The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 592: Dissipated body (second more)

As a result of the final meeting, Coral Island will do its utmost to participate in the development order, which is larger than the original Iron Horse Island campaign and the annihilation of the Marquis.

Because last year's pioneering order to compile a lot of land knights, this time can send nearly 1,100 land knights to participate in the war.

Among them, Liszt led 60 knights to the expedition and served as the head of the Black Knights. However, his main task is still the sword battle, the command of the Knights, directly transferred to Marcus. In the time when Emily did not grow up, Marcus was always his chief knight.

The well-trained Blizzard Beasts team is also about to debut. It is time for the aristocrats of the Eagle Kingdom to teach the horror of the big dog.

End of the meeting.

The nobles returned to their territory and prepared the Knights.

Set off on July 20th, there is not much time left for departure. Fortunately, there was preparation before, so Liszt was not busy, and still lived step by step. I went to the volcano on the Dudu Island, and pressed the small fire dragon Rio to make my strength further.

Then I paid Rioto to Acha, and I sent food every few days, so that I couldn't open up the war and the small dragon would starve to death.

"My brother can rest assured that Ai will take care of Rio."

"Pike them, you have to take care of them."

"Yeah." A moment suddenly thought of something, "Is my brother taking Rose too? Rose in the sea can protect the fleet."

"Ross, forget it, let it accompany you."

Liszt didn't plan to bring the colorful whale Rose. In addition to the twenty-day round-trip time, he was not at sea for the rest of the time. The battle still took place on land. Rose couldn't help.

"For the moment, have you started writing books?"

"A moment is sorting out the classification of books to be written. There are too many ideas. You have to write a lot of magic books. When the brothers return from the war, Acar can almost be a part of it."

"When I come back, I have to appreciate A book's work.


Between the blink of an eye.

It is almost the day of departure.

The territorial affairs have been finely explained, and the officials have Gaoertai's overall situation, not to mention how aggressive and enterprising, at least to ensure that everything goes as usual. The knights have the temperance of Paris, and they are fully committed to ensuring the security of the territory. At the same time, Acha will be secretly guarded.

The fighting power of Parisian incarnation of Black Dragonfly can not be underestimated. Acha is a great magician in the water system, and the fighting power in the water is very strong.

Really have pirates to attack the Black Horse Island, almost a person can solve it. Standing in the sea, several high-level magic ** released, no sky knight blocking, can not stop A moment. The mice sent in secret will also be invisible under the search of Paris.

Palis in stealth, want to investigate a person, it is simple.

Coupled with the great magician of the Master Tower, Klis, the truth, the territory is safe, no need for Liszt to worry.

The only thing that disturbs him is the tulip worm, the tulip worm that is struggling because of the pressure. After entering the fat period, even if Liszt is inspiring every day, its magic is still dying day by day. At the time of departure, the fat gray-faced tulip worm, the magic has been looming.

"It's dangerous, it shouldn't fail?"

Liszt’s heart was awkward, he could not feel the mood of the tulip, and the desire to survive almost disappeared. No matter how you contact, there is no way to activate the response of the tulip.

“Why is this?”

"It is clear that the smoke mission has moved the thread of fate, and the tulip has continued to wither?" His face became more and more serious, and the fertilized period of the tulip insects in the castle was obviously dying.

In the tulip field of the flower farm, the tulip cordy grass began to curl and yellow, the leaves gradually died, and the flowers on the top of the head were sluggish. Even if Liszt constantly tries to replenish fertilizer, sprinkle jade powder, or even grind many chaotic magic potions, to add magic to Cordyceps.

Still unable to recover its decline.

In the end, in Liszt’s helpless eyes, the night before departure. The magic of the tulip insects in the fat period was completely lost. The fat body touched it and immediately turned into a gray fly and disappeared into the air. The tulip grass of the tulip field also dissipated with the wind.

Since his crossing, his own elf has died for the first time.

When evolution failed, it seemed to be completely erased. Except for his memory, there was no trace of any tulip.


Carter stood behind Liszt and whispered. He wanted to comfort and comfort the life and death of the Liszt Elf. For the non-contractors, there was not much touch. They didn’t realize the wonderful feeling of the same mind. Naturally, there was no such thing. Deep feelings.

For many people, the elf evolution failed, which is a very normal phenomenon.

Elf worms evolved into elves, with only a fraction of a probability, and most genie worms could not survive the evolution. Like the Jura and Mickey in the castle, the evolution of success, in addition to the Cavaliers glory, there is no way to explain. Even many small aristocrats will suppress the evolution of the genie.

I prefer the elf bug to ten years of life, to death, and not to die early because of evolution.

"I'm fine, Mr. Carter, just a little uncomfortable." Liszt looked at the empty box, took a deep breath, and cheered himself. "It's just an elf bug. I saw many Elf worm evolutions when I was a child." Failure... There will be more and more such situations in the future."

"Yeah, people are sick and old, and the elves are the same."

"I will leave tomorrow and the castle will be handed over to you."

"Please rest assured."

"There is nothing to worry about. On the other side of the beach villa, according to my previous arrangement, I will occasionally send people to clean it. Don't let people come close."

Carter’s housekeeper nodded: “If you wish, Master.”

Liszt turned his head and smiled. "I know what you think, Mr. Carter, I have a lot of secrets. I believe that you will be conservative for me, isn't it?"

Many of his actions are different from ordinary people. As a confidant, how can Carter not notice.

Carter with white hair, a playful smile: "Go to the sapphire Dagong, a serf in the farmland, there are secrets. The secret of the master is Carter's secret, hidden in the cellar of the castle, only a key to open it, after Will accompany Carter buried in the soil."

"You will live long and healthy."

Liszt would smile: "Don't be too hard, take care of yourself. My castle can't do without you. Those who don't care, give it to the servants."


Chatting with Carter Butler eased the boring heart.

After Liszt returned to the study room, sitting in a chair and pondering for a moment, he called out the smoke mission. This was the first mission failure. I don't know what changes will happen to the smoke mission.

Between the gods.

The ethereal, changing smoke slowly rises and quickly distorts to form a serpent.

"The mission failed and the Tulip Elf died."