The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 77: guard under the tree

After Dumbledore announced the start of the game, three small **** floated in front of the three warriors.

These are three door keys that will randomly teleport the warriors to a location in the Forbidden Forest.

The warriors have to start with a wand and complete the recovery of the fragments when the equipment is all picked up. Their every move will be broadcast by three screens on the field. As for the guarantee that the Ministry of Magic had previously promised, it was a special door key in front of them, and the warriors could return to the Quidditch field by touching the door key. This kind of return will theoretically not deduct points, but it does greatly interfere with the progress of the collection.

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, the three of them held the door key in front of them and disappeared in place. Simultaneous broadcasting also started on the big screen. Gryffindor's Lee Jordan has been pulled out, and this time he'll be the commentator for the Triwizard Tournament. Meanwhile, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons each found a student. The three of them stood on the commentary stand, each with a microphone with a loudspeaker spell in front of them.

Cedric stood his ground. He was still in the center of the arena just now, but he was already in a dense forest at this time.

"Where is this..." Cedric was a little stunned. He knew that he was going to hit the vicinity of Ren Liu, but the premise of going to a place was that you had to know how to get there!

Unfortunately, Cedric didn't know how to go. But it just so happened that there was a magic spell that could help him.

"Show me the way!" Cedric took out his wand and cast a spell. The wand in his hand turned and pointed to the southeast.

The tip of the stick pointed to the direction of the beating willow.

Just as Cedric was about to leave, he shrugged the tip of his nose: Why is there a stench?

Wait, this smell... Cedric's expression changed, he vaguely thought of something.

At this moment, the woods behind him trembled, the smell in the air became stronger and pungent, and then a tall figure appeared in Cedric's field of vision.

Tall body, gray-white skin, small head like a chocolate bean, and carrying a huge wooden stick in his hand...

It's a monster! To be precise, it is a troll that lives in the forest.

Cedric felt his hair go numb, and the magician was most afraid of encountering such a thick-skinned big guy at close range. The skin of the troll is similar to the weakened version of the dragon skin, with a certain magic resistance, and it is really difficult for ordinary little wizards to break its defense. Trolls must be top wizard hunters if not for their slowness. When they meet on a narrow road, they directly teach the wizard to be a human being, and let the wizard understand a truth: beyond seven steps, the wizard can't defeat the monster, and within seven steps, the wizard can not only defeat, but also can't escape.

"There's a lot of obstacles!" he roared, cast an obstacle spell, and ran away.

The troll let out an angry roar, trying to hunt the little white face in front of him, but was stopped by the Barrier Charm for a few seconds. Cedric disappeared into the jungle in the blink of an eye.

Cedric's experience made the little wizards exclaim, especially when the troll appeared. Many people even felt that they could smell the stench of the troll.

"Come on, it's on, bet who'll find the first shard and who'll be teleported back first - a fake wand?" Fred and George were not idle, like two Bludgers Drill through the crowd.

Compared to Cedric's "Meet the Mountain", Fleur and Krum are a bit luckier. Their "Birth Point" has no monsters, just an endless jungle.

However, Fleur managed to provoke an eight-eyed giant spider after passing through a few bushes, and it took a lot of effort to defeat it - she was very lucky, this spider came out alone to feed. If she encountered the eight-eyed giant spider group, then she would have to use the door key at this time.

Furong's battle did not attract the attention of other students, and everyone was caught by the screen that broadcasted Krum.

Compared to Cedric, who was playing hide-and-seek with trolls in the forest, Krum was very lucky. He didn't encounter any obstacles along the way. He even found a treasure chest. Curse shield. Krum, who was so smooth, finally went around and came to the beater willow tree.

If Cedric knew what happened to Krum, he would surely shed happy tears: the difference between people is too great! Why am I not having such good luck?

But my honey, other's arsenic, Cedric's good fortune is pure bad luck on Krum.

This started a few minutes ago...

After Professor Sprout placed Tom next to the beating willow, she left. She had other volunteers to arrange, and according to Dumbledore's instructions, she also set up a few traps along the way. So she missed the little surprise that Tom prepared.

After Professor Sprout left, Tom first opened the gift bag he had received. He wanted to know what good things were in his gift bag.

He untied the string of the gift bag and fell down, and a roll of parchment, a glove, and a small ball fell out of it.

The parchment is a map of the neighborhood with a few points marked on it. Tom guessed it was the location of the alchemy item or the magic ring fragment. The gloves are outrageous, they are anti-curse gloves made by myself...

It looks like Dumbledore bought it from the Ministry of Magic.

As for the ball, it's even more interesting - it's a dung egg! When thrown, it emits an astonishing stench, which successfully dissuades the pursuers.

It looks like Dumbledore is a loyal customer of Fred and George! Tom threw the power-enhancing dung egg aside and turned to open the package of living supplies.

There wasn't much inside, just a tent and a pile of food.

"It looks delicious." Tom smelled the sandwich in the food bag and felt that it should taste good.

After unpacking, Tom took out the big treasure he had been making for months: alchemy armor.

[Alchemy armor (four stars): Made of magic silver, coated with gold powder on the surface, comes with spells such as extension spell, iron armor spell, floating spell, etc., which can closely fit the body and bounce most of the spells]

In addition to the armor, he also took out his own wand, but this time he didn't put it on. I just put my own magic ring fragment on the tail of the wand - how can I attract warriors to take the bait without showing the good things?

"Come on, stand up." Tom approached Buckbeak, who was looking for a mouse burrow on the ground.

Buckbeak: ?

"I'll dress you up~"

"No!" Buckbeak refused.

It is a noble hippogriff, how can it let its beautiful feathers be covered?

