The Demon King Against the Sky

Chapter 1076: Coming to Hongmeng Fragments again, the

  Chapter 1076 Comes to Hongmeng Fragment again, the Second Supreme is teased

   "Are you not there?"

  On the barriers around Liyuan, the place of exile, a glance suddenly penetrated the mist.

   is the beginning.

  After he and his creations melted and his cultivation reached the fourth level of Tao, he came to the place of exile with difficulty from the beginning.

  However, he was afraid of the time he was leaving at the beginning, and Dong Xu, who was hiding in the Ninth Chaos, found out that he was not there, so he used suspenseful means.

  After all preparations, he sneaked into the barrier of the law of the road.

  However, I was afraid that the three people who ‘pretended to leave’ didn’t show up right away at the beginning, but secretly observed them.

  According to the early estimation, there should be no means left by the First Supreme and them.

  Because of the remaining means, it is even more suspicious.

  Only not arrange anything, this is in line with their original intention of deceiving the original.

  If you leave the arrangement, don’t you deliberately tell Taichu not to come?

  Not to mention, in that case, what they think Dongxu didn't know in the beginning of the Ninth Chaos, will be exposed.

  So at the beginning, it was determined that the first supreme would never leave behind in order to pretend to be suspenseful.

  But for the sake of caution, there was no blindness in the beginning.

  After squinting, he thought for a while, and then...

   penetrated the barrier of the avenue without hesitation, and came to Liyuan.

After   , it disappeared from the beginning in an instant.

  This is not a place to stay for a long time, first leave to find Pangu.

  Fortunately, all these actions were not discovered by the First Supreme.

   is already at the beginning of the four levels of Tao. This time I came to the place of exile to feel quite different.

  The first time I was exiled, I didn't know anything about the place of exile, and I didn't even know where it was.

  This time is different, not to mention that you are already familiar with the place of exile, even the cultivation base is no longer the same.

   Shuttles out of Liyuan, and once again returned to Wanwei’s exile.

  He instantly felt the suppression of Hongmeng World, but he was puzzled.

   "Hey, that's not right, how much my cultivation base hasn't been imprisoned? This is?" There was a surprise at the beginning.

  He unexpectedly discovered that after he let go of his cultivation this time, the suppression of him by the place of exile was much, much less, almost dispensable.

  "Is it the supreme destiny and the supreme immeasurable role? Is the double supreme in the exile the best way to open it?"

  A meditation in the beginning.

  He suddenly understood a little bit, maybe he, who is a fellow practitioner of the double supreme, is more comfortable than other supreme beings in the place of exile.

  It cannot be wrong not to be suppressed, it must be so.

  The double supreme fellow practitioners are the best way to reach the Great Dao. The news spread from the place of exile, which seems to be the case.

"Ha ha……"

  Thinking of this, I burst into laughter at the beginning.

   "In this way, what is the deity still afraid of the first supreme?"

"Even if the opponent is at the later stage of the Tao, he is suppressed; and even if he has only the four levels of the Tao, but because of the double supreme fellow practitioners, he is not suppressed. After the two compartments are folded, the deity's cultivation level can hardly regret the Tao's level at this moment. The supreme of the later period."


  Take a long breath at the beginning.

  This discovery is so good, I didn’t expect that this time I would have such a great harvest.


   "Hey, who are you?"


   A distant but close doubt sounded.

  Suddenly at the beginning, he thought: The pretense is too big, but no one is approaching, it seems to be low-key.


  I saw a few flashes of people coming, and after a while, it was parallel to the beginning in the same dimension.

   "Boy, who are you? Why hasn't the deity seen you? Well, you have just arrived at the fourth level of Taoism?"

  This man has nine-foot-long hair flowing, with a majestic look.

  His inquiry is a kind of inquiry from the superior to the junior, not the relationship of equal treatment.

  This kind of tone, to be honest, I was not used to it at the beginning.

