The Demon King Against the Sky

Chapter 1075: Infinite fusion with destiny, the fourth

  Chapter 1075 The immeasurable blends with destiny, the four levels of Tao

  In the river of the avenue, waking up for the third time, and the good fortune of becoming a Dao, I saw that the whole body Daoyun began to change.

  "This is the level of Tao?" Good luck couldn't help sighing.

  Three tests of the id, the true self, and the Tao. After defeating the three selves one after another, good fortune finally became enlightened.

  During this period, he got into trouble many times. Fortunately, he was connected with the deity of the beginning, and passed the test of enlightenment without any risk.


  I saw a roar!

  He was pushed out of the magical space, and when he was conscious again, he was already in the river of avenues.

  A lavender wave began to change, and countless silk threads began to condense. This is the river of cohesion.

  Good Fortune has evolved from the Dao of Good Fortune in the very beginning to the moment when the Dao of Heaven in the spiritual world has been achieved.

  At this moment, he is destiny, the carrier of destiny.

  The river of the avenue is like a continuous source, condensing the river of laws in the soul for him, this river is called: the river of destiny.

  Slowly a phantom began to appear, and it continued to condense until...

   With a sound of "Om——", the body of destiny was condensed.

  Good luck glanced at the river of avenues, he began to feel a thrust involuntarily, and this thrust was the repulsion of the river of avenues.


  The good fortune repelled by the river of avenues came to the top space of the river of avenues.

  At this time, a purple light hits, which is the rule of the river of avenues.

  Before Taichu and Pangu, it was because of fighting against this purple light that they were pushed into exile by the purple light.

   Lucky fortune, he took advantage of the trend, and after a while, he was pushed out of the mysterious river of avenues.


  The good fortune at this time is a completely different feeling from the beginning.

  In the early days, he was banished into the Fragment of Hongmeng when he became a Taoist. Fortunately for good luck, he returned to the Ninth Chaos.

  At this moment, he began to repeat the feeling of returning from the place of exile in the beginning, and a brand of fate was engraved in his soul.

   "Naihe, Monetho, fate!"

   There was a deep chant, and good luck chanted in a low voice.

  "Finally, in that case, return to the Primordial Realm to find the deity, then I will be free." Good luck expression on his face was invisible.

   is about to disappear completely, or another new born, he who has achieved destiny is quite touched.


  Taichu realm, Taichu wakes up from entering concentration.

   "Good luck succeeded."

   "Sure enough, it is a mysterious destiny, and there is no wave of enlightenment." Taichu said.

   "Husband?" Wang Shu asked suspiciously?

   "Nothing, it is good fortune and enlightenment back." Taichu said.

  "Good luck has succeeded? This is less than 300,000 years, right?" Wang Shu asked in surprise.

   "There are factors for the deity's success, and it is natural for him to connect with the deity's body quickly."

   "Husband, is good fortune going to disappear?" Wang Shu said.

   "No, it is not completely disappeared, but his destiny and deity merge, and his wisdom will become the Promise Golden Immortal, like the third Daoist and Hongjun."

   "That's good." Wang Shu said.

  To be honest, she was worried before. Was she still too early after the fusion of good fortune and Taichu?

   Will the personality change, even if the personality does not change, there will always be a change.

  Now I am finally relieved, it's just that the fate and the husband merge, and the wisdom and consciousness of good fortune will not disappear, but will be reborn.


  At this time!

  I saw a streamer flashing by, and when the streamer was clear, it was found that it was the avatar of good fortune.

"you made it?"

   "Yes, let's go to chaos, this deity." Good luck said.

   "Huh?" At the beginning, he was puzzled and asked: "No hurry, you can wait."

   "No, I can merge with the deity as soon as possible, and I can be reborn as soon as possible. I am already very much looking forward to it."

  The dialogue between the two is mysterious and mysterious.

  At the beginning, I was a little curious, and I became a clone of Destiny Dao. It was really different from before, a kind of self-personality appeared.

  The level of Tao is indeed magical. If you weren't the deity, and you were too magical, perhaps the good fortune at this moment could be divided into two parts from the beginning. There was nothing in the beginning.

   "Also." Nodded at the beginning.

   winked at Wang Shu and motioned her to look at Taichu Jie.

   Soon, Taichu and good fortune disappeared.

  In the chaos!

  "You have changed a lot at the level of Tao, I can't even feel your thoughts." Taichu asked.

   "Isn't that the fate, it is unpredictable, unmeasured."

   "That's right." Too early nodded, and then said: "But the deity feels that you have a kind of earth-shaking change, the birth of a true spiritual intelligence."

