The Days When I Lived with My Sister

Chapter 330: Suspicious

  ()\"Qianqian, you've been hiding in Fenghua Academy? I said why I haven't seen you in the past two years!" Yumiaomiao looked at Yuqianqian like a little adult.

  Hiding in Fenghua Academy? Su Mu was stunned for a moment and frowned slightly. Although the identity information of all Fenghua College students was kept secret, the intoxicated guy didn't know it for no reason! If Fenghua Academy hides such an emperor's relatives and relatives, it would have long been glued according to the intoxicating pattern! This doesn't make sense! Besides, Sister-sama should at least know that there is such a woman here!

  Not to mention Yu Miaomiao and Yu Qianqian were chatting there talking and laughing. Su Mu quietly stepped back and observed Yu Qianqian, who was talking and laughing naturally there!

  For this beautiful girl, Su Mu instinctively felt something was wrong, but it couldn’t be said that something was wrong! Su Mu suddenly remembered as if Su Yan once said, Yu Miaomiao is the youngest princess in the royal family?

   At this moment, the moment Su Mu remembered this, a figure appeared in his mind! Yuqianqian! The sister of Queen Dragon Feather!

This is impossible! Is it a killer? Su Mu frowned tightly, and a drop of cold sweat ran down his forehead. He had never seen Yu Qianqian before today, and he had never even heard of it! Even Yu Miaomiao appeared in his world in less than half a year! Why does he have memories of Yu Qianqian?

  I don’t have time to study these now, let Yu Miao Miao stay away from her as soon as possible! Su Mu hesitated, walked up cautiously, and patted Yu Miao Miao's head lightly, "Miao Miao, sister Yilian is looking for you, go to the front hall!"

  \"Huh? No? Don't lie to me!" Yu Miao blinked and muttered her eyes, obviously not wanting to go to the front hall. Running to the front hall as her must cause a sensation!

  Su Mu twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, isn't this guy who never used his mind with acquaintances? Su Mu pretended to take a peek at the door of the kitchen, and leaned into Yu Miaomiao's ear and said, "Really! And sister Yilian seems to be very angry! Did you do something wrong to provoke her? I think you are still fast. Go! Otherwise...\"

  \"Ah?\" Yu Miao was taken aback, turned to look at Yu Qianqian, and flattened her mouth. Although she didn't want to be ashamed in front of this sister, where was the embarrassing Chu attachment scary? Without a word, hurried to the front hall.

Watching with satisfaction that Yu Miaomiao's figure disappeared at the door of the kitchen, in order not to arouse Yu Qianqian's suspicion, Su Mu calmly ran to the sister paper who was cutting fruit to help. If this guy is really a killer, she must not be let her Suspicious! But Jun Ruo said that the safety of so many girls here has been handed over to Su Mu, so that it makes her feel that something rushing over the wall and doing something is not fun, isn't it?

By the way, the fruit-cutting girl saw Su Mu coming to help, her face flushed with shame, she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Su Mu, let Su Mu **** the fruit knife in her hand, and stood aside obediently. The little hands were tangled together.

  Su Mu gave this girl a suspicious look, and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

  \"No! Nothing...\" The girl raised her head and waved her small hand nervously, and took a step back quietly to keep a little distance from Su Mu.

   Seeing this girl’s pretty face, Su Mu always felt a little familiar, so he couldn’t help but leaned forward curiously, \"Uh, where did we meet?\"

\"No no! Senior Su Mu, you must have remembered wrong!\" The girl backed back a bit again, but she was already unable to back off, Xiaoman's waist hit the table behind, causing her to exclaim softly. Screamed.

  \"How did you know my name if you haven't seen me?" Su Mu rubbed his chin suspiciously, and measured the girl up and down, finally! A figure appeared in his mind! He exclaimed in surprise, \"I remember! You are Liu Lan!\"

Isn't it   ? This world is actually really small. Naturally, this girl is the only Liu Lan among the three women and one man that Su Mu met when he was desperate to pick up Lin Ruoyi when he was in a black car last time, who didn't know his glorious deeds! But obviously, she already knows it now!

  I saw Liu Lan's face blushing like an apple, waved her hands again and again, \"Ah...You must have remembered the seniors wrong!\"

  \"Oh! How could I remember it wrong?" Su Mu pulled Liu Lan over with a grin. How can you say that they are acquaintances? Why are you so shy?

The other girls in the kitchen looked over curiously, but saw Su Mu clinging to Liu Lan and talking about the black car last time. Su Mu’s glorious deeds in Fenghua Academy were unknown to anyone. Who doesn't know?

  In fact, Su Mu is also very nervous now! Because the corner of his eye found Yu Qianqian was observing him! no way! Can only bite the bullet and talk to Liu Lan for a while!

  \"By the way, Liu Lan, do I remember that you are not from the Silver Eagle Academy?" Su Mu asked with a smile, quietly turning around, facing Yu Qianqian with her back, preventing her from seeing her expression.

  Liu Lan exhaled heavily, what else can he do if he is recognized? She spread her hands helplessly, \"Who told you that there are only Fenghua Academy members in the housekeeping club? The Student Government has included all the students in Xueyuan City! Also, stay away from me! I don't want to be with you. Spread some gossip!\"

  Su Mu is embarrassed this time, sister! Can you not speak so directly? With a wry smile, he touched his nose, \"Uh...I'm just more excited to see people I know!\"

\"Stop! Stop it!\" Liu Lan waved her small hand, looked sideways at the weird gazes of other girls, and sighed heavily. \"You and I have met once, and I don’t even know each other! Okay! The set is almost It's over! I still have things to do, so don't bother me!\"

  Speaking, Liu Lan snatched the fruit knife in Su Mu's hand and cut the fruit by herself.

   Su Mu that tangled! What is this? It looks like someone has popularized his glorious deeds to the girls in the kitchen! Such a critical moment! Who the **** is having trouble with me!

  Yu Qiangqian saw Su Mu's helpless and embarrassing appearance, and couldn't help but laugh out with a \"噗哧\"! As the saying goes, happiness leads to sorrow! This product is indeed very happy and sad, patronizing Su Mu's jokes, and directly put his little hand in when throwing vegetables into the pot!

  Su Mu heard an exclamation of **, and then saw Yu Qianqian jumping with her little hand...

  Good opportunity! Su Mu's eyes lit up, stepped forward quickly, and grabbed Yu Qianqian's little hand, \"Qianqian! Why are you so careless? You got burned? Come with me, I'll take care of it for you!\"

  \"Ah! need!" Yu Qianqian hurriedly refused, but Su Mu dragged her away without any explanation...