  No one has ever spoken to himself like this.

  Looking at the Taoist in front of you, he can approach without knowing it, and he can quickly lock his dimension. This fully shows that this person's cultivation base is far superior to himself.

  "Who are you?" In the beginning, I was not used to being scolded and asked, but I chose to answer.

  So he asked rhetorically.

   "Haha, arrogant junior, why didn't the deity answer your question just now?" The man let out a thunderous rant.

  This humiliation was like a violent time and space caused by a sonic boom, and cracks began to appear in the surrounding area where Taichu was.


  At the beginning, I just wanted to find someone to compete. Although I just failed to pretend to be forced, I didn’t change my original intention.

  The man’s methods in front of him were filled with a smell of destruction.

  And it is the kind of destruction that is boundless, emotionless, and without any doping.

  At the beginning, this person was a bit eye-catching.

  Maybe this is the second supreme that Yunwu said before, and the second supreme that destroys the supreme path.

  The rumor is the strongest one under the first supreme.

  The third supreme is the supreme chaos, the first three supreme, are all the five supreme paths, maybe the fourth supreme is also, but the fourth supreme is too mysterious.

  Therefore, in the beginning of the heart with certainty, boundless destiny doubled, and a cold hum corresponds to the threat of this second supreme.

   "Hey, you are immeasurable, this, there is destiny, it is impossible, who are you?" The man suddenly scolded.

  He actually saw immeasurable and destiny supreme from this junior who had never seen him before.

  This is simply impossible.


  The cold snort from the beginning, collided with the means of destruction, and suddenly the time and space began to shatter, and the temptations of the two sides were even indistinguishable.

  He was relieved at first, but the person on the other side was even more surprised.

   "Say, who are you?" The Second Supreme breathed quickly.

  The smell of bloodthirsty was revealed in his eyes. Looking at the eyes from the beginning, it was like seeing a prey.

  Because he knew that by killing the unknown junior in front of him, he might be able to refine his boundlessness and destiny.

  If it is really refined, then oneself can be double supreme.

  "Second Supreme!" Taiyuan still did not respond, but said.

   "Haha, I actually know the deity! Knowing that the deity dares to be so arrogant, do you rely on you to double the supremacy? Junior, you are really a ‘great opportunity’, haha..."

  The chance he said was nothing more than an intention to kill Taichu, refining Taichu.

   "Sure enough, they are a bunch of lunatics and prisoners." Said without a trace at the beginning.

  He discovered that the supreme here are all lunatics, and they have met four or five, all of which have the same virtue.

  "I really want to know who the deity is?" Too early teasing smile.

   "Say it or not, but you can say it, at least you can let the deity know what name the little guy killed before the deity kills you, haha..."

   "Okay, the deity makes you perfect, the deity's Taoist name: Grandpa."

"? Grandpa" second Supreme Yi Zheng, immediately: "ah - **** junior, you still tease me, you court death!."

   "Haha, good grandson, do you know your grandpa's name?"


  Inevitable, the first teasing completely made the second supreme angry.

  It may have been a long time in the place of exile, so my mind was a little slow, and I was actually teased by the beginning.

   "Damn it!"

  I saw a destructive breath emanating from the two of them.

The dimension of    began to be affected, and he did not dare to be big at the beginning, even if he knew that he was strong, but still all the Zilian and the space-time disc were displayed at the beginning.

   "You, you, you are actually two Chaos Lingbao, who are you?" The Second Supreme was in a trance.

   thought: How to fight this special?

  The opponent has two Chaos Lingbao, what can I do? I just bragged and said that I was going to kill this kid who was teasing me, but in a blink of an eye...

   "Damn it!"

  In the hands of Destroyer Supreme, it is a chaotic spirit treasure like the Great Mill of Destroying the World, which fits his status as Destroyer Supreme.

