The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 42: Hermione Who Wants to Quit School (2 in

After a busy night, Tom didn't return to Granger's house until late at night. But even though he slept late, he still woke up at eight o'clock in the morning. The Grangers were still up when Tom went down to the first-floor living room.

As soon as Tom walked into the living room, he heard the sound of "click, click" coming from the window. Tom looked at the window——


"Oh, it's the Hogwarts owl." Tom opened the living room window and took two letters with the Hogwarts school emblem from a beautiful gray owl.

He went to the kitchen, made himself a cup of hot chocolate, and sat down at the living room table to open the mail.

The content of the letter was the same as Tom thought, it was the list of supplies for the new semester sent by Hogwarts, but in the column of uniforms, Tom saw the word "dress robe".

Ugh... Tom sighed, hoping his budget was enough.

At this time, Mr. Granger also came to the living room, and then poured himself a cup of hot cocoa unceremoniously, and turned on the TV, and the host's voice followed from the TV.

"Finally, Ben Qi, the lost English Sheepdog in Salisbury has been rescued to safety..."

Mr. Granger was rather dissatisfied that these media did not pay attention to the real business all day long, and only focused on the trivial reports every day, but he said so, and his body turned up the volume very honestly.

"...Afterwards, it returned to the arms of its young owner, Linda Fletcher, who said she could hardly hope to be reunited with Ben Qi."

Looking at the face on the screen that was about the same age as Hermione and the happy smile on this face, Mr. Granger suddenly felt that it would not be a bad thing to save such a dog with great fanfare?

"It is reported that the direct intervention of the Prime Minister contributed to this—"

"I think Huck is not bad, isn't he?" Mr. Granger turned off the TV and started chatting with Tom, "Although a little money may have been wasted, think about what Ben Qi means to that little girl, personally It does carry weight, even in a world of budgets and balance sheets. I'm sure some will criticize the Prime Minister for abusing his powers, but sometimes doing the right thing takes a little sacrifice..."

Tom watched helplessly as Mr. Granger became a fan of Huck Road. He suddenly realized that Huck's move could really increase the approval rate!

"The prime minister didn't spend any money. I found the dog for him." Tom said quietly, holding a cup full of hot cocoa.

Mr. Granger: …

He really didn't expect that this matter could have something to do with Tom!

"That's a good job—isn't it dangerous?" He was very proud of Tom's behavior at first, but remembering that Salisbury was a minefield, he couldn't help but worry about Tom, " Huck should award you a knighthood!"

Sir Yodle? This title sounds like he is not very tall, Tom secretly complained.

The news reports on TV are just appetizers, and the real climax lies in the reports of major newspapers.

Huck was sitting in his office, looking at the headlines in the newspaper, grinning from ear to ear.

"Britain understands today, and there is still a real heart beating in No. 10 Downing Street!" He couldn't help showing off to his secretary Bernard.

"In fact, there are seventy-four hearts beating here."

"Thank you, Bernard." Huck was used to his secretary's "offline" status, and he continued to read: "Linda said: I vote for Mr. Huck...the bbc and received a flood of phone calls, The Prime Minister is being praised for his decision to rescue Ben Qi, and the Leader of the Opposition is refusing to comment - forgive him, ha!"

"Prime Minister? Prime Minister!" Bernard interrupted Huck's newspaper reading, telling him that he had changed the lock on No. 10 last night.

"Very good." Huck showed a slightly mischievous smile.

Humphrey had just finished an internal meeting with senior civil servants at this time.

The civil servants withdrew,

But Humphrey stopped Sir Frank, Permanent Secretary of the Treasury. Recently, this guy has been messing with the Prime Minister, which made Humphrey feel a lot of pressure.

The source of the pressure is that Sir Frank is Permanent Secretary to the Treasury. After Huck took office and Humphrey was promoted, the two dismembered the behemoth Department of Administrative Affairs by coincidence. As a result, the status of the Treasury Department in Whitehall rose. Just like Burns to Fudge, if one is not careful, Humphrey may really be replaced by Frank.

So he decided to test his theoretical subordinate.

"Have a good talk with the Prime Minister?" Humphrey started the confrontation with a simple question.

"Yes, good."

"Okay, is there anything special?"

"Is there anything of particular concern to you?" Sir Frank realized that Humphrey was not a friendly visitor.

