The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 87: Tom: I'll take you to fight

"The goblin rebellion that happened in Hogsmeade Village... This should have happened in 1612, right?" Professor McGonagall said uncertainly while looking at the big screen. When she was bored, she followed the three warriors to do some exam questions given by Hermione. To her shame, she felt as if she could not get full marks. Minerva McGonagall, although a professor at Hogwarts, taught Transfiguration rather than the history of magic.

"If the answer is 1612, then the little girl in France has the wrong answer." Professor Sprout, who was sitting next to Professor McGonagall, showed a happy expression. She had just seen clearly that Fleur Delacour had chosen 1621.

Even better, Cedric's answers so far are all correct!

"Well, it was in 1612, when the wizard's headquarters was still placed in the Pig's Head Bar." Professor Flitwick gave the two colleagues a reassurance.

"Great! I noticed that Cedric's kid doesn't seem to have made a mistake, Pomona, you can!" Professor McGonagall glanced at Flitwick, and suddenly realized that talking about the Goblin Rebellion in front of him didn't seem to be A correct choice, so she decisively changed the topic.

Professor Sprout didn't think as much as her best friend, and she was proud of Cedric. However, although she was extremely happy in her heart, she still humbly said that this was the student's own ambition, and that she had only made a trivial contribution.

"Yeah, the scale of victory is tilting towards us." Professor McGonagall also showed a happy smile on her face, she liked everything that was beneficial to Hogwarts.

"Krum's progress seems to be a little slow," Professor Flitwick discovered a detail that others had not noticed: Victor Krum's answering speed was far slower than Fleur and Cedric.

"It seems that some warriors have already been 'eliminated'." Professor McGonagall suppressed his inner joy and said in the calmest tone possible.

"No, no!" After nearly half an hour of the exam, Krum pushed the parchment forward and gave up his resistance.

He just glanced left and right to understand that he couldn't pass the two academic masters, Cedric and Furong. In terms of knowledge reserve, he is much inferior to the two.

"Winning is nothing more than getting a piece of the magic ring." Krum comforted himself like this and made himself feel better.

Krum's choice is not a cowardly evasion, it is a decisive act like a strong man breaking his wrist even if he stops the loss.

He has clearly realized that even if he bites the bullet, there will be no results - the reward is for the first place or the person who gets the perfect score, both of which are unrealistic for Krum, In other words, he was doomed to return empty-handed.

So even though the questions on the exam were not too difficult, and Krum could handle most of them, he gave up competing with the other two.

When faced with this situation, many people simply cannot be as decisive as Klum. For example, when the stock is locked up, or the business starts to lose money, many people simply cannot break the wrist and cut it in time.

Giving up is a kind of courage in itself.

It's just that Fleur's previously mentioned "task released by Yodel" made him a little uneasy.

What is the mission? Since there is a task, what is the next reward? In this regard, Klum, who lacks mission-critical processes, is as confused as the French King Louis XVI.

But he will not easily change the decision that has been made. So he closed the papers and pushed them aside.

"I give up." He looked at Hermione and asked calmly, "May I leave now?"

"Of course, you can leave here at any time." Hermione was not surprised by this, she was just surprised by Krum's decisiveness.

"Thank you." Krum stood up under the complicated eyes of Cedric and Fleur. He looked at Hermione seriously, and seemed to have a strong interest in this girl.

"Did you come up with these topics? Or did you prepare them in advance?" He asked the confusion in his heart.

"It was made up after I was sent to the Forbidden Forest," Hermione's face blushed slightly when she said this, "but I also borrowed a lot of questions that I usually encounter in exams."

The corner of Cedric's mouth on one side rose slightly: Yes, at least 80% of the questions on the test paper are the original exam questions or slightly modified original questions!

Hogwarts professors aren't very keen on questions. They often come up with three or four sets of questions, and then use them interchangeably. Before each exam, it is enough to fine-tune the question stems and answers. For a practical course like Transfiguration, it is even more lazy to update the question bank. After all, even if you know in advance that the final exam is going to take the hedgehog transformation, it will be useless.

Thanks to the laziness of the professors, Hermione's question Cedric had been touched more or less back then.

This is also Cedric's invisible advantage. Hermione is not a fairy, and it is amazing to come up with a set of topics in a short period of time. If it is still an original title, it is too outrageous. So she unknowingly uses the questions given by the professors.

Therefore, Fleur is doing the real problems, and Cedric is doing the familiar problems, and the first-mover advantage is quite large.

Hearing Hermione's answer, Krum nodded, and at the same time glanced at Cedric without a trace, a look of envy flashed in his eyes.

"May I know your name?" Krum admitted, wanting to get to know the little girl.

"Hermione, Hermione Jane Granger." Hermione was quite patient with the Quidditch superstar in front of her.

"He-mi-en? I remember, goodbye." Krum wrote down his name and left without looking back.

"It's Hermione," Hermione rolled her eyes, and Krum's accent was really heavy.

Krum's departure has made the competition between Fleur and Cedric more intense, but Cedric has too many advantages: native language exams, the exam papers use the original questions, and the mind is more relaxed...

It is very normal for him to win, the only suspense is whether he can get full marks.

The exam took nearly two hours, and Cedric was the first to hand in the paper. At this time, Furong had three questions left to do. A few minutes later, Furong, whose forehead was sweating slightly, also handed in the test paper.

Hermione browsed through the two's papers, and unfortunately returned Furong's papers.

"You got two questions wrong, the time of the goblin rebellion is..."

Not only gave the score, but also helped Furong to point out the mistakes, so that Furong was convinced that she could not pick out a single mistake.

Furong sighed, "Then how much is he?"

She could only hope now that Cedric had more wrong topics than she did.

