The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 99: Azkaban and Surveillance

Aberforth's body shape and beard and hair are very characteristic of the Dumbledore family. When the two stand together, others can see at a glance that they are related by blood. It's just that Aberforth looked a little more irritable, like the kind of magician who would rush up to hit people with a two-meter-long staff.

and many more? Did Dumbledore have a brother? ! Hermione was stunned.

She has never heard of it!

In her memory, no book or report mentioned that Dumbledore had a younger brother.

In the face of Albus' introduction, Aberforth just snorted coldly, grabbed the compound decoction from his brother roughly, and plucked a strand of hair from his head.

Hermione watched all this silently. She noticed that the two brothers did not seem to have a good relationship.

Curiosity flooded Hermione's mind like a tide, and she was eager to know the story between Albus Dumbledore and his younger brother. It's just a pity that none of the people present were willing to answer her.

"Miss Granger, can you promise me that you won't tell me what you just saw?" Dumbledore didn't care about his brother's rude behavior, he looked at Hermione with earnest eyes.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

"Um... ok." How could Hermione reject Dumbledore? Of course she agreed, but the doubts in her heart were not resolved.

"It's just Professor Dumbledore, Tom he..." Hermione still couldn't let Tom go, she instinctively didn't want him to take risks. To be more precise, he didn't want to let him take the risk alone.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Yodel is going to do a great thing...something has to be done."

Hearing Albus's remarks, Aberforth spat.

"Great...shit greatness!"

Dumbledore straightened up and looked at his brother as if he didn't hear him.

"Please." He said solemnly.

Aberforth turned his head aside and ignored him.

"You'd better come back soon, it's hard for me to guarantee that I won't wear it for a long time." In the end, he still choked out such a sentence.

"I try." No one knew when Voldemort would come. Dumbledore and Tom couldn't stay in Azkaban indefinitely. Their psychological limit was a week, and they would stay in Azkaban until the next Death Eater rally.

But in Tom's opinion, Voldemort will attack Azkaban 100% within a week. The reason is simple, he needs to produce enough shocking results at the next meeting of the Death Eaters.

He was rude at the last rally, and if he doesn't do anything this week, the scene at the next rally will be extremely embarrassing.

Death Eater: "The great Lord Lord Voldemort must have done a lot of amazing things last week? Like breaking Azkaban and setting Bella and the others free."

Voldemort: "I didn't do anything last week."

This is so humiliating! Voldemort would not allow such a thing to happen. Since he said he wanted to break Azkaban, he could only accept one ending: Bella Lestrange and other Death Eaters showed up at next week's rally.

"Come on." Dumbledore led Tom into the office, from where they were to get to Azkaban before Voldemort arrived.

Tom was surprised that Dumbledore was determined to find Aberforth. He thought that Dumbledore would find members of the Order of the Phoenix to pretend to be himself, but he didn't expect that he would find his brother Aberforth.

What happened that year caused irreparable damage to the relationship between the two. Dumbledore was brave enough to face Aberforth.

Besides, Aberforth was indeed the best choice. Think about it carefully, who is more suitable to play the role of a brother than a real brother? Unlike a busy man like Professor McGonagall, Aberforth was just the owner of the Pig's Head Bar, and he would not attract the attention of interested people if he disappeared for a while.

And Tom didn't guess wrong. Aberforth was indeed a member of the Order of the Phoenix, but not many people knew about it. Even Mad-Eye Moody had only seen him once.

Perhaps sensing Tom's thoughts, Dumbledore glanced at Tom and said calmly: "I will tell you the story between me and him at the right time... We are going to Azkaban already."

Clearly, now is not the right time.

After Tom and Dumbledore left, Aberforth threw a piece of Dumbledore's hair into the decoction, which turned a flaming red. Aberforth drank the Compound Decoction and turned into Dumbledore—in fact, the change was not that big. His figure has hardly changed, except that his hair and beard have turned silver and the bridge of his nose has become crooked.

Only then did he notice that the little girl who followed Tom Yoder did not leave, but looked at him curiously.

Aberforth looked down at Hermione condescendingly, and said in a bad tone: "Little girl, you'd better leave before I change my mind. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will erase your memory with the Oblivion Charm."

Hermione was not intimidated by him, she was more curious about Aberforth's past. She wondered why, as the younger brother of the famous Albus Dumbledore, he had almost disappeared in the wizarding world, and the two brothers seemed to have a very bad relationship. Professor Dumbledore would still entrust such an important matter to him. He, it all seemed rather suspicious.

"I have to say it a few more times—" Seeing that Hermione didn't move, Aberforth became irritable. Aberforth, who was angry with Dumbledore's face, startled Hermione, but she quickly got rid of the "fear" state, because she knew that the person in front of her was not Professor Dumbledore.

"Can you tell me the story between you and Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione's inner curiosity drove her recklessly.

Aberforth frowned and said impatiently, "There's nothing to say between us, I'm just the only stain on the great saint Albus!"

"But he is willing to entrust such an important matter to you, which shows that you have a very heavy weight in his heart..."

Hearing this, Aberforth paused, and finally waved his hand.

"How do I know why he did this, maybe he thinks I'm too idle - isn't it normal for a bar owner to disappear for a few days to buy goods?" chased away.

Despite her bad attitude, Hermione's curiosity about Aberforth did not diminish. She decided to torture Tom well and pry some information out of his mouth when he came back.

At this time, Tom and Dumbledore had arrived in Azkaban.

This time, Dumbledore didn't swagger to use Fox Express, but quietly walked out of the school gate with Tom, and then Apparated to Azkaban.