Humphrey cursed secretly, and then said that he had nothing to worry about.

"He didn't mention the change of civil servants?"


Humphrey: …

"Did he hint at a redistribution of responsibility or something?"

"We talked about a lot."

"Have you made any decisions?"

"There are pros and cons to both."

"Is the distribution balanced?"

"It may be more inclined to one side."

"But nothing to worry about?"

"I don't have one," Frank showed an awkward smile, "see you this afternoon!"

Humphrey's questions were thrown out one after another, but Frank answered them all tactfully. He said a lot, but it seemed like he didn't say anything. It made Humphrey feel like he was fighting a greasy catfish.

The smirk on his face faded away, and Humphrey felt a surge of anger. After Sir Frank left, he picked up the phone at hand and called Bernard: "Bernard, I'll go to No. 10 right away."

But Bernard refused, saying that it was inconvenient now.

"I must come!" Humphrey hung up the phone and ran out of his office in a hurry.

The cabinet and No. 10 are connected, and there is only one door blocking it. Humphrey walked to the door with ease, took out the key and inserted it, but the door leading to No. 10 was not opened as usual.

For a moment Humphrey thought he had the wrong key.

Hearing the shout of "Open the door, open the door!" from behind the door, Bernard smiled happily.

"You will have to pay the price, open this damned door!" Sir Humphrey became incompetent and furious. But anger can't help him open the door, only the right key and lockpicking spell can. If the quality of the door is not good enough, Anger may open it for him, but this is No. 10 Downing Street, and the quality of the door is quite good.

After trying in vain, Humphrey turned his head and left—he decided to enter through the No. 10 main entrance.

The idea was far-fetched, but a possibility, if the guards weren't serious.

It's a pity that the guard had been told in advance that he had to be serious this time, so Humphrey received the same treatment from Tom.

The guard stopped him and said that he could not enter Ten without a special pass or Bernard's consent. Of course, Sir Humphrey could choose to make an appointment.

Humphrey felt what despair was.

"Do you need me to call Bernard?" the guard asked kindly.

Humphrey's dignity told him to refuse, but his body agreed.

Bernard's voice came from the other end of the intercom: "Tell him, you can't find Mr. Bernard."

"Sorry, Mr. Bernard can't be found now, and he didn't leave a message when he left, so I can't let you in."

Faced with such an answer, Humphrey felt that he had encountered the biggest crisis in his career. As the head of the civil service, Humphrey possessed great power, and the fundamental source of his power was none other than the Prime Minister whom he looked down upon.

Relying on his familiarity with laws and policies, he constantly tricked the Prime Minister and induced him to make decisions that best suit his interests. For example, the previous salary increase for civil servants and the termination of the thrift movement were all thanks to Sir Humphrey. He also wanted to do the same with the recent cuts in military spending, but he has not yet succeeded.

But all of this is based on the condition that he can see the prime minister at any time. If he doesn't see the prime minister, he's screwed. Not being able to see him in the physical sense is not terrible, what is terrible is the meaning behind it: the Prime Minister no longer trusts him. Humphrey believed that once the news spread, his nominal subordinates would turn their backs on him the next day, empty him out, and compete for the next cabinet secretary to replace him.

Sir Humphrey made up his mind: today he must meet Huck at all costs, and then get his understanding to get the key again.

Humphrey quickly ran back to his office, opened the window, and jumped out in a stride. He was not like an office worker in his fifties, but more like a high school student who was in a hurry to drive.

Humphrey's idea is also very simple: as long as he meets the prime minister, he has a chance to turn the tables! So he decided to climb over the wall from the cabinet and climb to No. 10—the two buildings are adjacent to each other anyway.

But when he ran outside No. 10, Humphrey ran into a difficult situation. Only then did he remember that the Prime Minister's office room is on the second floor! Just jumping out of the window on the first floor is not too difficult, but it is a bit difficult for a senior civil servant in a suit and leather shoes who lacks exercise all year round to climb up to the second floor with his bare hands.

Looking at the balcony of the prime minister's office, Humphrey gritted his teeth and stomped his feet before climbing the wall. The possibility of being alienated by the Prime Minister and then being forced to stay away from the center of power was like a whip, whipping him crazily, and it really made him succeed!

Power is the best stimulant.

But Humphrey, who had climbed to the second floor, also felt like he had lost half his life.