   "Haha, so what, let's start the deity." Good luck laughed.


  At the beginning, he didn't understand good fortune. After good fortune became the way, he could not but fight for the requirements of good fortune to explore his thoughts.

  I saw good luck shaking, turning into a stream of light and flying into the primordial soul.

  Over the river of law in the Primordial Soul, good fortune is suspended here.

   "The deity, if it wasn't for you that are more important, you have more important things, maybe... well, just maybe!"



  I saw that the avatar of good fortune plunged into the river of infinite laws of the beginning, his Taoist rhyme and body began to melt away, and the river of laws of the beginning began to change drastically.

  In short, the river of laws from the beginning began to grow, and the speed of growth was extremely rapid.

  It was a trembled in the beginning!

  He thought of the last sentence of Good Fortune in confusion, "Maybe, well, just maybe!"

  This sentence fully shows: After good luck enlightened, there were thoughts that were equal to the beginning.

  From a ‘puppet’ to an autonomous personality.

  But, don’t know why, he gave up, gave up self-independence, and merged with Taichu instead.

   "Town!" Too early to think about it, I began to go all out to control the rapidly growing river of laws.

   "The second level of Tao!"

  At the moment when good fortune merges, it has reached the second level from the first level of Taoism in the beginning, and it is still growing rapidly.

  I saw fierce waves appearing in the river of law in the beginning. Two powerful waves are facing each other and blending with each other. This is the blend of immeasurable and destiny.

   "Three levels of Tao!"

  With the complete disappearance of good fortune, only a trace of the final pronucleus is left. At the beginning, it has improved by one more level, reaching the third level of the Tao.

  When it stabilizes, it will be able to reach the fourth level of Tao in the beginning, as he expected.

   "Firming!" Even in the steady absorption of all-out efforts, at the beginning, a part of mind was still separated, and the last trace of good fortune was fixed.

  This is the fortune that is about to be reborn. If it is unsteady and protected at the beginning, the pronucleus will also be ablated.

  At the beginning, he promised good luck to give him a new life, so he would do what he said.

  On one side is boundless carrying everything, on the other hand, destiny controls everything, and the river of laws is overwhelming.

   The violent entanglement of the two highest paths...


  Until there was a violent tremor, the river of law was enlarged a lot, and suddenly there was a sudden increase.

   "Four levels of Tao!"

  This is a level from three to four levels. After the breakthrough of this level, the area of ​​the River of Law has increased far more than the previous total from the first floor to the second floor and the second floor to the third floor.

  At this time, the two supreme paths in the river of laws finally stabilized.

   presents the water of two laws that are distinct, but blended with each other.

  Suddenly, a mark of destiny was absorbed by Taichu, and Taichu began to realize the magic of fate.

  All kinds of mysticism are not enough to elaborate on one by one.

  Unparalleled feeling, I felt that I was everything in the world and everything in the first place.

  Long time passed...

  The body that was still too early, suddenly opened his eyes, and saw the immeasurable eye in the left eye, and the judgment of fate in the right eye.

  The ultimate supernatural power of the Immeasurable Dao is the Eye of Infinity, and the ultimate miraculous power of the Destiny Dao is the judgment of destiny.

  In fact, the cultivation base has reached a certain level, especially after being extremely powerful, it will pass Belden.

  This was the case at the beginning. With the judgment of fate, his details are stronger, but compared with the previous single magical power, it seems that there is not much difference.

   Perhaps the biggest improvement he has made is his river of laws, his cultivation.

   Open your eyes, if you are not in control at the beginning, one party may be affected by chaos.

   And the chaos trembled, it was very subtle, so subtle that only a hidden guy discovered it. Is it Dong Xu?

  "This is?" Dongxu deduced for a while.

   "Damn, I can't integrate the Dao of the Ninth Chaos, and the deduction is covered. But although it is covered, it should be Taichu who may hide me. Why is he here in Chaos? Is it to investigate and inspect? It seems that the deity should be hidden more strictly."

  After Dongxu made up for his brain hole, he was led astray by himself.

  I just don’t know if he knows the beginning of this moment, will he scare away.

  Let’s talk about the beginning again.

   A mysterious smile appeared on his face, and it could not be said that this was the feeling that his cultivation base was diligent and his destiny was under control.

  "You fulfill the destiny of the deity, and the deity promises that you will be blessed by fate after you are born, and there will be no disaster and helplessness. This rule is in the name of the beginning!"


  I saw that the chaos on one side seemed to be broken, and a golden light floated from the hands of Taichu, which was the pronucleus of good fortune.