"Senior Diggory is a perfect score, so he won." Hermione announced the results.

"Okay." Furong's expression was a little disappointed, "I shouldn't have participated in this unequal game from the beginning."

Only now did she realize the injustice hidden in this seemingly fair exam. At the same time, I also feel that Krum's operation is really smart. At that time, he was still complacent when he quit, but he didn't know that after Krum quit, the person who was trapped was herself.

Two hours, God knows what good things Krum has found...

Hermione spread her hands, indicating that she had done her best to be fair. In reality, there are many more unfair exams. If she has a bad heart, she can add an interview after the written exam. The interview will take up 30% of the score, isn't it too much? The final interpretation right belongs to the person who asked the question. If you can give a chance to take the test, you can have fun.

Furong left unwillingly. She knew very well what Cedric, who won the exam, was going to get. She had to go and compete with Krum for the second place.

When Fleur left the camp, Cedric hurriedly said to Hermione, "Granger, I need you to write a note for me to ask Yodel to help me."

Hermione: ?

The hand she put into her trouser pocket froze, she really didn't expect Cedric's request.

After Cedric explained the ins and outs of the matter to Hermione, Hermione was even more speechless. Tom actually used himself as part of the test? Really can prostitute ah!

But this request is very reasonable, and Hermione has no chance of making things difficult. She quickly wrote a note and handed it to Cedric.

[Tom, go and help Senior Diggory]

Looking at the short line on the note, Cedric didn't know where to complain.

"Okay, I'll go find Yodel." Cedric decided to hurry up, but then a voice came from behind them.

"Don't bother, I'm already here."

Cedric turned his head away, question marks all over his face.

"Yordle, why are you here?"

It was Tom who was speaking, and he took off his armor and looked at the two men in the camp with a smile.

"Why can't I come, there's nothing in the rules that prohibits volunteers from moving around, so here I am."

Tom didn't tell Cedric that he came here because he was bored. As for the way to get here, Tom found it all the way through divination...

Cedric:  …

Fortunately, I moved fast, and co-authoring this task is still time-limited! But it's done anyway.

Cedric looked at Tom, who was "skinny", and frowned: "What about your armor? And that hippogriff, why is it gone?"

"Buckbeak doesn't want to run around anymore, and without a mount, who would want to trudge through the forest in such heavy armor." Tom was also helpless. Buckbeak, who had been working all the time, went on strike and didn't want to run around with Tom on his back. Tom, who had lost his mount, naturally wouldn't be walking around wearing that bulky armor. Although there is magic weight loss, this armor that can even cover the face is not very convenient in the jungle.

Cedric: !

Will this character be nerfed when he joins the team? ! The goods are wrong! What I want is the golden knight, not the man in front of me! Are you an instant noodle? Want a picture for reference only?

Cedric felt like he was being pitted.

But Tom has joined the team, and he can't say anything else, so he can only eat this dumb loss silently.

"By the way, one more thing." Tom took a small bag from his pocket and threw it to Cedric.

"On the way, I cleaned up some resource points and got a lot of good things."

When Cedric opened the bag, he almost blurted out a groan. It's just that at the last moment, he held back abruptly to avoid the collapse of his image.

The bag contains a full seven magic ring fragments!

The resentment of the wrong goods disappeared without a trace, and Cedric's heart was filled with happiness. I'm getting fat now!

Counting the shards he originally had and the shards in Hermione's hands, the total number of shards in his hands reached an astonishing ten pieces! Can the other warriors add up to half of their own?

Looking at Cedric in ecstasy, Tom smiled slightly: "Next, I'll take you to fight!"

"Wait, you said 'you'?" Hermione was taken aback.

"That's right." Tom gave Hermione a strange look. "Don't you want to join our adventure?"

Hermione:  …

Although there was a sense of appointment, Hermione agreed and became a member of Cedric's adventure team.

Faced with this "buy one, get one free" situation, Cedric was in another burst of unexpected ecstasy.

With this wobbly dragon and phoenix, the advantage is in me!

There was an eerie silence in the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts as Cedric opened the pouch. Then the pitch erupted with a loud noise like a boiling kettle.

"Is this reasonable?"

"It makes perfect sense!"

"I'm already a mature I have to learn to mine treasures by myself."

Everyone was amazed by the amount of debris in this bag. Cedric didn't know the status of the other two warriors, but they knew it well as a spectator. So far, Fleur is still zero, and Krum has only gotten one. Therefore, the total number of fragments combined by the two of them is only one-tenth of Cedric's.

After Tom joined, the opening method of this game has undergone 100 million changes - from "The Road to Survival: Forbidden Forest" to "True Wizard Unparalleled". In the face of big and small bosses, Tom has only one strategy, and that is "reckless". If you don't win, you will be even harder.

With the addition of Tom, the rhythm of the game also accelerated instantly. Later, Krum and Furong even encountered a situation where they reached the treasure trove, only to find that they had already been there first.

In a game, there is actually a Matthew effect, which is also outrageous.

"It's not far from the final boss on the map." Cedric looked at the map and hesitated, "Are we really going to provoke that guy? The map says it's a fire dragon!"

Some resource points will be marked in the treasure chest or the map fragments obtained by the volunteers. Different maps have different levels of detail. The most basic map is only the location, and the advanced ones will indicate the strength of the NPC guarding the treasure.

This is a high-level map fragment in Cedric's hand. The resource point they are going to next has a fire dragon's note on the map.

"It's not a big problem, the fire dragons here are not yet adults." Perhaps because of his contact with Norbert, Tom had no fear of fire dragons.

"Okay then." Seeing Tom insist, Cedric couldn't say anything. A group of people set off following the signs on the map.


Four thousand words two in one chapter!