The Days When I Lived with My Sister

Chapter 200: Small bread lovers

  Su Mu silently watched Lin Ruoyi run like a rabbit, how fast can you run with a person?

  In fact, it was not Lin Ruoyi who ran fast. It was Su Mu who ran slowly. The cost of the second liberation was too great for him, but at least that kind of weakness after the liberation state was automatically released did not appear! Otherwise, it would be really tragic, it's not just a question of chrysanthemum failure!

As for the blood in Kikuchi... His whole body is full of tentacles of different lengths, so it is not very convenient to move... In addition, in order to prevent Su Mu's sudden attack, his whole body is covered with thick mucus... This weight is heavy. A even if Su Mu runs slowly, he can barely keep up with Su Mu's speed!

  Lin Ruoyi dragged Ji Rujing while running back and shouted, \"Su Mu! Think of a way!\"

  \"Why do you become my Wenquxing star? Is this method that I can think of?\" Su Mu cursed out of breath and stopped speaking. The physical exertion was too great!

  This abandoned alley is not long, and the three of them will soon run out of this alley. At this time, Su Mu almost used the strength to eat nai! However, there are still people who can't hold it before him...

  I saw Ji Rujing exclaimed and fell to the ground one by one, her physical strength couldn't keep up! She is an incapacitated person and she is also a weak girl. How could she have the physical strength to run a marathon?

  \"Sister Ji! Are you okay?" Lin Ruoyi ran back to help Ji Rujing.

  Ji Rujing gasped hard for a few times, \"I can't run anymore...\"

   Just then Su Mu finally caught up, Lin Ruoyi's eyes lit up, "Su Mu! Quick! Pick up sister Ji! Let's continue running!"

  Su Mu almost sprayed out a mouthful of old blood, this dead girl!

  In Lin Ruoyi’s startled gaze, Su Mu kicked his left leg to his right leg and fell to the ground with a gorgeous roll.

  \"Fuck, what are you doing!\" Lin Ruoyi instantly entered the liberated state again, and there was blood on the approaching Kikuchi with a sound of \"ha\".

  Kikuchi has blood and is secretly happy, what is there to be afraid of as long as these two women kill this man? When he was about to rush to kill Su Mu, who had fallen to the ground, he ran into Lin Ruoyi's sound wave! The unsuspecting Kikuchi had blood and felt that a kinetic train hit him and flew out!

  The dizzy Kikuchi had blood under his ribs and four tentacles on the back inserted into the ground. The powerful impact still led him back more than three meters! Suddenly he was attacked, and his ears even shed blood!

Su Mu, who finally got up from the ground, was depressed when he saw this scene. How good was Lin Ruoyi's move just now? Now that you are powerless to fight, you are on it!

  Kikuchi had blood and shook his dizzy head vigorously. The green mucus actually covered the ears and even gave birth to two tiny tentacles!

  Lin Ruoyi's mouth twitched, what should I do now? Most of his abilities are for hearing. Now this disgusting islander has closed his hearing, and relying on the impact of sound waves on the human body can't cause substantial damage to him? This guy is covered with mucus!

  \"Su Mu, take sister Ji away, I will hold him!" Lin Ruoyi snorted with a cold face, and now she can only do that!

  \"Can't do it!\" Su Mu decisively rejected Lin Ruoyi's proposal, and took Ji Rujing away to let Lin Ruoyi face Judi's blood alone? How can this be? Her abilities have little effect on this Kikuchi's blood? How long can it be delayed even if it is delayed? Su Mu didn't expect Lin Ruoyi to become a "magic girl".

  \"Hmph! You all have to die!\" Juji snorted coldly, and he has recovered!

  I saw Kikuchi's **** figure shake and dozens of tentacles suddenly drew towards the three of them! The speed is too fast to dodge, even Su Mu in a liberated state can't! What's more, the weak Su Mu and Lin Ruoyi at this time?

  \"Hey! This is really terrible!\" Su Mu grabbed Lin Ruoyi who was about to go forward, blocking her and Ji Rujing behind him!

  \"Su Mu!\" Lin Ruoyi exclaimed, Su Mu couldn't bear such a blow in his current state!

  At the critical moment, a biting chill filled the entire space! An ice wall instantly rose to the ground in front of the three of them, blocking out the dozens of tentacles!

  \"This is?\" Lin Ruoyi looked at the cold ice wall with surprise and joy!

  \"It’s Junruo!\" Su Mu also cheered on her face, turned her head, but saw the beautiful lady Jun standing behind her with a cold face holding a bag of bread, and even a piece of bread in her mouth...

  This cuteness... even Lin Ruoyi, who has always regarded himself as cute, has a kind of inferiority complex.

  Ji Rujing looked at Jun Ruo in a daze, and secretly sighed that there is such a beautiful woman in the world. He thought that he was a must-see...

Suddenly stared at by the three of them, Jun Ruoxue’s white face turned red and quickly took a bite of the small bread, and put the half of the small bread in the bag in his arms, as if the three of them had discovered something private. Head, \"I...actually...actually I...not so much a bun...\"

  The eyes of Su Mu and Lin Ruoyi almost stared out. Is this Jun Ruo? That iceberg beauty? The superpower at the top of the world? Domineering and decisive Chairman of the Student Government?

The attitude of Jun Ruo's little daughter naturally attracted the weird gazes of Su Mu and Lin Ruoyi, but the beauty of Jun Ruo's head is getting lower and lower when she is watched like this... It seems ashamed that she likes to eat small bread. Things are so-so...

  Several tentacles suddenly swept along the ground onto Jun Ruo! It was the blood of Kikuchi who saw Junruo deliberately sneak attack! He blinded his hearing and naturally didn't hear Su Mu calling Junruo's name, otherwise he wouldn't dare to use his ten guts! He only knows that the newly-appearing girl is also a capable person! If there is a chance to attack, why not do it?

  \"Junruo! Be careful!\" Su Mu exclaimed, how could this be so careless? This is no joke! The other party is the notorious Kikuchi has blood!

   Several tentacles wrapped around Jun Ruo's body and tightened instantly. Jun Ruo was wondering if this guy had the courage to wrap his body in turn and even dared to attack him. If he didn't check it for a while, he would be counted out!

  \"Pap!\" With a sound, the bag of small bread fell on the ground and scattered in different places. The beautiful lady Jun stared at the small bread scattered on the ground.

  Su Mu couldn't help holding his forehead with a headache, how much do you like buns! Now the enemy is now!

  Chrysanthemum has a **** face and an evil smile flashes on his face. Trampling on other people’s love has always been his biggest hobby! Although this hobby is a bit strange... anyway, she is restrained by herself, and she can kill her anytime! It's a shame to kill so beautifully!

  I saw Kikuchi have blood and stretched out his right hand, and five small whips appeared from his five fingers, "Papa Papa", which broke the buns scattered on the ground one by one!