The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 174: Kreacher, you don't want the house to be

Hermione's three views were shattered. Before today, she had tried her best to imagine how wizards enslaved and exploited house-elves. But when she really understood how the pure-blood wizard family treated their house-elves, she was surprised to find that she thought too much about the situation of the elves!

In Hermione's original guess, the house elves must have been forced to work overtime by the wizards, and it is estimated that social insurance and housing funds and labor laws cannot be guaranteed. Unexpectedly, this is not a problem of overtime work and lack of five social insurances and one housing fund. It is a slavery that the owners of American plantations in the 19th century were ashamed of!

Saying that slavery is exalting wizards, the treatment of house elves is worse than that of slaves!

"This, this—" Hermione looked at the row of heads, her face was pale, and she was completely speechless. Finally, two lines of tears flowed from her pair of beautiful eyes and dripped on the ground.

Sirius sighed and said to Hermione, "They're voluntary—"

"Voluntary?" Hermione interrupted before Sirius could finish, angrier than she'd ever been. Now Hermione's ears could faintly hear the roar of blood, and the large blood vessels in her temples were throbbing even more, "You told me these... creatures are beheaded voluntarily?! Are you kidding me!"

Tom came over, took her hand, and held the angry Hermione in his arms, telling her to calm down.

"They're really voluntary." But Tom's words made Hermione furious.

She turned her head and looked at Tom in disbelief. She knew that Tom would not lie to herself at this time. If he said he wanted to be willing, he really meant willingly, not being voluntarily.

Hermione pictured an old, disfigured house-elf lying on a dirty bed, holding a wizard's hand and begging him or her to cut off his head...

She shivered.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Kreacher." Sirius was also taken aback by Hermione's reaction. Now that he has recovered, he only feels a little wronged: These are all done by my annoying aunt, you yell at me what? Is this what I think? Is it fun to watch a row of heads grow up?

At some point, Kreacher also came to this wall.

"It is Kreacher's honor to be a part of this place," it whispered creepy. From its sincere, pious expression, it was hard for Hermione to think that it was lying.

"This is brainwashing..." Hermione was taken aback by Kreacher's words. She was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized, "It has not received the correct education since it was born, and the wizards have distorted it—"

"No." Still Kreacher, it refuted Hermione with its deep voice, and it told the little witch with a firm voice that no one had brainwashed it, and its choices were all voluntary.

Only house elves who have dedicated themselves to the Black family can be enshrined here!

Hermione fell silent.

After a long silence, she looked at Kreacher and asked very seriously: "So you voluntarily accept the life of no salary, no vacation, and even no clothes?"

"Of course!" Kreacher looked at Hermione with idiot eyes, feeling that she seemed to be saying something stupid.

"Then what kind of life do you want to live, or what is your ideal life like?" Hermione changed her perspective. She is really curious about the group of house elves now, and she can't wait to learn about them. heart.

"Guard the ancient and sacred Black family, guard this great and pure mansion, serve the young master, and prevent dirty guys like you from setting foot here and changing everything here!"

Hermione: ...

She thought that she would become the liberator of the house elves, but who would have thought that she would be its thorn in the side and the thorn in its flesh.

In front of this distorted world view, Hermione retreated. She closed her mouth and looked at the poor creature in front of her with pitiful eyes, depressed.

Tom, who noticed Hermione's strangeness, hugged her even harder, hoping to make her feel better with his warm hug. After feeling her boyfriend's kindness, Hermione also responded positively. She shrank into Tom's arms so that he could hold him tighter.

Lupine looked at the two who were distributing dog food, rolled his eyes, and looked away. He's a werewolf, but he doesn't like dog food.

As for Sirius, he didn't feel much about Tom and Hermione's actions, he cared more about Kreacher's words. Seeing that Kreacher closed his mouth, he looked at Kreacher, and lightly mocked, "Guard this place? When I came back, I didn't see that this place was being maintained. What did you guard?"

Kreacher bowed and looked down at his toes: "Old Kreacher's mistress is dead, and the young master has also been sent to Azkaban. No one has given Kreacher orders... Mistress's last order is Stay here and do what you want to do, but old Kreacher has nothing to just wants to stay here and prevent strange people from invading and occupying this place."

A sour taste lingered in everyone's hearts. For the Black family, Kreacher is either a useful minion or an eyesore. But for Kreacher, the Black family, this mansion and those lovely or hateful people in it are the whole meaning of its life.

Purely to the point where the mistress died, it didn't even know what to do.

If the order left by Mrs. Black before her death was "maintain everything here", then when Sirius returns, maybe this place will be spotless. Apparently, not even Sirius' mother expected anyone here to come back. Because the Black family is extinct: Sirius was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban.

Life imprisonment in Azkaban is a real life imprisonment. There is no commutation or parole for medical treatment or parole. It is much more than those in the non-magic world.

In the non-magic world, as long as it is not stubborn, it is basically impossible to die. Slow death becomes indefinite, and indefinitely becomes definite. In the end, there are many people who are released after being locked up for more than ten or twenty years. It's no wonder that some countries like to sentence prisoners to hundreds of years in prison-you can reduce the sentence! Can you still reduce the sentence of hundreds of years? In this way, a de facto life sentence is achieved.

Of course, there is no such tricks in the magic world, and none of the people who were sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban survived. Sirius is the only exception in history. It is hard to say whether there will be anyone behind, but it is absolutely unprecedented.

From Mrs. Black's point of view, there is really no need to maintain this house. What's the point of cleaning it up? Is it cheaper for a thief who walks through empty doors?

