The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 85: Hermione: Am I so strong? (2 in 1)

Furong raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect that under this situation, she still had a choice.

"If I find Miss Granger for you, will you give me any reward?" she asked tentatively.

"Of course there are rewards. If Hermione agrees, I can join your team and help you win the first project. If you only find Hermione, then I will return the original treasure in that treasure box to you. - That's the treasure chest guarded by the fire dragon."

Tom didn't deceive Fleur, he really planned to give Fleur the contents of Norbert's treasure chest, including the magic ring fragment.

Hearing Tom say this, Fleur's breathing suddenly became faster.

You have already been defeated, and there is still a chance to come back? This is almost like being pushed off the base in the game and then the opposite side initiates a sum.

Listening to Tom's meaning, he is not opposed to joining his side? This is amazing!

"I must have-"

"You're about to lose?" Tom said for Fleur what she didn't say, "but that's another story. There are two ways to get the treasure I have here. One is to defeat me. The other is to complete my test. Let me join your team, so that whatever I gather is yours."

Hibiscus:  …

Turns out there is such a thing!

She was overwhelmed by anger, and she tried to use force to solve the problem, without thinking about any tricks.

"Okay, I agree," Fleur nodded, "I hope you will keep your promise. But can you reveal how many treasures you have now?"

"Two magic ring fragments, a map, and a few items that are of little use." Perhaps because he was afraid that the conditions he offered were not attractive enough, Tom added: "I will continue to search for treasures while you are away. , the final number may be a little more."

In order to prove his sincerity, Tom also took out the two magic ring fragments he had obtained and showed them to Fleur.

What the fuck? ! When Furong saw the fragments, there was only one word left in her mind.

It is also sad to say, this is the first time I saw the magic ring fragment after the game started.

She looked at the large and small fragments, and her eyes lit up: The fragments in Yodel's hand are so big! The rewards for getting such shards must not be low.

Furong took a deep breath and kept herself calm.

"I'll definitely find Miss Granger, I hope your fragments are still there." Fleur noticed that Tom used the word "you" just now, so he must have awarded the task of finding Hermione more than once.

The worst-case scenario is that both of the other Warriors take on the mission.

"The last question, why do you have to find Miss Granger?" Before leaving, Fleur threw a question out of a narrow sense.

"Knowingly." Tom rolled her eyes at her.

If you haven't seen each other for a day, like every three autumns, someone like you who has never been in love will not understand.

I really want to meet my girlfriend! Tom cried out in his heart.

Furong showed a bright smile, turned around and disappeared into the jungle.

After sending Furong away, Tom can also do divination without interruption.

So what is Hermione doing now, who is being worried about by many people? The girl was leaning against a tree, flipping through the books in her hand. Not far behind her is a tent that is set up. The first project could be a lengthy one, during which volunteers would sleep in tents handed out by professors.

Hermione was a little fortunate, she picked up a copy of "The Fifth Element: Exploration" before going to Dumbledore's office - this is a book on spells, a supplementary textbook for sixth-grade spells class - otherwise I'm afraid she's going to get moldy here.

Hermione has not been seen since Professor McGonagall left. She seemed to be the only one left in the entire forbidden forest. Staying in such a dark forest, Hermione couldn't help recalling various legends, which made her more flustered, so she planned to read to pass the time and distract her.

Time seemed to slow down. Hermione felt like she had been reading a book for a long time, but when she looked at her watch, the hour hand only moved a short distance. She couldn't help sighing: I don't usually think it's so long.

The reason for this phenomenon is loneliness. In the jungle, Hermione was cut off from the outside world, and there was only an endless forest as far as the eye could see. In a sense, she lost her hearing and vision, which was an extremely painful experience.

A variety show in the non-magical world once did a challenge - they invited guests to a completely enclosed house with plenty of food and water, where the guests were to live alone for a month. The $500,000 bonus can be claimed after one month. This is the challenge content. Guests are allowed to bring a personal item into the room - but not a cell phone or computer that communicates with the outside world.

Such a seemingly challenge, from the beginning to the termination of the show, has never been successful.

The reason is simple, humans are social animals. Long-term social isolation can drive people crazy. Not to mention that there is no internet, even if there is internet, there are roommates, and normal people are locked in the house for three months, people are almost collapsed - they can go downstairs to ventilate every now and then!

Some people often joke that the author is locked in a small black room to code words. In fact, this approach is not very efficient. Staying in the small dark room all the time, those pigeon spirits will be depressed. Depressed pigeon essence, can't write even with a whip. The correct way is to provide the pigeons with food, drink and fun to make them happy. In this way, the inspiration of the pigeons will be abundant, and the update will naturally increase.

Hermione was human too, and it was normal for her to find it difficult. The girl put the book aside, curled her legs and hugged her knees, looking up at the sky.

She wanted to know where Tom was and how he was. When she was alone, she missed Tom even more. Hermione thought about getting out of here and going somewhere else, but she quickly dismissed the idea because it was too dangerous.

This is the forbidden forest!

Hermione took a deep breath and suppressed her restless heart. She was about to read a few more pages of the textbook. But after putting her hand on the cover of the book, she hesitated: she doesn't really want to read books now.

So she returned to a daze again, her fingers gently twisting the black stockings on her calf.

He likes this the most... When the game is over, should he change to a new pair of stockings he bought, or wear the old pair of socks to see him? Hermione's face blushed quickly as some mess came up in Hermione's mind.

She is a serious girl, she just wants her boyfriend to taste her new wine! That's right, that's it!

"A man is smiling, it's not a good thing, a woman's face is red, and she thinks of her husband. I think this little girl must be thinking about something that shouldn't be thinking." A greasy voice suddenly sounded, making Hermione like a rabbit. He jumped up and held the handle of his wand vigilantly.

