The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 169: Harry's dream

Remember [New] in a second! After the second project ended, there was naturally another grand celebration.

Good food and wine, all kinds of happy little toys, and men and women...

The little wizards of Hogwarts are celebrating in the name of victory. Although the gap with the next two players has narrowed, Hogwarts is still number one at present, so why not come and celebrate?

In other words, they just wanted to find an excuse to celebrate.

After the celebration, the exhausted little wizards lay on the bed and fell asleep, and Harry was no exception.

Butter beer and all kinds of snacks stuffed his stomach so full that it was difficult for him to turn over. Harry, who was lying on the bed, gradually lost consciousness, and amidst the snores of his roommates, he also fell asleep.

Harry had another dream today.

In the dream, he came to a country road, surrounded by bleak and withered bushes and hedges, and the stars in the night sky were so bright that it was frighteningly bright.

In the dream, he was restless and restless, with an uncontrollable killing intent surging. He floated quickly on a potholed path, and there was a hissing sound behind him, as if a reptile was following him.

Turning the path at the foot to the left, a valley appeared in front of my eyes. There was a small village in the valley, and a house with a large area on the hillside. However, even with the cover of night, the house still looked decayed. appearance.

"Harry" glanced at the house, and the killing intent in his heart became agitated again.

The murderous intent came out of nowhere, but dreams don't need logic, so Harry didn't notice anything unusual. He still brought in his own perspective in the dream, watching all this with cold eyes.

After staring at the house for a while, "Harry" turned into an inconspicuous path leading to a dark wood.

In the woods, there is an extremely dilapidated hut hidden. The hut has been submerged by moss and weeds, and it is impossible to find it without careful identification.

At this time, the tiles on the house have all fallen off, and it seems that the house will collapse with just a slight push.

Harry came to the door of the hut, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, the thing that could be called the door fell down, turning Harry's vision into gray—the door splashed nearly half a century of dust.

When the dust subsided, Harry walked into the room, and with a finger, an oil lamp in the corner of the cabin lit up, adding a touch of brilliance to the room.

Judging from the furnishings in the house, no one has stepped here for decades, the ceiling has been covered with cobwebs, and all kinds of furniture have been submerged in dust and cobwebs. So much so that Harry would bring up a lot of dust when he walked.

There are three cottages in the house, and Harry is currently in the middle one. In the middle of the room, there was a table piled with various sundries, and a ring was lying quietly on the table.

A scorched black hand stretched out and rested on the ring. In the next second, a piercing pain came from the fingertips, as if a flame was burning his fingers.

After a few seconds, the black gemstone on the ring shattered, and the scorching feeling on his arm disappeared.

Even after paying a huge price, Harry still laughed wantonly. Amidst the arrogant laughter, Harry woke up suddenly, and the scar on his head was burning again.

"It's Voldemort..." He suddenly understood his dream: Voldemort seemed to have successfully healed the wound on his hand!

At this time, in the distant village of Little Hangleton, Voldemort suppressed his laughter. With a wave of his wand, the withered hand was cut off neatly. A cloud of silver mist gushed out from the tip of the staff, and finally fell on the broken part of the arm, forming a silver hand.

After solving his hidden worries, Voldemort narrowed his eyes, he had already noticed something strange.

"A free show is not so good."

"You look really bad. Would you like some French fries?" Ron was taken aback when he saw Harry early in the morning. Harry looked like he had stayed up all night.

"No, thank you." Harry's voice was a little hoarse, and he couldn't wait to share his dream last night with Ron.

After listening to Harry's dream, Ron's face also turned pale.

"At least he paid a price," he said dryly.

"Harry!" Just as Harry was sharing his dreams with Ron, Luna appeared, and she ran over to remind Harry not to forget to organize the process of the second event of the Triwizard Tournament into a manuscript, the next issue The message before going to bed must talk about the process of the game.

Not long after Luna left, Harry received another notification from Snape, who told Harry that the next Occlumency session would be held on Saturday.

"That's Hogsmeade Open Day!" Harry was furious, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't refuse Snape's request.

After Hogsmeade opened, Tom naturally wanted to go to Hogsmeade with Hermione. For him, shopping with his girlfriend is a very good memory.

"Go and sit in the three broomsticks?" After wandering on the street for a while, Tom offered to sit in the three broomsticks for a while.

A trip to a bistro on a cold day is a tempting proposition.

Hermione agreed without thinking.

The tavern was still very lively, but Tom was lucky, he managed to occupy the last empty table, so that the two of them didn't have to stand and drink at the bar.

After Tom took a seat, Hermione squeezed in with two glasses of butterbeer.


"Hey, Yoddle, can we share a table with you?"

Tom had just taken the hot drink from Hermione when a voice came. Tom turned his head and saw that the person who appeared was Ludo Bagman, followed by a wizard with an Asian face.

"Don't you ever need to go to the office?" Tom course I will, but I have a special mission today, come, let me introduce you to a guest from the far east, Tsuchimikado Mr. Wonho. "Bagman didn't bother the couple's date at all, and acted as a light bulb self-consciously. He enthusiastically introduced the origin of the Asian wizard who was with him to Tom.

"Mr. Tsuchimikado is the envoy of the Japanese Ministry of Magic. Recently, the Ministry has had a lot of contacts with Japan..." Bagman quickly ordered some side dishes and a pot of eggnog, and then sat down opposite Tom. down.

The wizard named Mototora Tsuchimikado was not so familiar, he bowed to Tom and Hermione seriously, and then sat down beside Bagman.

"So why did you cross the ocean and come here across the Eurasian continent?" Tom looked at Mototora Tsuchimikado curiously.


The second is a little later.

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Chapter 169 of Harry's Dream is free to read.