The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 82: Do you want to be my Master?

Days of drawing cards at Hogwarts Chapter 82 Do you want to be my Master?

Cedric breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down. At this moment, he could feel that the robe on his back was wet with sweat.

He was really afraid that the jury would rule that he violated the rules.

After calming down, he was frightened for a while. Cedric said that what he just did was really a moment of enthusiasm, but he would never make such an operation if he weighed it for a while.

This behavior is so reckless, it's almost a gamble. Fortunately, Cedric won the bet.

It's just what a rude Gryffindor would do. Cedric complained about himself in his heart, and stepped on the little wizards of Gryffindor by the way. Although he felt that his behavior was very "Hufflepuff", Cedric forgot that the representative animal of Hufflepuff was the badger.

One of the most aggressive animals in the world. The little badger will make some bold actions regardless of his enthusiasm. So if you think about it, Cedric's behavior is still very "Hufflepuff".

Cedric adjusted his robes, took the new door key and disappeared.

When he stood firm, he was in the forbidden forest again.

Cedric did not rush into action. After confirming that there were no safety hazards around, he began to check the harvest of his adventure just now.

The first is the magic ring fragment. The fragment was larger than the one on the troll, about the size of two thumb nails. When the two pieces are close together, there is also a weak suction force, as if to attract each other.

"Do the magic ring fragments have the characteristic of attracting each other?" Cedric looked at the performance of the two fragments and had a guess in his heart.

He placed the two pieces on the ground and no longer restricted their movement. Sure enough, the two shards began to slowly move closer. After approaching a certain distance, the two shards came to a standstill as if they encountered some obstacle, and then moved very slowly in the same direction.

Cedric: !

Spectators on the pitch: !

"Cedric seems to have made a major discovery! It turns out that two pieces of the magic ring can be placed together to point to the position of the next piece! This will give him a great advantage—"

"But Cedric also needs to strengthen his strength as soon as possible..."

"One thing to say, Cedric player can be the first to discover the characteristics of the magic ring, which is closely related to his lead in progress - currently only he has obtained two pieces of the three. Obviously, Cedric The players will have the upper hand in the follow-up games, if Fleur and Krum want to win the game, they must speed up their progress and collect at least two fragments..."

The commentators were excited to analyze, and the little wizards on the court were also whispering to discuss the impact of this discovery on the game.

Many people feel that the scale of victory has been tilted in Cedric's favor. However, the protagonist of the incident, Cedric, did not have this confidence. Instead, he felt that he was going to get cold.

"Hey... The magic ring fragments actually have such an effect. I delayed so much time at the start, and the progress must be a lot behind... The other two warriors must have won a lot of fragments, right?"

Krum, Fleur: Ahh!

That is to say, the big screen cannot transmit sound, otherwise the little wizard watching the battle on the scene will die of laughter.

Cedric was a little frustrated, but he recovered quickly.

"It's not a big problem! At least two fragments have been obtained." After puffing up for himself, he took out the map fragment again, trying to identify his location.

Then he discovered an embarrassing reality: he couldn't find his place on the map.

According to the arrangement of the Ministry of Magic, there will be a marker on the map fragment, indicating the current location of the fragment holder. The person who gets the map fragment can use this as a coordinate to determine the orientation on the map.

This is reasonable and convenient, but there is a small problem for Cedric - the location of his marker is the location of the Sphinx, and Cedric, who has experienced two teleports, can't find it.

Even if he could find it, Cedric felt he should avoid the sphinx. I had offended her severely just now, and if I meet again, I'm afraid I won't be able to be kind.

But there is another way, that is to find landmarks on the map. For example, there is a small lake on the fragment of Cedric, and a fire dragon is drawn next to the lake.

Cedric had no intention of confronting the fire dragon, but he felt that he could use the fire dragon as a coordinate to determine his position - the big guy like the fire dragon was still very conspicuous.

After making up his mind, Cedric took action, but he came to a small pool before he took a few steps. Looking at the environment next to the water pool, Cedric frowned: There is a pile of internal organs by the water, and there are traces of fire on the shore... There are people here!

What puzzled Cedric was that he also saw a few dragon claw prints, and this time he was a little confused: Why are there traces of the activity of fire dragons and traces of human activities on the edge of this pool?

This pool looks a bit familiar... Cedric analyzed it carefully for a while, and finally concluded that it was the Fire Dragon Pool marked on the map. I just don't know what happened. The fire dragon here is gone, and there are still people who have been here.

"Now is not the time to get to the bottom of things." Cedric shook his head and pressed down the doubts in his heart. "The most urgent thing is to go to the Beating Willow."

Cedric still clearly remembered his dean's advice that he would rush to the Beating Willow to get his "plug-in". Coincidentally, the punching willow is right on the edge of the map fragment.

Xu is the two previous encounters that exhausted Cedric's bad luck, and this time he arrived under the hitting willow tree unscathed.

At this time, Tom was patrolling on Buckbeak under the tree.

The treasure chest under the beating willow is naturally Tom's masterpiece. Tom had this crazy idea after seeing the little door key.

This key is a lock! The organizer's intention has been very clear, that is, to set a trap. Otherwise, why would they bother to turn a lock into a door key? They even hid the door key in Norbert's clearance chest!

Tom, who consciously realized the organizer's true intentions, put the door key on the treasure box, made a teleportable treasure box trap, and then threw the treasure box under the beating willow tree, waiting for the warrior to come.

After a while, Tom finally caught Fleur. Seeing Fleur rushing to the treasure chest with a face full of joy, Tom felt the joy of mischief.

He could understand Fred and George now.

Pranks are so much fun!

