The Days When I Lived with My Sister

Chapter 632: Bad track

After Su Mu’s efforts, the next table of delicious dishes was ready, and he looked at his masterpiece triumphantly. Su Mu turned his head and greeted Ji Rujing, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, "Rujing! Alright! Come over for dinner." !\"

  \"Wait a minute, wait until I finish reading at this point!\" Ji Rujing waved his small hand without looking back, watching the picture on the TV intently.

  Su Mu walked over suspiciously, wanting to see what she was looking at! When I saw the content on TV, Su Mu was speechless. What was playing was a movie made by Ji Rujing herself... Although I don’t know the name of this movie, at least Su Mu can recognize it. The beauty who is obviously the heroine is undoubtedly Ji Rujing.

  \"Why are you so fascinated by the movies you make?\" Su Mu sat down beside Ji Rujing.

\"What are you doing? Do you have an opinion?\" Ji Rujing glanced at Su Mu, he hummed and pulled Su Mu's big hand, his big eyes narrowed dangerously, \"Speaking of which, you have seen my movie. NS?\"

  \"This...\" Su Mu scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and said cautiously, \"No...I rarely watch TV...Ah! Don't bite!\"

  Su Mu watched Ji Rujing grimly, wide-eyed, gnashing his teeth and holding his big hand, it was a burst of gnawing...the bottom of my heart kept wailing, Nima! Why do women like to bite?

  Small hands, except for the mighty and domineering beauty of Chu who can easily make Su Mu die of pain, Su Mu is already close to immunity... Faced with this every day, I am used to it! But this bite... how can you not get used to it! What is the saddest thing? Su Mu retracted her hand completely by her ability, but Ji Rujing hugged her tightly. If she tried hard, she was afraid of hurting her...

In the end, Ji Rujing finally bite comfortably, sat up straight, looked at the row of cute tooth prints on Su Mu's hand with satisfaction, snorted and said, "You don't even look at me." Movie, you still say miss me?\"

  Su Mu grimly grabbed her little hand backhand, \"I really miss you!\"

  \"Do you miss me and you?" Ji Rujing pursed her mouth and snorted coldly, looking through Su Mu.

  \"This...really nothing!\" Su Mu is entangled, how can you be so direct? Su Mu has a clear conscience at this point! Although I have thought about this...but it's only occasionally! Most of the time, I was thinking about how to get her back, right?

  No matter what, Su Mu always feels that the Ji Rujing in front of him is very different from the original to should be said that his nature has been exposed...

  Seeing that Su Mu is not honest yet, Ji Rujing did not continue this shameful topic, it is not appropriate for a woman to ask a man this kind of question! She poked a finger on Su Mu's forehead in embarrassment, \"You will always watch my movies when I'm away in the future, do you know?\"

Frowning and looking at Ji Rujing's cute little Huya, Su Mu instinctively felt that if he didn't nod his head, the little Huya would make him very happy... This guy nodded without hesitation, \" Got it! Got it! Got it! Be sure to watch it!\"

  \"Huh! That's plausible! Give you a reward!" Ji Rujing snorted in satisfaction, and put his hands on Su Mu's shoulders and gave a soft kiss.

  This time she did not leave immediately, but silently waited for Su Mu's attack.

But Su Mu has been made by her so that she doesn't dare to start indiscriminately. If she suddenly loses her temper and wants to leave, then it will be troublesome... and several rewards make Su Mu feel a bit wrong... not just Ji Rujing , Sister-sama and the six of them too! It makes them happy, they like to give rewards or Su Mu feels like being raised in captivity...

  Seeing Su Mu closing his eyes and obediently without any extra action, just enjoying his wet lips, Ji Rujing couldn't help but smile secretly. Is he acting too strong?

   sighed secretly, Ji Rujing's body softened, leaning directly in Su Mu's arms, and proactively slapped Su Mu's teeth with his fragrant tongue.

  How could Su Mu not understand such a clear hint? Immediately he loosened the guard force of his teeth a little, and greedily enjoyed the fragrant tongue that was delivered to the door.

  In the final analysis, Ji Rujing's experience is still somewhat inadequate! At least the standard of this kiss is a bit way! Although she and Su Mu had done that messy thing a long time ago, she returned to her original life after they were done, and there was no chance to have a kiss at all. How could she be technical at all?

  Su Mu quickly realized that her movements were too clumsy! Not very enjoyable! This cargo carefully embraced the slender waist of the beauty in her arms. Seeing that Ji Rujing just twisted her waist and did not respond much, Su Mu suddenly became bold and took the initiative to attack!

   With a big hand, he firmly embraced Ji Rujing into his arms, and the blood basin and mouth launched an offensive from the inside out, easily breaking through the enemy's teeth, and savouring it.

  Where did Ji Rujing experience this? With a muffled snort, her delicate body stiffened a bit, as she hugged Su Mu's neck tightly like a drowning girl.

  It seems that I can feel Su Mu’s affection for her. Ji Rujing did not struggle too fiercely, but awkwardly cooperated with Su Mu. She... seemed to feel his love...

  I didn’t know how long he had kissed, Ji Rujing felt that he couldn’t catch it in one breath, and struggling hurriedly, Su Mu let her go very kindly.

I saw that the beautiful lady Ji leaned against Su Mu's arms and gasped heavily, her face blushing, and she looked up at Su Mu weirdly, her eyes slightly resentful, \"Where did you learn so many bad ways! Me! You must not practice less during the time you are away?\"

  \"This...\" Su Mu scratched the back of his head awkwardly. How can I answer this question? There is no way to answer it! Did you tell her that we would play kisses at every turn? It's going to die...

\"I knew it! You're a bastard!\" Ji Rujing scolded, humming and twisting his body, indicating that Su Mu's big hand was too tight, and he looked up at Su Mu foolishly. I touched his face with a little hand, \"I miss you...\"

\"Yeah, I know!\" Su Mu looked at the beauty in his arms fondly, and secretly blamed himself...If you have a chance in the future, you must make it clear to your elder sister and them that you will bring her home and make her so weak. The woman worked hard outside alone, so sorry for her...

  \"You know what a fart!\" Ji Rujing snorted dissatisfiedly. The standard response should be that I miss you too? Tian touched Tian's ruddy lips, and again peeked into her big mouth, which was dreaming, and did not forget to whisper, \"Come here again!\"