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to my brother's bedroom." Sirius really couldn't accept the current atmosphere, so he took the initiative to break the deadlock and planned to take Hermione to his brother's bedroom.

"The prodigal son who was expelled from the family tree is going to steal the treasures of the Black family with his filthy sons...the house thief is the most difficult to guard against. If my poor mistress—" Hearing Sirius' words, Kreacher began to curse again in a low voice.

It seemed completely unaware that it had spoken all that was on its mind. Or... it knows what it's talking about, but it's just playing dumb.

"Shut up!" Sirius was furious, "Remember, I am now the legal heir of the Black family, and I own everything here! How I handle my finances is my freedom, and it's not my turn." You come and tell me what to do. I swear to Merlin, if you say one more word, I will, I will..."

Sirius seriously considered how to intimidate Kreacher the most, and then an idea appeared in his mind.

"I'll sell this house for a low price! Just one Nat!"

Kreacher looked up in shock, unable to believe what he heard.

"This is the ancestral home of the Black family. It is the embodiment of the glory of the Black family. There are countless treasures inside. How can you sell it, and only one Nat!"

Seeing that Kreacher was so shocked, Sirius was extremely proud, and he said, "Because I am the master of this house, I have the final say, Yoddle, do you want it? The house is yours for one Nat."

"No!!" Kreacher fell to his knees on the floor, sobbing hoarsely, "Master, no! I beg you to be kind—"

The combination of its hoarse voice and weeping sound was particularly permeating, making everyone who heard it goosebumps. Combined with the content of its crying, there is a feeling that those who hear it are sad and those who see it cry.

"I'm serious, Tom, if you want to—"

"No need." Tom still can't do the behavior of Nat buying the ancestral home, although Sirius voluntarily.

"Leave it to Harry if you want," Tom said casually.

"Good idea!" Sirius' eyes lit up. Anyway, he has no offspring, so who should he leave it to? As for what Harry did with the things here, that was not his concern.

Seeing that the turmoil of selling the house seemed to have come to an end, Kreacher got up from the ground and bowed respectfully to Tom: "Master, you are a man of high moral character—"

"Okay, okay," Sirius interrupted Kreacher impatiently, "If you dare to be disrespectful to my guests again, I'll sell the house and give you a piece of clothing!"

Sirius found the most effective way to threaten Kreacher. Hearing this, Kreacher's body trembled. Selling the house and bestowing clothes was the most terrifying thing for it!

It tremblingly said: "To be loyal to the Black family is the only meaning of Kreacher's existence, and your orders are everything."

"In that case, get out of my sight—go get some food, I'm going to keep my guests here for lunch!"

"Yes." Kreacher bowed his head, and then disappeared with a snap of his fingers. It might be Tom's illusion. He always felt that Kreacher cursed silently before disappearing.

"So you understand why I don't like living in my own house?" Sirius looked at the three of Tom, and kept complaining: "Its brain has been instilled with too many distorted thoughts by my mother-purity theory and so on, This is really unlikable. I will teach it well, now let's go to my brother's bedroom." While talking, he walked upstairs.

Tom was pessimistic about what Sirius had said about education. He didn't think Sirius could change Kreacher's three views. This is something that it has carried out for a lifetime, how can it be so easy to change?

Sirius and his brother's bedrooms are located on the top floor of the mansion.

He led a few people to climb up all the way to the top of the stairs, where there are two doors, the door facing the stairs has a sign on it, which says [Sirius], this is Sirius' bedroom . Opposite it is a door of the same style, and the door plate reads:

[Entrance is prohibited without the express permission of the person. Regulus Arcturus Black]

Obviously, this sentence didn't work for his brother. Sirius ignored his brother's warning and pushed open the door.

"Aren't you afraid of some magical curse?" Hermione was worried when she saw Sirius' reckless behavior. As far as she knew, many wizards would set up some magic traps in their houses, and if they didn't follow the rules to enter, they might be attacked.

"Him?" Sirius despised his younger brother, "If he had the guts, I'd change my name to Venus."

Sirius still understood his younger brother's cowardice. He knew that Regulus was just being stubborn, and he wouldn't stop him if he really wanted to do something.

The four of them stepped over the threshold and entered the bedroom. Regulus' bedroom was extremely ornately decorated, and it looked like a wealthy family. In his bedroom, Slytherin silver and green are everywhere, covering the bed, walls and windows. Coming here is like coming to the dormitory of Slytherin house.

Above his bed, there is an elaborate depiction of the Black family crest and a motto written in French:

【Forever Pure】

There were many yellowing newspaper clippings under the motto, and Hermione went over to look at them.

"It's all clippings about Voldemort, who was supposed to be a worshiper first and then a Death Eater..."

Tom clicked his tongue, and Sirius snorted loudly.

No wonder Tom looked down on Regulus, it's okay to be an admirer of Voldemort! This is too unstructured!

Even become a fan of Grindelwald?

It's like being a fan of Jay, it's better to be a fan of Jay than to be Ikun, right?

There is also a picture beside the bed, which is a Slytherin house Quidditch team He is the Slytherin Seeker. ’ Sirius explained for Tom, pointing out his brother in the photo.

Regulus was also a black-haired boy, only a little thinner and not as handsome as Sirius.

As if sensing someone pointing at him, Regulus in the photo waved at the camera.

"Okay, let's look for clues! See if there is anything here that can help you." Sirius waved his hand, moved his eyes away from the photo, and started to rummaging through boxes and boxes.


Here is a chapter with four thousand characters, good night everyone

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