The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 188: Voldemort and the Boy Who Lived

Dumbledore: …

Tom could come up with three options that he hadn't thought of.

Is he actually so good? I can think of three countermeasures! Dumbledore thought in surprise. He was a little curious now what Tom's strategy was.

"Best policy, Professor, you should immediately convene the members of the Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic to attack the Department of Mysteries, and strive to wipe out Voldemort and his henchmen. Meet up with Minister Burns there, and carefully investigate the Department of Mysteries with the armed forces of the Ministry of Magic; the last resort, look after Harry, let him stay at Hogwarts honestly. Anyway, Voldemort is cheating, we will Just leave him there waiting to waste time."

Generally speaking, strategists like to give three strategies at once. Of these three strategies, the upper strategy is too ideal, the lower strategy is too bad, and the middle strategy is the most reasonable and reasonable choice. In this way, the counselors mixed in the suggestions they most wanted to make, and let the leaders choose, but they did not let them really make a choice.

So does Tom.

He thinks this problem is easy to solve. Voldemort's fundamental purpose was to lure Dumbledore to the Ministry of Magic, so what if Dumbledore didn't go? Let Voldemort and the air fight their wits! Of course, Dumbledore can do whatever he wants. Voldemort wants to ambush him, so he will concentrate his strength and fight against Voldemort in turn.

The only thing I have to worry about is whether Voldemort will let the tiger go away. All this is just a cover for Dumbledore to leave Hogwarts. His fundamental purpose is to occupy Hogwarts Castle, so Tom asked Dumbledore to strengthen Hogwarts. The protection of Watts Castle.

Sure enough, Dumbledore chose Tom's middle strategy.

"The best policy is too fast, the bottom policy is too slow, let's use your middle policy." Dumbledore decided to go to the Ministry of Magic and meet his student again for a while.

"Professor, look out the window!" Hermione suddenly shouted anxiously.

Tom and Dumbledore turned their heads and looked out the window together, and then they saw two figures riding brooms, disappearing into the sky.

"Harry and Ron are riding their broomsticks to the Ministry of Magic! Professor, stop them!" Hermione was very panicked at this time. She learned from the conversation between the two that Voldemort had set a trap, that ha Wasn't Li throwing himself into a snare and falling into Voldemort's trap?

It's just that she calmed down quickly, because she found that Professor Dumbledore and Tom were all set.

"Fuck, ride a broom to the Ministry of Magic, thanks to Harry for figuring it out!" Tom also scolded with a smile.

Harry's way of going to the Ministry of Magic is so unique! Hogwarts Castle is very far from London, one is on the north side of the island, the other is on the southernmost side, and the journey spans almost the whole of Great Britain. Even if the broom is very fast, it would take them several hours to go to London - then It's getting dark.

However, the protection of Hogwarts Castle is really outrageous. It is like a semi-permeable membrane. It is extremely difficult to enter, but it is very simple to get out. It is actually a one-way protection.

Dumbledore also smiled without saying a word.

"He's trying to use himself as a bait to force you to go to the Ministry of Magic," Tom said to Dumbledore.

"I applaud his courage, but he's obviously too much." Dumbledore wasn't irritated by Harry's behavior, he just thought Harry's behavior was reckless.

The reason they were so peaceful was that Harry wasn't going to die, and having Harry in front of Voldemort was what they were going to do.

There is a very special relationship between Harry and Voldemort: Harry will not die until Voldemort is dead. The formation of this relationship is half coincidence and half artificial. Coincidence is that Harry happens to be Voldemort's Horcrux, and the artificial place is Tom and Dumbledore's plan. In their planning, Voldemort used Harry's blood resurrection to really establish the relationship.

"However, Ron's safety is still of concern. He is different from Harry." Tom felt that Voldemort would probably not make things difficult for Ron. He needed a speaker to describe his power, and Ron was the most appropriate choice. Otherwise, you can't leave a Death Eater in place to tell the story, right?

But it's still too risky, what if Voldemort kills Ron? Or that Ron had angered Voldemort and was killed, which is not impossible!

Dumbledore nodded, stood up from his office chair, and took two steps with his head down.

"I'll set Hogwarts' protection level to the highest level first, Yordle, you and Miss Granger stay at the school." Dumbledore said in an unquestioning tone.

Hermione's expression suddenly became extremely disappointed. Just now, she was still looking forward to going to the Ministry of Magic and witnessing this battle, but this time, Dumbledore was left directly in Hogwarts!

She wanted to argue, but Tom and Dumbledore looked over at the same time, and under these two piercing glances, Hermione finally gave in.

One is the person she respects the most, and the other is the person she loves the most. Neither of them supports her going, so what else can she say?

However, if you can't go by yourself, then Tom can't go there either!

She had expected Tom to bargain with Dumbledore, eventually forcing Dumbledore to take him. She even prepared the lines of dissuasion, but she didn't expect Tom to agree and just ask Dumbledore a question.

"Are you confident that you will be able to kill Voldemort?"

Dumbledore didn't answer, just stroked the bulge of his elder wand with his hand.

"There are always some accounts to be settled." Dumbledore looked out the window with deep eyes.

It's time for him and Tom Riddle to settle their accounts over the past few decades!

Tom understood what Dumbledore meant, and he was relieved.

"Remember to use the Anti-Apparition Charm, so he can't escape." Tom patiently gave Dumbledore a suggestion.

Dumbledore didn't answer. This common sense, of course, he knows. He was still silently searching for other spells in his mind to make sure Voldemort couldn't escape.

After a long time, Tom and Hermione walked out of Dumbledore's office.

The door of the office slowly closed, and after the passage behind it was completely covered by the water-mouthed stone beast, Hermione asked worriedly, "Is it really good for Professor Dumbledore to go alone? In case..."