At this time, Huck was working on the documents with his advisor, Ms. Dorothy, and his private secretary, Bernard. When he looked up, he was startled by a figure outside the window—at first he thought it was a killer sent by some organization!

But looking closely, Huck almost laughed out loud: Isn't this Sir Humphrey? !

"Look, it's Humphrey!" His voice attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

The other two looked out the window together, and saw Humphrey holding on to the railing, panting heavily, with several black marks on his face, and dust on his custom-made suit, he was not as decent and comfortable as before Feel.

Realizing that Huck had noticed him, Humphrey showed a pitiful expression on his face. He first greeted Huck, and then pointed to the handle of the French window, signaling that he would come in.

"Wait—" Huck remembered something, but it was too late, Humphrey couldn't wait to twist the handle.

The ear-piercing siren sounded, and several guards rushed in. Everyone was stunned, and Humphrey was even more terrified.

Fortunately, Huck assured the guards that the "suspicious man" outside the window was not an assassin or a spy, but one of his secretaries, and Humphrey regained his freedom.

The guards withdrew from the prime minister's office. Sir Humphrey was still in shock. The alarm just now was too exciting for him.

"So Sir Humphrey, where does today's happiness come from?" Huck asked knowingly.

Sir Humphrey confided to Harker in a heartbroken tone: "Prime Minister, I must resort to the strongest terms to express my strong objection to the strict and intolerable access to high ruling personnel imposed by recent regulations. The restrictions, once existing deplorable innovations are incorporated into long-term regulations, will quickly lead to the tightening of information and communication channels, eventually resulting in the atrophy of organization and management paralysis, completely eliminating the continuity of work of various departments of government, weakening the whole of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."

Sir Humphrey used this long single sentence to prove the gold content of his degree from Oxford University. If he could get such a sentence in the speaking test, it would not be a question of giving full marks, and it would be more than enough for him to sit in the examiner's seat.

"You mean you lost the key?" Huck parsed Humphrey's long single sentence, and then came to a condensed conclusion.

"Prime Minister, I insist on a new key—"

"I'll give it to you, Humphrey—when the environment is right and the time is right," Huck used the official words that Humphrey usually used to prevaricate him, "Swallow and have an important decision to make, more urgent. "

Now that Humphrey has something to ask of Huck, how can Huck be called a qualified politician if he doesn't take advantage of him?

After some bargaining, Humphrey gave in, and Huck won an unprecedented victory.

After a compromise, Humphrey regained the key to Number Ten.

After carefully putting the key into his pocket, the fear in Humphrey's heart dissipated a lot. He remembered one of the most critical questions, so he tried to ask in a calm and decent tone: "There is one more question, Prime Minister, can I ask who is the head of the civil service department?"

"Of course it's Humphrey." Huck said with certainty, but before Humphrey relaxed, he added: "It might be Frank, or both. Yes, I haven't decided yet..."

Humphrey: !!!∑(?Д?ノ)ノ

"It doesn't matter who it is, it's my decision. Isn't it, Humphrey?" Huck smiled like a prime minister.

Humphrey shuddered, and said in a trembling voice, "Yes, Prime Minister!"

At this moment, it was the first time that Humphrey felt tremendous pressure from Huck, and it was also the first time that Huck took advantage of Humphrey.

The situation between the two has reversed.

"In short, you must pay attention to safety before you act next time!" Mr. Granger asked Tom a lot of details about the meeting with the Prime Minister After listening, he was amazed, and he didn't forget to tell Tom to pay attention Safe, just like the elders in the family.

The two were chatting, and Hermione also came down from the second floor in a white pajamas. Her complexion was not very good, her hair was disheveled, her eyes were dark, and she looked like she hadn't slept well.

"This is the list from Hogwarts." Tom handed her the letter that belonged to Hermione, but Hermione was not very interested in the letter.

She gave Tom a wink, and pouted her lips upstairs. Tom understood, quickly finished his hot chocolate, and found an excuse to go back to his bedroom.

Not long after returning to the house, the door of Tom's bedroom was pushed open by Hermione, and her first words after opening the door stunned Tom.

"Tom, I don't want to go to Hogwarts anymore."


A chapter of 4,500 characters!

I don’t know if the chapter said that the system has been restored... These days I have swallowed countless chapters saying, **** it!