The Days When I Lived with My Sister

Chapter 199: For the chrysanthemum

  There is blood in Judi Su Mu suddenly looked like Su Mu Gong, even though his daughter was violent, and his daughter killed his whole family. Su Mu suddenly wondered, as if he had never seen him! Why is this small island nation so excited? Didu's three major gold-absorbing industries? It seems that I didn't do much when I was in the island country? Does he mean those yin nests?

  Ji Rujing looked at Su Mu stunnedly, her long, windless, silver hair, her indifferent and emotionally exposed silver eyes, and the faintly strong breath on that heavenly body deeply shocked her! Maybe... really not a person from the world...

  Judi had blood and suddenly fell to the ground with a very pious appearance, raised his head to the sky and shouted, "For the glory of the Dahe nation! For the chrysanthemum!"

  The pressure of horror continues to spread from him, this guy has to use his full strength!

  Su Mu showed an expression of excitement on his face, but the silver eyes were still indifferent. This was the first time he faced a lv6 capable person! And face it alone! Can you not get excited? What? You mean Lin Ruoyi? Do you think she will have the courage to contact such a disgusting capable person? Su Mu is used to it, because his opponents often lack arms and legs, even a part of his body...disgusting things...disgusting and getting used to it.

The sentence   There is blood in the chrysanthemum is for the glory of the Dahe nation. Su Mu had heard that during the island country incident, he had specially studied the culture of the island country. This classic line was used by their Emperor Zheng to fool the people! By the way, almost all the people of the small island country are good at this... As for the sentence that stimulated Su Mu for the sake of chrysanthemum, this **** dare to hit Laozi’s idea of ​​chrysanthemum?

  \"For the chrysanthemum!\" Su Mu rushed up with a loud shout.

  There was blood in Judi for a moment, and hurriedly jumped away, \"Baga! Are you also from Chrysanthemum? Then our own person!\"

  Su Mu gave a fist, and when he heard that Judi was bloody, he couldn’t help but froze, and yelled, "Who is the one with you!"

In fact, the chrysanthemum in Judi’s mouth is an organization in the island country... and the chrysanthemum in Su Mu’s mouth is his own chrysanthemum... a man beats his own chrysanthemum. Don’t you fight for your own chrysanthemum? This is the misunderstanding!

  The blood of Judi lost the opportunity, and he mistakenly thought that Su Mu was his own, so he could only dodge constantly! However, Su Mu hurriedly pursued and called to the key points to greet him, and the blood of Juji suddenly became angry!

  I saw Chrysanthemum grunt with blood, \"Ba Ga! This is your own death!\"

Two thick tentacles flicked towards Su Mu from both sides. Su Mu was fighting like a whip. Seeing two whip-like tentacles drew towards him, he hurriedly raised his arms to block, although Kikuchi had the ability to use blood. The manifested tentacles, Su Mu, can be disassembled in the first place, but according to the intensity of this draw, it will be too much to let it fall on the body!

  \"Boom!\" With a muffled sound, the tentacles broke off! The powerful impact caused Su Mu to step back several steps in a row, and gently shook his slightly numb arms. Su Mu watched with blood in Kikuchi, the guy's tentacles slammed so hard!

  And Kikuchi had blood and looked at Su Mu guardingly. Sure enough, just like the information in the intelligence, this man's ability was very dangerous. His tentacles, which was flexible and firm, could not even be cut off with a saw, were easily broken by him! However, the higher the level of ability, the resistance of the ability is relatively improved! He seems to be lv6 like himself! It should be no problem to solve him with his years of experience as a killer!

  Su Mu didn’t think so much! His second liberation state can only last for three minutes, and every minute is life! If the blood in Kikuchi cannot be resolved within three minutes, then the two women will have to flee for their lives!

  Thinking of this, Su Mu snorted and rushed towards Judi with blood in a straight line. He was not afraid to fight him!

Kikuchi Youxue also greeted him with a cold snort. Although he is a killer, as an lv6 superpower, he has long abandoned the kind of fighting method that hides on the side and suddenly violently strikes the enemy, his favorite The same is a direct attack!

The two collided instantly, Lin Ruoyi was watching Ji Rujing from a distance, with no worries on his face, but Ji Rujing watched the dazzling battle between the two of you and me very nervously, with little hands tight. Squeeze the ground! Although I have recognized that Su Mu and himself are not in the same world, they still worry about him unconsciously...

  \"Hmph!\" Su Mu cut off a tentacle with a hand knife, and his figure flashed past Kikuchi's **** fist, then raised his hand and punched him in front of the door.

  Kikuchi has blood secretly surprised, this silver-haired man is so superb! There is a tendency to faintly surpass himself, that is, he has lost the opportunity to dodge in this hesitation, he can only bite the bullet and throw a punch, and fight Su Mu recklessly!

  The two backed two steps at the same time, Su Mu lightly waved his numb fist and sneered and rushed up again.

  \"嘁!\" Juji Youxue glanced at the hand that punched Su Mu with him, and the epidermis on that hand had disappeared! If you are not lv6, it is estimated that this hand disappeared in that hit?

   Seeing Su Mu rushed up again, Kikuchi's **** hands flicked and the green mucus instantly covered his hands, giving rise to two thick tentacles! Since the frontal contact suffers so much! Then do it!

  Su Mu hurriedly stepped back and punched the oncoming tentacles with a punch, and looked at him with a guarded face. This is in trouble! This small island nation actually doesn't fight with himself! This is not the way to go!

  Kikuchi Youxue chuckled and waved his hand, the broken tentacle immediately returned to its original shape, as expected! As long as he doesn't directly collide with this man, he has nothing to do with himself!

  \"Su Mu! What are you doing! Get rid of him!" Lin Ruoyi jumped up in excitement over there, never seen such a fierce melee! Almost all the capable people Lin Ruoyi knows use their powerful abilities to blast them at a long distance until they blast the opponent into scum. Even if they can't fight at a distance, they will win with the skill of controlling ability. Where can they greet him like this? It hurts so much!

  Su Mu rolled his eyes silently, this dead girl knew she was gloating, she didn’t know she would come up to help!

  At this moment, Su Mu's body flashed with silver light, and his black hair was restored! Time is up!

  Su Mu was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and ran to Lin Ruoyi and Ji Rujing decisively.

  This scene makes Kikuchi have blood and thunder! As a warrior, turned around and escaped? Angrily chased up.

  Ji Rujing was wondering about the changes in Su Mu's body. Lin Ruoyi looked at Judi's blood on the countless tentacles lashing on the ground and exclaimed, pulling Ji Rujing up and running! Su Mu's liberation time is up! Do you want her to go? joke! Lin Ruoyi is quite self-aware of his melee ability...