  In the beginning, according to the law of fate, it gave the new good fortune the blessing of future fate.

  I saw that the pronucleus began to change drastically, and a phantom began to appear, slowly being exactly what good fortune was.

  His phantom continued to condense, and his cultivation and realm began to increase continuously.

  Tianxian...Daluo...sage, until the Promise Jinxian!



  A loud shout from the beginning, good luck returned.


  "I have seen Dao Zun." I saw the returned Dao Hua Dao worshipping the Taichu.

  The two people at this moment are already completely two people, no longer the two before.

"how do you feel?"

   "Freedom, unfettered feeling, very good."

   "Hehe, is it possible that you were not free before, and the deity didn't restrain your freedom, right?" Taichu said a little embarrassingly.

   "No, Dao Zun must not misunderstand, it is the most authentic feeling of poor Dao at this moment!"

   "Okay, the deity understands." When he waved his hand at the beginning, a big cauldron appeared in his hand.

   "This good fortune cauldron is as famous as you, so let's give it to you." At the beginning, the good fortune cauldron was given to the new good fortune.

   "Yes!" The new life's good fortune did not refuse either.

  At the beginning, he could sacrifice the most precious treasures. This cauldron of good fortune seemed dispensable to him, and it was more suitable for good fortune.

   can also be regarded as the second compensation for him from the beginning.

  The first compensation is to rely on the law of fate to bestow his future luck with the stock, and the second is this good luck tripod.

  "Where are you going from now on?" Taichu asked again.

  "Travel around, and then find a suitable place to start the mountain and road."

   "Not bad." Taichu nodded and said: "Remember, Taichu realm is also your home, you can enter freely, and the deity grants you a token."

  This token is inscribed with the word ‘Ling’.

  This token can not only enter the Primordial Realm unimpeded, it is also unimpeded to go to the Three Realms, the Three Thousand Realms, or any small world or universe in the future.

  This is a token condensed in the name of Taichu, except for beyond the world of Taichu, otherwise the rules are avoided.

   "Dao Zun, I left first." Good Fortune said after giving the token from the beginning.

   "Well, go!"

   "Leave the poor way!"

   Soon, good fortune disappeared in the chaos.

  At the beginning, he didn't leave for a while, looking at the departed good fortune, the new born good fortune, he was thoughtful.

  Thinking of the words of good fortune, he smiled slightly.

  "Good Fortune had thoughts of betrayal, but did not do it. Interestingly, the level of this Dao is indeed the highest."

  At the moment before thinking of good luck resolutely merged with himself, the remarks that evoked thoughts were a bit thoughtful at the beginning.

   "However, the goal is successfully achieved, that's good." Taichu said.

  Actually, in the beginning, it was not that there was no back hand, or no means, but he was useless. His ability to control good fortune is far more than good fortune himself knows.

  At the beginning, he glanced at the boundless chaos, his eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, and he saw the infinite distance.

  "First Supreme, Tunghsu Supreme, the time has come for you to pay the bills." Taichu muttered to himself.

   Feeling the power of the law boiling in the river of law in the soul, he felt a surging sense of joy.

  Cultivation is from one level of Tao to the fourth level at this moment. This is not only a three-step leap, but also a big leap from the early to mid-term.

  Not to mention, an immeasurable way is unthinkable, and now in the beginning, immeasurable and destiny are both supreme, which is even more terrifying.

  At first, he would feel even more, but he had been given the ability to control the prehistoric times by the predecessor, so this time, after the destiny was supreme, he didn’t feel much.

  Otherwise, at the beginning of this moment, it would never be so peaceful.

  Too early disappeared into the chaos, there was no streamer, as if he was not there, he was everywhere, so no matter where he went, he seemed to be here all the time.




  Before Taichu left, Wang Shu told his disciples in accordance with Taichu's wink.

  So all the disciples knew what Master did.

  It’s just that I didn’t expect it to be so fast. In less than a thousand years, the master returned.

  Don’t tell me when I come back, how do you feel that Master has not changed at all?

   "Master, you?" Pan Shi asked nervously.

   "Successful, good fortune new students go to travel, everything is complete." Taichu smiled.

   "Huh--" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their faces immediately filled with joy.

  As for why can’t you feel the changes from the beginning?

  I can only say that it is strange to feel it. They are far behind, and naturally they can't feel the changes from the beginning.

  Because the gap is not calculated according to reason.


  PS: I have a stomachache from drinking and I feel uncomfortable for a day. Today my three sisters are back again, very happy, but I really lack time.

  (End of this chapter)