Two boys in Durmstrang school robes emerged from the woods not far away.

Hermione frowned, looking at the appearance, they should also be volunteers for the first project.

"Why are you here? I remember Professor Dumbledore saying that the volunteers should not leave their quarters."

One of the boys with half-length curly hair shook Hermione frivolously and said to Hermione in English with a strong accent: "I want to correct a mistake, Mr. Dumbledore is advising us not to leave the station. , without dispersing the order - we will obey the order, can you advise..."

He grinned. "I'm too lazy to listen."

The boy who spoke first took out a piece of parchment from his arms and raised it at Hermione: "In what I got, there happened to be a fragment of a map, and I found Anthony according to the direction of the fragment, and I also harvested Lots of good stuff."

"After seeing Krum, we can hand over all these supplies to him. With such credit, the principal will reward us." He proudly told Hermione of his plan.

It turned out that after being sent to the Forbidden Forest, some volunteers used their brains during the boring waiting. Dumbledore did not prohibit the free movement of volunteers, so individual volunteers used the resources and information at hand to search for more supplies. In this way, they can also have more self-protection ability when facing the warriors from other schools, and even kill the warriors. If you encounter a warrior from our school, they can also help as much as possible.

A look of displeasure flashed across Hermione's face. She admits that the two Durmstrang students are really good at exploiting. She looked at the proud boy and said coldly, "A glass of wine for you, or a bib to prevent you from dripping soup all over your robe?"

She had an impression of this boy, he was a rude and impolite guy. Every time I eat, I drip the soup on the front of my robe. On the day he first arrived at Hogwarts, he also begged Karkaroff for drinks, but he was naturally rejected by Karkaroff and was scolded.

Hermione's words touched the boy's sore foot. His face was blue and angry. He wanted to attack but was stopped by Anthony.

"Be quiet, Polyacco," the student named Anthony told his companion to shut up, he looked at Hermione, and said in a lazy tone, "I remember you have a piece of the magic ring, hand it over— Don't think about denying it, I watched you stuff it into your robe in the castle with my own eyes."

Hermione pursed her lips and remained silent.

Polyacco narrowed his eyes and looked at Hermione, "Anthony, it seems that Miss Granger doesn't want to cooperate with us, let me do a search~ Don't worry, I'm the best at mastering strength, I'm sure I won't do it. I love you—by the way, little sister, do you have a boyfriend?"

"I think yes, she was very close to that yordle before." Anthony thought thoughtfully.

Polyacco's face froze, and Yodel couldn't provoke him.

"Don't worry, it's deserted here, just the two of us... When the forgetting spell is used, who knows what happened." Anthony comforted his partner.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Hermione's face became solemn. Today, these two people are not good people.

"Except your weapons!"

"Passed out!"

"Armor protection!"

The next moment, the two sides started. Hermione reacted very quickly and cast an iron armor spell, which bounced the disarming and stunning spells of Anthony and Polyac.

"Good skill!" Anthony flashed the spell of Hermione's counterattack, but Poliac was unlucky. The spell that Anthony avoided hit Poliac's arm, and his wand came out of his hand. , fell into the grass behind him.

Anthony didn't care about the state of his teammates. With a wave of his wand, the surrounding trees became "bald" and thousands of leaves flew up.

The surface of these leaves is covered with a thin layer of frost, which makes the leaves extremely hard and the edges are sharp as knives.

"Go!" Anthony pointed at Hermione with his wand, and the blade storm composed of leaves rolled towards Hermione.

Hermione did not dare to neglect: "Burning flames!"

A flame of fire gushed from the tip of her staff, forming a wall of fire in front of her, keeping the flying leaves out. When encountering flames, the frost on the leaves quickly melted, and the leaves returned to their soft tread again.

When the two faced off, Polyacco finally found his wand, which was a cutting spell on Hermione.

Hermione hurriedly leaned over to dodge, avoiding the spell to the limit, but the corners of her clothes were also scratched with a few cracks by the sharp ice leaves.

Hermione sighed secretly: I was still careless, I haven't done it for too long, and my skills are a little rusty... Next, I have to be more serious!

"This girl is not easy to deal with." Poliako stood beside Anthony with a serious expression. Poliako himself is a seventh-grade Anthony is Durmstrang's current student council president. Polyako thought it was easy to deal with a fourth-grade little witch. The only difficulty was how to deal with it. Stop her from escaping with the door key. But Hermione's difficulty exceeded their expectations, and she was not defeated by one enemy and two, and even had an advantage for a time.

"It's my turn, the flock of birds!" Hermione turned the fallen leaves on the ground into a flock of birds, and shot them like bullets, forcing them to be in a hurry.

Hermione, who had regained her fighting state, was very strong, completely suppressing Anthony and Polyaco.

"Use that!" Anthony shouted, and Polyacco immediately took out a chess piece and threw it on the ground.

"Get bigger quickly!"

The chess piece quickly became life-size under the influence of the spell, and blocked Hermione's bird attack for the two.

With such a meat shield, the two finally regained the upper hand.

Hermione's spell, even an explosion spell, this piece could resist.

In the end, Hermione could only take out the wings Tom made and put them on. The wings slowly spread, and a thin breastplate was formed on the chest, taking Hermione into the air.

Anthony, Polyacco: ? ? ?

What is this? !

Just when the two were shocked, Hermione moved, she moved behind them at a very fast speed, and threw a stun spell and a tongue-locking spell with her hand.

Anthony and Polyacco only felt a flash in front of their eyes. The next moment, Anthony was hit by a stun spell, and he rolled his eyes and fainted. Polyaco let out a scream of pain, his tongue tied in a knot, and he could no longer use his tongue.

In just a few seconds, Hermione defeated the two uninvited guests.


Four thousand words two in one

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