confiscated." George grimaced, drinking porridge one after another, and the vegetable rice porridge seemed to be drunk by him.

"I didn't recommend you sell fat-tongue toffee here. Think about it. There are so many children here. If you eat them by mistake, their parents will kill you." Tom shook his head and looked confident.