The Days of Being a Boss at School

Chapter 54

???? Why did Geng Wenshu appear here?

???? An ominous foreboding faintly rose in Xiao Yue's heart, who was pale. His mother, the police chief, and even the police chief looked respectful... Xiao Yue couldn't help but look back. Several elders didn't even give her alms, but she was stopped when she passed by Principal Zhang.

???? Principal Zhang has always been very kind in school, he has always looked cheerful, except for being a little irritable in front of Zhang Xueyuan. A very popular principal at X High. Even Xiao Yue used to like this principal very much, and he was never too approachable.

???? "You shouldn't do this kind of thing." Of course he regretted the child, her family was not good, so X Gao deliberately increased the scholarship amount, which he posted from his private library. How can a good child suddenly turn bad?

???? Such a look. pity and pity. Xiao Yue's hand was slowly clenched, and the bitten lower lip was almost bleeding. She is really fed up! Why look at herself like this! I just make a decision according to the situation, I just protect myself! Why do you look like you did something wrong! They haven't experienced everything about themselves at all, so why look at themselves with those eyes!

???? However, soon...

???? Xiao Yue let go of her palms, they will get their retribution soon! You can definitely see the way these people fall. Xiao Yue worked hard to overcome the panic in her heart. But... there is no fear in this look, there is no helplessness in the collapse of the building, there is only regret and calmness. Why are these people so calm? The more Xiao Yue thought about it, the colder her body became. No, these people are just scaring themselves, if they had the skills, there wouldn't be so many reporters out there.

???? Xiao Yue looked at the flashing lights outside through the window, her hesitant eyes seemed to have found a place of peace of mind all at once. Angkor must have arranged these things.

???? The policewoman thought she was still in shock and was going to bring a cup of hot water to Xiao Yue. She saw the colleague in front of the computer at a glance, and the colleague looked up and said, "By the way, what's the name of the boy who committed the crime? What's his ID number?"

???? The policewoman's memory is good, and the young man's appearance is outstanding. Unfortunately, I remember it even more clearly, and I quickly reported it. Just when she was holding hot water and wanted to look at the computer screen, Zhang Xueyuan had already come out over there.

???? She hurriedly left a sentence, "I'm busy." But she didn't hear the suspicious muttering of her colleague behind her more than ten seconds later, "Did you report an error, the gender shown on this ID number is clearly …”


???? These people are sitting back in the office again.

???? The expressions of the few police officers who handled the case became more and more serious. Even if the other party had a good background, they would never relax when it came to such a vicious case, and even because of this, it was even more necessary to maintain fairness and justice. The young male police officer asked in a cold voice, "When did you plan to do this?"

???? "Any accomplices?"

???? Zhang Xueyuan folded her hands and slowly pressed her chin against her chin. She acted unhurriedly and hated, but she didn't seem to notice the disgusted expressions of the police officers at all, and turned to look at the girl beside her. Xiao Yue is still so good-looking, and her pitiful sobbing makes people fall in love... But she suddenly understands something.

???? Memories of that book are scarce, but she does remember the general story. Since the female protagonist had already recognized her ancestors and returned to her clan at this time, now there is only a possibility of an accident on her own... For example, the red rope and jade that she found. After the heroine gains power, it makes sense to target the Zhang family.

???? If this is the case, this person's heart is really... Maybe the author of the book did not mean this, or the book did not write this bridge at all. In this real world, all of this is reasonably completed. Behind the bright and beautiful, shadows follow.

???? "You said I liked you for so many years? That's why I can't wait to take you to open a room tonight?"

???? Xiao Yue couldn't even raise her eyes to look at him, "...Yes." She was afraid that these people would misunderstand, so she quickly explained, "Because you were a little drunk at the time, so—"

???? "I didn't drink at all that night, I only drank the orange juice you gave me." The boy put his wrist on the table, his skin was like jade like snow under the bright light, he slowly evoked a smile , and explained to her in a "kind and understanding" way: "Probably because of my animal nature, I deliberately found an excuse to get drunk?" The boy's voice was inexorable, both the clearness of a boy and the sweetness and softness of a girl. .

???? Xiao Yue shrank back, her face pale as if she didn't want to recall all that, "I don't know if you drink or not, but you dragged me and said you were drunk and wanted to rest, so I That's why...that's why I..."

???? "I told you to go and you went? Don't you hate me very much? Why did you agree so easily."

???? This kind of memory is not good at all, and this young man is still asking aggressively. The police officer who asked the question had a worried expression on his face and was about to interrupt, but Zhang Xueyuan turned his head at this moment, with his fingers between his lips, smiling and making a silent plea. Speaking of which, this child's appearance is really very good, and his gorgeous appearance is too easy to deceive people without the bonus of imposing manner. He was stunned for a moment, and was eerily silent. After all, it is true that there is still something unclear about this matter, so it is okay for him to ask.

???? "Because, because we are classmates..."

???? "Then you are really kind." Zhang Xueyuan sighed "sincerely", "That is to say, after I took off my clothes in the room with blood boiling, you found out that I was different and wanted to escape. Right?"

???? When they heard the tiger-wolf word "Blood-blooded", the two parents turned their heads at the same time and coughed twice, shamelessly listening.

???? Xiao Yue unconsciously raised her head and looked into his eyes, the uneasy feeling in her heart was constantly magnified in those clear eyes. She began to hesitate, there shouldn't be any traps in this sentence, right? "...Yes." After all, she was just a high school girl who was still underage. Xiao Yue was constantly being questioned like this, and her whole body became more and more flustered, "Yes, I saw you take off your clothes—"

???? Zhang Xueyuan's hand slamming on the table suddenly stopped in the air, frowning, "Take off your clothes?"

???? "Yes, no, I don't seem to have, I don't remember very clearly..." The girl was forced to speak incoherently by this series of pressing questions, and looked at the police with pleading eyes. The police also seemed to think her reaction was not right and did not interrupt.

???? Zhang Xueyuan didn't give her any time to hesitate, cut off her words and asked a question, and said sharply and decisively: "If I didn't take off my clothes, I didn't do anything to you. Why do you think I want to **** you?"

???? Can't follow his words anymore! If you continue talking, you will definitely be exposed!

???? "I, I, saw that, you were stripped! Then rushed over to hug me—" Just as this sentence came out, the originally calm and elegant smile on Zhang Xueyuan's face slowly grew larger. The anxiety in Xiao Yue's heart also reached its peak at this moment, her hands on her knees trembled violently, her pupils continued to dilate, and cold sweat even oozes out on her forehead. Why does he laugh like that? Did you say something wrong? Why...she couldn't even say these words, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, flustered and embarrassed.

"Uncle police officer." Zhang Xueyuan stood up slowly, looking down at the anxious girl in front of him, her eyes were full of fear and suspicion. She had already given her a chance, and even her father himself helped her isolate her. But unfortunately, she stretched out her hand to the heroine, but was beaten off by Xiao Yue at the end.

???? "I want to sue Xiao Yue, every word she says now is lying and destroying my reputation." Xiao Yue listened to Zhang Xueyuan talking, but those words seemed to fall into her ears, The brain can't process this information, and it can't understand it. Only the body kept shaking and chilling after instinctively sensing the danger...

???? "I don't have the conditions to violate her." The boy's eyes were clear and his voice was loud. She paused here, as if she was a little embarrassed to say this.

???? "Because, I'm a girl!"