I don't know how Furong is doing now, I hope everyone is fine.

Furong, who was remembered by Tom, had just gotten rid of Norbert's pursuit. She hid in the canopy of a tree, and at the same time turned a stone into her own appearance, leading away Norber. After deceiving Norbert, she immediately ran in the opposite direction, and did not stop until she was sure of safety.

She finally had time to look at the harvest in her treasure chest. The items in the treasure chest with double insurance of the beating willow and the door key must be very precious, right?

Used port keys lose their magic power and can be touched at will. Furong threw the lock on the ground and opened the treasure chest.

The moment the treasure chest was opened, she heard a slight explosion, followed by an indescribable stench that enveloped her

Ah ah ah ah ah ah! Fleur screamed. It stinks! Furong, who loves cleanliness, felt like she was going to die on the spot, as if she had fallen into a cesspool.

There was a burst of laughter on the Quidditch pitch. Fleur may not know the mechanism in the chest, but the little wizard at Hogwarts is very familiar with it.


Isn't this treasure chest the necessary props for pranks? High-end pranks can be done with just one dung egg.

Dung is so recognizable among the little wizards at Hogwarts thanks to Fred and George, both of whom started playing Dung when they first started school.

"Clear water is like a spring!"

"The whirlwind sweeps away!"

Furong cast all the cleaning spells she knew, but she could still faintly smell a stench wafting from her nose, but it was tolerable after all.

Now she seems to be in the toilet, and she just now is more like falling into the septic tank of the toilet...

Furong tried her best to calm herself down. She looked inside the treasure chest. At this moment, she needed an extremely powerful prop to soothe her soul.

But the treasure chest was empty, with only one note.

Furong's heart flashed a trace of bad intuition. She picked up the note and read out the words on it.

【Note for next time】

There was only this short sentence on the note.

Hibiscus: !


There is only one thought in her mind now, and that is to shred the corpse of the person who made this treasure box.

Tom has no idea how much mental damage his serial pranks have caused Fleur. At this time, he was looking at Cedric not far away.

Cedric watched Tom as Tom looked at Cedric.

"Fuck, I'll go, I'll wipe! What kind of monster is this!" Cedric was shocked by Tom's golden armor and the tall and majestic hippogriff mount.

This looks too handsome, doesn't it? So oppressive! With that staff, you can knock yourself out with just one tap, right?

Cedric imagined what this golden knight looked like when he charged, and could not help but get goosebumps.

Did Tom Yodell actually make such a suit of armor? Cedric couldn't imagine how Tom did it.

Cedric recognized Tom even though he was wrapped in armor. Not only because of Professor Sprout's off-the-court tips, but also because of Buckbeak.

After seeing Cedric, Tom, who knew that their every move was being "live broadcast", naturally couldn't release water. He clamped Buckbeak's stomach and drove it towards Cedric.

Watching Tom rush towards him like an armored chariot, Cedric felt like he was shot in the chest, and his heart stopped.

"Wait a minute!" Cedric shouted in a panic.

Tom: ?

Please, everyone is watching!

So he didn't have any intention of stopping, and rushed straight towards Cedric, giving him a staff. Cedric narrowly escaped Tom's blow, and hurriedly shouted to Tom, "I hope you can join my team and complete this adventure with me."

Cedric was extremely sincere. He recalled that Dumbledore had said before the game that volunteers in the Forbidden Forest could be a help to the Warriors. The premise is that the Warriors get their approval.

You can't beat Tom Yodel for sure. Not to mention the level of his magic spell, this mount and the armor on his body alone are enough to kill him. Why don't you try talking.

Tom stopped, and Cedric's reaction was somewhat unexpected.

He even had the illusion that Cedric was saying to him, "Can I be your Master?"

Although it is a bit strange, the volunteers who help the warriors and the warriors seem to be really the relationship between the master and the heroic spirit.

"Sura Wushen"

"You want to be my Master?"

Cedric:  …


Tom scratched his head, Dumbledore stipulated that the test designed by the volunteers must be sufficiently difficult.

"Hermione Granger is also in this wood. You find her. If she agrees, I will help you." Tom gave a somewhat difficult test.


"Then can you tell me where is Miss Granger?" He had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, his hunch came true. Tom shook his head, "I don't know either... Did you try divination?"

Cedric:  …

If I use divination, I might as well throw my shoes! Cedric scoffed at the so-called He knew very well the importance of this intellectual talent. Unfortunately, Cedric was not gifted with divination.

I don't know Hermione's location, but to find her, the difficulty of this test is too high.

"I vaguely think she's in that direction, you can try your luck." Tom pointed in one direction, and he had a hunch that Hermione was there.

The communication between Tom and Cedric shocked the audience. Because in their eyes, Tom is just a moving figure.

"Strange, Cedric player is communicating with the Golden Knight! So this knight can communicate?" Lee Jordan did not recognize Tom. In the last second, he thought Cedric was going back to the court, but he did not expect Cedric to find such a magical method.

"Unfortunately we don't know what they're talking about." Durmstrang's narrator shrugged. For the dialogue between Tom and Cedric, everyone knows what happened: Cedric wants to "capture" the Golden Knight!

This kind of thing, Krum has succeeded once. He took a Durmstrang student into his pocket.

Is it Cedric's turn? Many people have this idea in their minds.

If Cedric can get the support of the Golden Knight, he can almost declare victory in advance.

As for the condition that Tom offered, we really don't know...

"Okay, I'll try my luck." Cedric sighed and set off towards where Tom pointed.


Continue to the 4,000-word two-in-one chapter, and I wish you all to draw Wanye/Keli tomorrow!

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