"Thank you for your hard work. You can choose a house in the prison to live in. I'll go see my little brother. After that person comes, I'll deal with him for a while."

Dumbledore:  …

That being said, it still sounds weird.

But Tom's suggestion was quite reasonable. Voldemort is not stupid. If he was warmly welcomed by Dumbledore as soon as he arrived in Azkaban, Voldemort could use his nose to think that there was an inner ghost in his team and pass the news that he was going to break Azkaban. Going out, that would be detrimental to the undercover agents planted by the Order of the Phoenix inside the Death Eaters. So the solution that Tom and Dumbledore came up with was to let the Dementor and Voldemort communicate and communicate, and when the final negotiation broke down and the two sides fought, Dumbledore slammed it out again, which could confuse the public. effect. This convinces Voldemort that Dumbledore was summoned by the Dementors.

After Tom came to Azkaban, he transformed into a dementor and communicated with his younger brothers. Communication went well, and the brothers expressed their joy and loyalty at their king's willingness to return to his loyal Azkaban.

As for Dumbledore, the dementors could feel the majestic mana in his body, and they took the initiative to keep a distance from Dumbledore without Tom's orders. Wherever he went, the dementors silently moved away, just like Dumbledore had a special repulsive force.

Dumbledore found a cell that was pleasing to the eye, cleaned it and moved in.

"The island... how is the situation...?"

Tom was listening to his little brothers' debriefing to see what had happened in prison during his absence.

During this time, the dementors have maintained a "rotation" system, with half of the dementors stationed in the White Dolphin Prison, where they enjoy more abundant "food".

He also learned from his younger brother that a high-ranking Ministry of Magic official had recently been stationed in Azkaban. But when he learned from the other dementors that this person was named Umbridge, he lost interest in her, and even didn't even need to meet.

Umbridge has been exiled to Azkaban for some time, during which time she has been trying to contact the fabled Lord of the Dementors, but all her efforts have come to naught. This also made her very puzzled: why is this?

If you let her know the truth, I'm afraid she will be so angry that she vomits blood on the spot. The reason Umbridge couldn't get in touch with the Dementor Lord was very simple. Tom, the Dementor Lord, had no idea that someone was looking for him. The connection between Tom and the Dementor boys is less than or equal to zero. Even purebred dementors can't reach their king, and a Ministry of Magic wizard in Umbridge wants to find Tom? Stop dreaming!

Tom also realized the problem, but there seemed to be no good solution. Dementors are generally not very good at using their brains. Unless he arranges a wizard to be in charge of contact here, even if he puts a phone call to the dementors, the communication problem cannot be solved.

wait...the phone?

Tom felt like he had found a solution to the problem. The phone can't solve the problem, you can set up a "monitor" yourself! Wouldn't it be alright to have Dumbledore install the technology he used in the first project of the Triwizard Tournament into Azkaban?

As for the "monitoring screen", let's put it in Principal Dumbledore's office. Doesn't he like to spy on all kinds of privates like a little bee?

Wild. Multiplayer. Enclosed. Interracial, please!

Dumbledore in the cell sneezed. He glanced at the dark cell and felt that it was still not suitable for the elderly to live in.

After learning about Azkaban's current situation, Tom "looked" and "looked" around, and found that Dumbledore was far away from him - after arriving at Azkaban, Dumbledore kept his distance from him - - He gave an order to his younger brothers behind Dumbledore's back: If someone comes to rob the prison, execute the prisoners here and give them a kiss.

He's not a good guy like Dumbledore, he has a flexible moral bottom line. If it were divided according to the nine camps of DND, Dumbledore would definitely be the good camp, while he was chaotic and neutral, and giving such an order would have no psychological burden on himself.

Can't really let these prisoners escape?

After arranging the prisoners in Azkaban clearly, Tom suddenly realized a question: Did Dumbledore think in advance that he would issue such an order? Is his behavior considered Dumbledore's acquiescence?

If Dumbledore really didn't want these prisoners to die, he should have directly ordered himself not to hurt the But he didn't, he chose silence. If Dumbledore really made his attitude clear, Tom would not disobey him. It's like he vetoed Tom's decision to execute all prisoners early, so Tom really didn't do it.

But now that Dumbledore's behavior is ambiguous, it is worth Tom's speculation. He seems to have given the choice to himself. As for Dumbledore's inability to think of this layer, he didn't believe it.

Tom looked at Dumbledore and glanced in the direction of Dumbledore, and grunted: "Be kind but have a side of breaking the rules... I thought you were lawful and kind, but maybe you are just like me. The messy side..."

Not long after Tom and Dumbledore settled in Azkaban, the Voldemort they had been waiting for arrived.

Voldemort flies in the wind like smoke, without a broom or Thestrals, he just flies in the sky out of thin air.

He cleared the clouds and saw the small island on the sea level.

There was a smile on Voldemort's snake face, his loyal servant was about to be free!

In Azkaban, many Death Eaters raised their heads, feeling the call of their master, and their hearts were as hot as their arms.

Voldemort turned into a body from a black smoke and fell on the land of Azkaban.

Tom, who had already sensed the movement of the prisoners, drove the dementors to surround him. Taking a closer look, Tom couldn't help but secretly surprised: as expected of the Dark Lord, Voldemort's soul has been completely blackened, turning into a very evil black, a little darker than the Dementor who is a dark creature. His soul is also completely different from the appearance of a normal wizard, giving people a very unstable feeling.

Tom knew very well that it was because of too many divisions of souls.


Push a book.

"Why Did Your Husband Flee"