The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 86: Hermione's Test (2 in 1)

Remember [New] in a second! "What, I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable." Hermione rolled her eyes as she looked at the two who had fallen to the ground and lost their fighting strength.

She thought it would be a hard fight, but she easily dealt with these two guys by going around. They didn't even have time to react, they just stood there and acted as Hermione's target.

Or the lack of actual combat experience.

Hermione believed that if it was Tom, she would definitely not be hit by her sneak attack.

One of the two Durmstrang students fainted and the other lost their combat power. The remaining stone statue also lost its magic power supply and became the size of a normal chess piece. Hermione fell back to the ground, touched her magic silver wings with her hand, and felt a little grateful in her heart.

She wouldn't have won so easily without the wing that Tom gave her. Under the long-term stalemate, Hermione is more likely to fall into the disadvantaged, and even miss and be captured.

Hermione shuddered at the thought of being caught by them. The previous conversation between the two of them has already made it very clear, and combined with the tent in the camp, it is self-evident what will happen to him.

Hermione could figure out with her toes that what was waiting for her was not a single assault, but a continuous crime that would probably last until the end of the game—Anthony had said that he was very good at the Oblivion Charm.

Hermione felt a chill run down her body.

Fortunately, I won. She touched the wings on her back. Does this mean that Tom is protecting her from behind? Hermione thought so.

Although tenderness and sweetness were in her mind, Hermione's hands didn't stop. She conjured up a few ropes and tied Anthony and Poliaco into zongzi, and then added a stun spell to Poliaco to end its pain.

After the aftermath was completed, Hermione's eyes fell on the wands that the two left on the ground.

Although it stands to reason that the two have lost their ability to resist, and I should stop attacking them, but as they said, there are no outsiders here.

Hermione thought it was fun to break the rules once in a while.

After all, after they lose their ability to resist, will they let them go? Hermione was as clear as Der Spiegel.

She walked up to the wands of the two, stretched out her feet and stepped on them twice, turning the two wands into four wands.

After a small violation of the rules, Hermione took a guilty look, and was relieved to see that there was no one around. But before she could finish her breath, she heard a rustling sound.

Hermione immediately regained her combat readiness, clenched her wand tightly to stare at the source of the sound, and at the same time spread her wings, hovering a foot above the ground.

A few seconds later, the bushes trembled, and Krum appeared about ten meters in front of Hermione holding his wand.

After seeing Hermione, Krum was stunned for a moment. It was obvious that Hermione's outfit was too special: she was wearing an ordinary black plain wizard robe, but she had a pair of silver wings on her back.

The little wizards watching the battle were immediately blown away, and many of them immediately recognized that the girl with wings on her back was Hermione Granger from Ravenclaw!

"Where did she get the wings?!"

"These wings are too handsome!"

"You're too close to Krum-sama! Damn it, you only know how to reproduce, you have a boyfriend and you still think about it..."

Many female fans of Krum saw that Hermione could communicate with Krum one-on-one at such a close distance, and they almost lost their minds with jealousy.

Changes on the court cannot affect the situation in the Forbidden Forest. As a Seeker, Krum has sharp eyes, and he saw the surrounding environment clearly the first time he saw Hermione. Lying on the ground, Anthony and Poliaco, who were **** like two rice dumplings, were naturally seen by him.

Krum's pupils suddenly narrowed. He is very clear about the combat effectiveness of Anthony and Poliaco. Let's not mention Poliaco. Anthony is the leader of this class of students. Klum asked himself that he and Anthony had a one-on-one fight, and his chances of winning were not great.

And now, Anthony was lying in the corner like a zongzi, with Poliaco next to him. No matter how rude and unreliable Poliako was, he was not the kind of guy who would have negative effects in battle. So Krum quickly came to a conclusion: the fighting power of the witch in front of him was outrageous.

Wait, this person looks familiar. Krum stared at Hermione for a few seconds before remembering how many times he'd seen her in the Great Hall. I didn't pay much attention to it before, but now I take a closer look, this girl looks quite pleasing to the eye.

His eyes quickly scanned the scene, and finally landed on a closed book. Now, a look of astonishment flashed across Krum's face.

"Is that the book you brought in?"


While Krum observed Hermione, Hermione also studied the legendary Quidditch player. To be honest, her first impression of Krum was good, but Krum's question still made her feel a little unexpected.

"Uh...that's right." Hermione was a little confused for a moment.

Krum, who received an affirmative answer, fell silent. After a few seconds, he choked out a sentence: "That's amazing!"

His words came from the heart, the girl who never forgets to read in the Forbidden Forest is amazing!

Hermione: ...

Should I say thank you for the compliment?

"Are you here to fight me too?" Hermione felt that it was time to start talking about business.

To Hermione's surprise, Krum shook his head—he felt that he was no match for Hermione, so it was necessary to give up the fight.

"I was just drawn to the sound of fighting."

"Oh, that's it..." Hermione thought for a while, "You can also get my help by completing my test—"

The conversation between her and Krum was interrupted by the sound of footsteps, and soon, Cedric, who held his wand high and looked alert, appeared in Hermione's small camp.

Looking at Hermione and Krum who were talking, Cedric felt that his brain was not enough.

"Uh...I, um, the situation here seems a bit complicated..." Finally, he said something nonsense.

Hermione, Krum: …

The Little Wizard at the Quidditch Pitch:  …

This Forbidden Forest is really small!

But everyone immediately became excited. This is the first time that the contestants meet each other. I wonder what kind of sparks they will create?

"I suggest that we all put down our wands first, okay?" Hermione felt that there was no need to fight now, and everyone should stop pointing at each other with their wands first, lest everyone get nervous.

"I agree." Krum was the first to respond, actively hanging his wand down to his leg.

