The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 167: Cedric goes in circles

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Seeing Cedric's bewildered look, Dumbledore had a satisfied smile on his face. Remember for a second: is the first update!

Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim on the side were a little confused, and they couldn't figure out what Dumbledore had done.

This test was exactly as Cedric had thought. The three floors corresponded to three schools, and the levels of each school were designed by the principal of that school. That is to say, Mrs. Maxim is responsible for designing the characteristic levels of Beauxbatons, and Karkaroff is responsible for designing the characteristic levels of Durmstrang. The level with Hogwarts characteristics was naturally designed by Dumbledore himself.

This also makes the three levels each bring the personal characteristics of the principals. For example, Krum is now fighting hard against various organs in the level designed by Mrs. Maxime. The word "reckless" is highlighted in the whole level, which can be called a one-stop effort. Furong was troubled by Karkaroff's various tricks.

Although Dumbledore's level does not need to fight hard or deal with all kinds of insidious and treacherous organs, the whole name of "Dumbledore" is enough to make it the most difficult level among the three levels.

The magic involved, even the principals of other magic schools cannot understand. Baidu! Degree * search-search-town-demon! Bo? thing? The latest chapter of the museum @Second Geng, the master remembers in one second:! ...

As for whether the principal's design of the level will lead to leaks, the principals and the jury are actually not too worried - if one leak is leaked, then there are two more! You can't expect a warrior to extract information from the mouths of the other two principals, right?

However, unlike everyone expected, the content of the second project was not leaked by the principals! Dumbledore was disdainful to take the initiative to say it, Madam Maxime said it was useless, and Karkaroff couldn't say it because he was controlled by the Imperius Curse.

Therefore, these three principals have all been tight-lipped!

Just when Dumbledore was in a better mood, Mrs. Maxime spoke up: "That kid Krum is about to pass the level I set up. Will he meet Cedric then?"

Madame Maxime was a little worried, she didn't want to see the scene where Cedric and Krum were solving puzzles together.

"Don't worry," Dumbledore adjusted his glasses, "I made three identical third levels to ensure that each warrior can compete independently."

Karkaroff, Maxim:  …

You really have a good time!

Doing the same level three times is really simple beyond the imagination of the two principals. Karkaroff's level has three different entrances. Madame Maxime's various magical mechanisms can be restored after being destroyed. Only Dumbledore used the most simple and unpretentious way...


Cedric has tended to collapse. Spirit Realm Walker's latest @Master One Second Remember: [email protected] remember for a second:…

He had been stuck in the third level for nearly half an hour, but no matter how hard he tried, he would eventually return to the original one.

During this time, he tried all kinds of methods - he even tried to destroy the wall with a blast spell, but it didn't work.

"So what's going on here? It's like being stuck in a time loop!" Cedric sat in the first courtyard in despair, full of helplessness in his heart.

"Wait, time loop? Time..." He faintly grasped a certain spiritual light in his mind, and he began to associate everything he saw with this spiritual light, and finally, his eyes fell on the one under the pine tree. on the sundial.

A sundial is a timing tool!

He immediately came to the edge of the sundial and carefully studied the decoration that he had neglected.

Now Cedric feels that the assessment should start from this courtyard.

He looked at the scale on the sundial and fiddled with it, but the needle couldn't reach the far right because the roots of the pine tree caught it.

"Maybe this is the key to clearance." Cedric muttered in a low voice.

What should I do now that the root of the pine tree is stuck with the pointer?

Cedric chose a very simple approach.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Sawdust was flying, and the root of the tree that blocked the pointer's path was blown to pieces, and the pointer could be moved to the far right!

Dumbledore in the referee bench sighed.

He felt that he was still inexperienced to allow these contestants to find such an obvious loophole.

"He used an unexpected way to clear the customs again?" Madame Maxime almost laughed when she heard the sigh.

"I will definitely reinforce all the props next time." Dumbledore deeply reflected on his mistake.

"So how should you solve your riddle? I mean the right way of thinking." Although Madame Maxime has become the head of a school, her attitude towards magic research has never changed. So she chose to continue discussing this issue with Dumbledore.

"Each scale on the sundial has a corresponding season. When the pine tree is adjusted to the spring, the pine tree will be smaller, so you can naturally turn the pointer to the far right." Dumbledore told Madame Maxime the mystery of the mechanism he designed. .

"Is that so..." Madame Maxime sighed.

After solving the trap set by Dumbledore, Cedric easily passed the last level and came to the edge of the Black Lake.

The next part was much simpler. Cedric carefully studied the manual of scuba for a while on the edge of the black lake, and dubiously put on this Muggle diving prop. After entering the water, scuba really helped him breathe underwater!

Muggles can be reliable sometimes! Cedric swam to the bottom of the lake while lamenting the wisdom of Muggles.

The various magical animals in the lake are not as careful as Dumbledore, so Cedric's progress is extremely fast, except for the half-way lost.

After traveling for a while, I did not encounter any decent obstacles. By the time he got to the bottom of the lake, only half of the time stipulated in the game had passed.

And the world at the bottom of the lake was also shown to the students by Cedric.

Before that, almost every Hogwarts student had heard the legend of the giant squid and merman in the Black Lake, but no one had ever actually seen them.

Today, in the eyes of the warriors, they get a glimpse of one or two.

But after seeing the mermaid, everyone was disappointed. Because instead of calling them mermen, it is better to call them Unlike those beautiful images in fantasy, mermen are very ugly: their skin is iron gray, and their hair is dark green and disheveled. Missing yellow teeth in the mouth.

In the prefect's bathroom at Hogwarts, there is also a portrait of a merman, but after Cedric compared the real murloc with the murloc he had seen, he really couldn't compare the images of the two. Combined.

Elegant and rude, clean and dirty, the contrast between the two images is really strong.


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Baidu search for the other side of deep [email protected]……Seconds, masters remember for a second:!

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