Seeing Buckbeak's lack of interest, Tom didn't force it, and put on the alchemy armor himself.

After the armor was covered, it automatically began to shrink, and finally fit together with Tom's body, shrouding him in the golden armor.

Under the sunlight, Tom seemed to be the sun.

Buckbeak: !

If it is such a thing, it seems that it is not impossible?

Buckbeak's attitude softened.

Seeing this, Tom showed a smile - he had long expected that this hippogriff would like this tune, so when he made his own armor, he also prepared a similar horse armor for Buckbeak.

As for the size, it doesn't matter, magic can automatically make the horse armor fit Buckbeak.

Soon, Buckbeak also became golden, and his whole body was shrouded in golden armor.

Tom rode up, turned into a heavy armored knight, and patrolled around the beater willow.

So when Krum came to the edge of the beating willow, what he saw was a golden knight armed to the teeth, and even the knight's face was covered with a visor, so he couldn't see his face clearly. The armor on the knight's body has gorgeous and dazzling patterns, reflecting a dazzling golden light in the sun. The mount under the knight's crotch also wears a golden armor. The rays of the sun shone on one person and one horse, making them look like golden statues.

Krum:  …

I seem to have seen something that I can't provoke. It's not very clear at first glance.

I'm sick...wait a minute! Klum, the world's top Seeker, has eagle-eyed eyes. So all at once he saw the unremarkable shard at the end of the weapon in the knight's hand.

"Magic Ring Fragment!" Krum's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Krum knew that this debris was the key to the game. I encountered a piece shortly after entering the venue, and my luck is really good. But looking at the golden statue, Krum couldn't judge whether his luck was good or bad.

He looked at Tom under the tree in the distance and analyzed it.

Klum felt that the purpose of the game was not to prank people, but to test the Warriors' ability. Therefore, Hogwarts will not put some enemies that are completely impossible to defeat, which means that the big guy in front of him should have weaknesses.

"Can't magic attack?" Krum touched his chin. The knight did not look like he was good at magic. At this time, Krum's eyes fell on the wand and shield in his hand.

Since Tom's armor completely covered his face and torso, Krum didn't see that it was Tom Yodell, who he was very concerned about before - he thought it was a golem made by the competition organizer. This caused his analysis to go wrong at the root.

I...seem to be able to try? Krum's heartbeat began to speed up, and fresh blood was pumped into his brain, making him gradually warm up.

If you can defeat this golem, the benefits you get should not only be the shard, but also other items with special functions...

Krum is already thinking about the benefits of success.

Unlike Krum, who was excited, Durmstrang's students were generally anxious.

"This big guy is very strong at first glance, why didn't Viktor avoid it?"

"Because he wants to deal with that big guy, and he's worthy of our Durmstrang warrior."

"I'm not very optimistic, but he is Victor Krum! Maybe he can create miracles..."

Even Krum's classmates were pessimistic about him.

As a professional Quidditch commentator, Lee Jordan will never turn off the fire at this critical moment. He grabbed the microphone: "It can be seen that Krum really wants to try to challenge this golden knight, but I very much doubt him. Whether it will work - it is said that the Ministry of Magic has comprehensive protection measures, and I think we will see soon."

Beauxbatons' commentator was a little witch, and her attitude was much more euphemistic: "Obviously, Krum players face a very serious challenge, I just found out that the knight in golden armor is not riding an ordinary horse, It's a hippogriff but a winged beast..."

Different from the neutral attitude of Beauxbatons' commentary, Lee Jordan's speech has a strong bias - this is also the characteristic of his commentary. Before the Quidditch match, he was someone who could openly support Gryffindor in front of all the teachers and students of the school.

Lee Jordan's words infuriated Durmstrang's commentator, who cleared his throat: "I need to remind you that Krum is a great Seeker, and this challenge is nothing to him— —"

"But this is not a Quidditch game, and I have to tell you a hot fact that Krum's Bulgarian team lost 160-170 this summer..."

rice ball exploration book

"Aren't you worried about your students?" While the two commentators were arguing, Madame Maxime glanced at Karkaroff, who was sitting beside her, "The man under the tree, I guess Tom Yodel, I don't know where he got such a suit of armor."

Madame Maxime recognized Buckbeak under Tom's crotch, and after analyzing the information of the hippogriff, she knew the true face of the person under the With a blank expression: "I believe in my warriors."

This sentence only got a blank eye.

Madame Maxime wanted to say: You believe that Krum is useless, and Chamberlain also believes that he can bring peace! But this sentence was finally swallowed back in her stomach.

Anyway, it's not Furong who is going to get into trouble now, let's go to the play!

All eyes were on Krum's screen. Even though Cedric next to him was entangled by the troll again, and Fleur opened a treasure chest, it didn't make the audience look away.

When Krum saw Tom, Tom saw him too. Seeing that instead of running away, Krum wanted to attack him, Tom sneered.

Just let you try my new armor!

He clamped Buckbeak, turned the horse's head, and charged at Krum.

Buckbeak cooperated very well, walking like flying, four legs stepped out of the phantom, and at the same time stretched two wings, raising the momentum to the peak in an instant.

Krum: !

When Tom stood by the tree in a daze before, he didn't feel anything wrong - it was just a withered statue. As a result, after he moved, Krum realized that the rushing cavalry and the stagnant cavalry were completely two species!

As a pure infantryman, facing the charge of the knights, he felt the pressure of a landslide.

Krum subconsciously raised his shield and cast an iron armor spell in front of him.

When Buckbeak's speed reached the limit, Tom swung his staff and aimed at the shield in Krum's hand as a stick.


Krum flew.


Two in one four thousand words

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Hey, today is a good day. Be a human being, be open-minded~