"There will be no problem," Tom said with considerable confidence in Dumbledore. "He's not fighting alone. Voldemort will regret it. He's so arrogant that he chose the Ministry of Magic for the final battle. I really don't know what to say about him. what's good."

Voldemort may have thought that when he fought Dumbledore, no wizards from the Ministry of Magic would dare to join in, but he did not know that the Ministry of Magic today is completely different from the Ministry of Magic when Fudge was in office. Their abilities may still be as mediocre as ever, but under Burns' leadership, they at least have the courage to face Voldemort and not hold back Dumbledore.

This trace of courage has brought about earth-shaking changes. If nothing else, the environment for a one-on-one battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort can still be provided.

Tom's words briefly dispelled Hermione's worries, but even if there was nothing to worry about, the two of them were not in the mood to eat, so they sat silently on the astronomical tower and waited for the final result.

While Tom and Hermione watched the sun sink below the horizon, Harry was guided by Ron outside the Ministry of Magic.

It was getting late, and the Ministry of Magic had been off work for quite a while. In the UK, even wizards don't work overtime, so the huge Ministry of Magic is empty.

Harry's heart skipped a beat: his plan was nearly bankrupt before it could be implemented, and there was no way he could get help from the Ministry of Magic staff. But that's not what he's most worried about...

"What should we do, do we still have to go?" Looking at the empty Ministry of Magic hall, Ron was a little worried.

"Of course," Harry said firmly. "Now that Voldemort could have that thing at any time, we must stop him."

"Can you please stop saying his name." Ron couldn't help but get goosebumps after hearing the word "Voldemort", "I said his name is magical! Once the word is uttered, he You'll know, not to mention that it's so close to him!"

Ron's calves were shaking as he spoke. This is going to confront the mysterious man head-on! It was something he would never have dreamed of a few hours ago.

Before he set off, he was full of pride and ambition, but when he was actually within five kilometers of Voldemort in a straight line, fear flooded his heart again.

He really wanted to turn around and run, as far away from here as possible.

Seeing Ron so nervous, Harry didn't stimulate him further, just urged him to take him to the Department of Mysteries.

"Besides, we flew past Professor Dumbledore's office on purpose before we left. He must have known it, and it won't be long before he arrives." Harry also moved Dumbledore out to cheer Ron. .

With the help of speech therapy, Ron regained his courage.

Perhaps it was because of the adrenaline that started to secrete, Ron was not only no longer nervous, but a little excited. He thought that he could go back alive after stopping Voldemort's conspiracy this time, what a piece of talk!

While thinking about it, Harry and Ron came to the ninth floor where the Department of Mysteries was located.

Although he had never been here, the surrounding scene became familiar, and Harry became more convinced of the authenticity of his dream. In addition, the dull pain of the scar on his forehead is also telling him the location of the target of this operation.

Harry felt himself mentally prepared.

Despite Harry's preparation, he felt his scalp pop when he turned around and saw Voldemort's snake face.

Of course, at the same time, the scar on his forehead also seemed to have split open.

"Harry Potter..." Voldemort muttered his name softly, his voice like a burst of hissing flames, "Boy who survived, you really came."

Bellatrix's figure appeared silently behind Harry, but she was the only one who appeared. It seemed that she, Voldemort, and Harry and Luo were the only ones in the huge Prophecy Hall of Mysteries. kindness.

Ron, who was standing beside Harry, clenched his fists and his heart almost jumped out of his chest. He opened his mouth instinctively, but before he could utter a syllable, Voldemort waved his hand, and a few ropes rushed out from behind Ron, tying him to a shelf, and one rope jumped up and blocked it. His mouth made him speechless.

"Just watch it." Voldemort didn't bother to pay any attention to Ron, he was looking at Harry carefully, with great interest in his eyes.

"Bella," he asked the only servant he had brought with him, "do you think there is anything special about this little wizard in front of you?"

Bellatrix shook her head, she couldn't see anything special about Harry.

"Yeah, I don't understand why such a mediocre guy can make the greatest Dark Lord lose all his power." Voldemort recalled that night fifteen years ago.

"Potter, do you feel a little regretful, there are not many audiences at the curtain call of your life today... My servants are really unusable, plus the influence of a few spells, I can't call them now ." Voldemort looked regretful. He also regretted that there were not many people to witness his final victory.

"I really want to talk to you a few more words, but unfortunately time is running out... I hope that before you your trump card, that bad old man, can get there in time!" Voldemort drew himself out wand.

Harry had completely calmed down by this time, watching everything in front of him like a bystander.

Voldemort raised his wand without any hesitation or sloppiness, his head turned to one side, like a curious child, wondering what was going to happen next, his mouth moved, a green light flashed, and everything was gone .

Ron had seen it all.

When he saw the Killing Curse hit Harry, he just wanted to scream, but his mouth was gagged and he could only make a whimper.

But the next moment, a miracle happened.

Voldemort and Harry took off backwards at the same time, then fell to the ground like shabby ragdolls.

The horror in Ron's eyes ran into Bellatrix's eyes.

She rushed to Voldemort's side in one stride, knelt on the ground, and shook his body desperately, but Voldemort didn't respond, as if he was dead.

The rope on Ron's body began to fall off, but the scene in front of him was so amazing that he didn't even realize that he was free.

Until an old hand rested on his shoulder.

Ron was shocked, turned around and found that it was Professor Dumbledore!

This time he still had no time to make a sound before Dumbledore covered his mouth.

"Go over there." Dumbledore pointed Ron in a direction and told him to leave first, while he stayed where he was, watching the good show in front of him.


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