The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 89: project settlement

Remember [New] in a second! Several layers of transparent shields appeared at the junction of the two armor spells, gradually merging with them.

The Iron Armor Curse of the three finally merged, forming a basic version of the super armor body, which stood in front of Tom and separated Dragon's Breath from him.

At the same time, Tom was not idle, and his weather spell was gradually taking shape.

Thanks to the wet and cold climate of the Scottish Highlands, conjuring a large cloud here is not a difficult task.

The dark clouds in the sky expanded rapidly, and the raindrops also changed from drizzle to rice-sized water droplets. These water droplets fell on the dragon's breath sprayed out by the hornet, and turned into water vapor almost instantly, making the entire open space blank and the visibility extremely poor.

The water vapor rises into the air, condenses into raindrops, and falls down endlessly. Tom has set up the loop, and this clearing is his home field at this point.

The hornet flicked its tail a little restlessly, and the water droplets falling from the sky made it extremely irritable. As a fire dragon, the most annoying thing is the rainy weather. It's just that with its wisdom, it is difficult to understand where the rain in the sky comes from. It just thought it was unlucky to encounter a bug that disturbed its rest on a rainy day.

The Horntail increased the intensity of its breath, but Cedric and Hermione also increased the output of the spell. The two joined together, together with Tom's armor and the dragon's breath, forming a strange "confrontation" state. For a moment, the two sides stalemate.

All this was clearly seen by the spectators in the stadium.

"It's amazing! It's not the slightest downfall!" Lee Jordan grabbed the microphone in front of him with a frantic expression. In his cognition, it is impossible for a wizard who is alone to compete with a fire dragon—even if it is just a young fire dragon. But Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, and Tom Yoddle did it!

"You are my god!" he shouted at the top of his voice.

No one objected to this exaggerated gesture, because the three of them were really against common sense.

Tom and the Horntail fought, and there was a lot of commotion.

Krum, Fleur, and the helpers gathered around looked up at the discolored sky. Then, they unanimously made a decision: go there and have a look.

At this time, billowing dark clouds had gathered over the flat ground, and the rain had turned into a downpour. The Hungarian Horntail also sensed something was wrong: Why is it only raining here? Local rainfall is not local, right?

"Atmospheric-fulmen!" Seeing that the time had come, Tom launched the final attack method without hesitation: lightning.

The spell sank into the clouds, and the dark clouds began to roll, and Tom's magic power also passed away quickly. A few seconds later, a silvery thunder flashed in the dark clouds.


A snow-white light emerged from the black clouds, accompanied by a deafening thunder, the shining light made all the audience lose their vision instantly, and the entire screen became a white flower.

The thunder and lightning fell from the dark clouds, and precisely hit the Hungarian Horntail's back. The Horntail let out a snarl of pain. Even if the dragon skin is extremely tough, it will break the defense in the face of lightning.

Tom's thunderbolt managed to split the skin on the Horntail's back, creating a **** several feet long, and the flesh was even cooked around the edges.

Seeing the Horntail being hurt like this, the faces of a group of adult wizards in the corner of the auditorium became ugly.

They were the Romanian dragon researchers responsible for bringing these dragons to the British Isles. After these fire dragons participated in the project, they were to be brought back to Romania.

The task of these guys is to "recycle" these big guys after the game...

But now the Horntail has obviously suffered a lot of damage, and the difficulty of recovery has skyrocketed. They showed a wry smile: I hope that the next Triwizard Tournament will not use fire dragons anymore.

The painful hornet fully opened its wings, and before the second thunderbolt fell, it flew away from the place and left this strange climate area. From the beginning to the end, it didn't connect the change of the weather with the little dots in front of it...

"Great!" Hermione flew towards Tom like a gust of wind, "We managed to defeat a dragon!"

Tom smiled. He didn't disperse the dark clouds in the sky immediately, but waved the wand in his hand, using the remaining magic power in his body to brew one lightning after another in the dark clouds.

"The commotion just now seems to have attracted a few flies to land!" Tom was very aware of how much commotion he had just made. He felt that Klum and Fleur would not miss this opportunity—this was their last turnaround point.

Who is willing to admit defeat directly? Why not take the chance?

This line of thinking is correct. After the fierce battle with the fire dragon, the three of Tom were in a weak state. Krum, Fleur, and their helpers swarmed up, completely catching them off guard.

When the time comes, the three of them are likely to be busy making mistakes. It would be funny if the bag of debris was snatched.

So it is necessary to deter these people.

With Tom's wand waving, the next moment, several tree-trunk-thick lightning bolts fell from the dark clouds and hit the surrounding woods, causing bursts of explosions.

These thunderbolts really frightened the two waves of teams that were slowly outflanking them. One of Durmstrang's wizards had less luck when the lightning landed two feet in front of him—and he would have been burnt to charcoal if he had gone any further.

Although he didn't hit directly, the thunder and lightning that was too close made all the hairs on his body stand up, and his hairstyle became an afro.

The Wizard of Durmstrang:  …

He felt like his heart was about to stop beating. The next moment, he crushed the shell of the Portkey without hesitation, and traveled back to the Quidditch pitch.

He never wants to be involved in this project again!

"It seems that there is no need to continue the Dumbledore looked at the situation at the scene and came to a conclusion.

The magic ring was divided into 30 pieces by him. Counting the piece collected after defeating the Horntail, Cedric already had 23 pieces in his hand. In addition, the top boss fire dragon prepared before was defeated by the three of Tom. , the first item here has entered garbage time.

It also means the end of the game.

"I agree." Madame Maxime's expression was not good. She didn't expect that the warriors of her school would lose so completely—Fu Rong's game had been going smoothly, but in the end she lost the game. Karkaroff remained silent as always, as if the result of the game had nothing to do with him.

He nodded, showing his attitude.

After reaching a consensus, Dumbledore stood up and took the initiative to announce the end of the game and the settlement of the project began.


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