Cedric just felt a headache: He had gone so far to find Hermione, and now it seemed that someone had already got there first.

After being separated from Tom, Cedric seems to have changed his fortune. He never met any difficult bosses again, but met a Hogwarts npc. After some "communication", Cedric successfully won the treasure in his hand, and followed the clues in the treasure. , opened five or six boxes, and found clues to Hermione's location in a treasure box.

As a result, his good luck ended here, and when he saw Hermione, Hermione had already met Krum.

Cedric struggled to organize his words. He didn't want to reveal the purpose of his visit now, because he didn't think Krum looked like he had received Tom's mission.

Then don't reveal the information yourself!

"I think—" Cedric finally found an excuse, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by footsteps walking through the woods.

Cedric, Hermione, and Krumzizi fell silent, and a bold idea rose in their hearts: the person who came would not be...

When a touch of beautiful silver appeared, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of all three of them.

Really Fleur Delacour! The Forbidden Forest is really small!

"Are you also here to complete the mission issued by Yodel?" Furong asked curiously.

Cedric: ! !

Krum: ?

Cedric wanted to curse very much now, especially when he saw the confused look on Krum's face, he was even more frustrated, wishing to fight Fleur on the spot.

He was sure that if he came alone, it would be easy to get Hermione's help - he and she were both students of Hogwarts, and Hermione would not make things difficult for him.

But now the other two Warriors have arrived.

Hermione is also not very good at deliberately releasing water, and her next mission will be unpredictable. Not being able to get Tom's help is not the worst outcome, but getting Krum or Fleur to get Tom's help is the nightmare ending.

What Krum noticed, Cedric noticed too. The two Durmstrang students lying on the ground like zongzi proved Hermione's combat effectiveness. If Tom and Hermione could be assisted, there would be no suspense in the outcome of this match.

Fleur looked at the reactions of Krum and Cedric, and immediately figured out the situation. Cedric received Tom's mission just like herself, and Krum obviously didn't know anything about it. Came here with great luck.

Furong is not qualified to say that others are lucky. After the whole game, except for a short fight with Tom, she didn't fight a tough battle, and opened a lot of treasure chests. The luck of opening the box was not bad, so that she arrived first, and she was not much slower than Cedric.

Looking at the three warriors gathered in front of her eyes, Hermione also felt a little dizzy. She really hadn't thought about such a situation. After all, the Forbidden Forest is an extremely vast forest, and the probability of the three warriors finding her at the same time is negligibly low.

But just like "the probability of a cat killing you is infinitely low, but not impossible", this small probability event was realized by chance.

"In this way, whoever passes my test, I will choose to help." In the end, Hermione decided to follow the rules.

She rummaged through her tent and pulled out three rolls of parchment. Staring at the three pairs of curious eyes and the gazes of the teachers and students of the three schools behind her, Hermione said with some embarrassment: "We will take the exam next."


Krum: ? ?

Cedric: ? ? ?

"I will give my treasure—this piece of magic ring to the warrior with the best test scores. If any warrior gets a full score, I will assist him or her and fulfill his or her reasonable requirements."

Fu Rong frowned: "Then what if more than one person gets full marks?"

"Then everyone fulfills one requirement." Hermione said nonchalantly, "I don't think it's possible. The topic is still very difficult."

Although this set of questions was temporarily compiled by her after entering the Forbidden Forest, it was not easy to get a perfect score because it involved a wide range of content.

At this moment, Krum had completely fallen into silence, and he felt that he could leave. Exams are too complicated for him as an athlete. I guess I can't beat the other two.

Cedric finally accepted this reality, he nodded: "It's fair, is there a time limit?"

"Three hours, ninety questions." Hermione reported an incredible exam time. Ninety questions in three hours

Her offer sounded fair. But in fact, this is already a great favoritism to Cedric. Let an Englishman, a Frenchman and a Bulgarian take an English test together, who has the greater advantage?

Think on your toes for Cedric, who is also a native English speaker. No matter how good Fu Rong and Krum can speak English, they are not native speakers, so they are born with disadvantages.

Sure enough, after the three of them started answering the questions, they decided against each other. Cedric answered the questions very quickly and quickly. Fleur wasn't too far behind, just a little slower than Cedric. But Krum was very miserable. He blushed and racked his brains, but the progress was still far behind the other two.

Since there was no sound, they could only listen to the nonsense commentary, and the little wizards in the auditorium were confused. All I know is that the three warriors got together.

When Hermione took out the parchment, most little wizards didn't know what she wanted to do.

Only a very few little wizards guessed what Hermione was thinking.

"Hey, are you kidding, does Granger want them to take the exam?" Hermione's roommate Sue Lee sat in the audience, rubbing her eyes, her tone full of disbelief.

"Then don't we want to watch the warriors answer the questions, this is too... joyful!"

For students, exams are painful. But it’s very interesting to see other people’s exam Seeing the warriors scratching their heads and unable to answer the questions makes me happier than myself getting a high score.

When the three of them really started to answer the questions, there was a burst of laughter in the audience, and there was a happy atmosphere inside and outside the stadium.

And the test papers of the three were faithfully broadcast live on the big screen, so that every little wizard could clearly see the questions on the test papers. The topic is not very deep, but it covers a wide range. Hermione has mentioned almost every subject, including seven aspects: spells, potions, magical animals, ancient runes, herbalism, history of magic, and astronomy knowledge.

Being bored at leisure, many people took advantage of the trend to discuss the answer to the question.

Professor Flitwick even smiled and said to Professor McGonagall next to him, "It seems that I can ask Granger to come up with the final exam questions for this year's Charms Semester."

"Transfiguration, too." Professor McGonagall looked at the big screen with great interest, and worked on the questions with the warriors.


Four thousand words combined into one big chapter!

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