  It is rumored that the Chaos first opened, and there are five great chaos treasures, namely: Kaitian Axe, Chaos Green Lotus, Destiny Jade Butterfly, Destroyer Great Mill, and Chaos Bead.

  But these five chaos treasures are also the medicine keys to open the chaos. Once the heavens are opened, they will disappear and disappear, and the destruction will not be left behind.

  The second supreme is the supreme who has seen the surviving of the immeasurable calamity and destruction.

  Therefore, he has seen the great mill of extinction, and based on the great mill of extinction and his supreme way of extinction, he made a chaotic spirit treasure, the disc of extinction.


  Bite the scalp and have to go, the big deal is to attack this junior and dare not fight back.

  The second supreme is calculated.

  Because the two Chaos Spirit Treasures guarantee that they will not die at the beginning, but they will not backhand.

  So the second supreme, after offering two chaotic spirit treasures in the early days, planned to vent his anger.


  But he was blinded!

  What did he see?

  This junior didn't even have full defense, so he dared to fight back.

  "Do you dare to fight back, you turned it back..."


  The second supreme felt his face flushed and was humiliated.

  Originally, the first plan was to kill Taichu, but he was teased and called grandpa.

  So it must be killed.

  It's not bad. Just about to shoot, the opponent's two Chaos Spirit Treasures appeared. It was impossible to kill them, so they could only get out of their breath.

  This is the second plan.


  The second plan, it seems, it seems, is not working anymore.

  This junior dared to make a move, but he dared to make a move, not an all-out defense.

  "You may not know, the gap between the middle and later stages of the Taoist, you, you are looking for death!"

  The angry second supreme was in anger, full of firepower.

  Of course, he was unambiguous at the beginning. His double supreme path was originally an open hook. Now he happens to have an opponent, he must try it out.

  With the defense of Zilian at the beginning, Taichu started a confrontation with the second supreme.

  In the beginning, the more he fought, the more excited he became, and the second supreme fought more and more frightened. What kind of monster is this?

  Why is it so strong at the mid-level of the mere stratum? It shouldn’t be!

   "Damn junior."

  You can only vent your dissatisfaction through cursing and roaring.

  It’s been a long time since the beginning of this kind of invigorating feeling, and found that there is still a big gap with the second supreme, at least every attack of the second supreme makes him feel the same.

  This kind of empathy is also called: uncomfortable.

  Yes, it’s a bit uncomfortable.

  He didn't go all out for defense, and he was a little uncomfortable to collide with the second supreme.

  But why are you so excited?

   may be a handsome person, who naturally likes to challenge.

  He was not born strong in the beginning, but he was born strong.

  The more excited he became after the war, he became more and more adept at transforming Boundless and Destiny at the beginning. This battle was also a training for him.

  The battle that spreads to the Tao level, even in this suppressed exile, is still in full swing.

  Even this kind of battle can be felt by many other supreme, although the spread is not too far.

  The Second Supreme was very embarrassed. After the two of them had nearly a thousand moves, he finally recovered from anger to calmness, knowing that he was angry and useless.

  The opposite junior can't suppress it at all, at best they have the upper hand.

  As for why this is so, he is very suspicious, and asks himself: Why is this?

   "Junior, is this because of the double supremacy, say?" After the second supreme regained his composure, he shot it harshly while asking.

   "Yes, this is the power of Double Supreme. The Second Supreme is nothing but this." At first, he did not deliberately annoy him, but answered.

  Because no matter how irritated it is, it’s useless. If it’s too irritated, it won't be good for this second supreme to become a cowhide like Shenyu. He still needs Pangu.

   "Junior, although you don't know your dao name, you should be ranked in the top five in the entire place of exile.... Why don't we stop, we can become friends." The second supreme is also a scheming person.

   Really angry at first, it is impossible not to be angry with a provocative ant.

  But once this ant becomes a human, it is different.

  The hatred needs to be resolved, and it is better to get benefits.

  People cannot be equal to ants, they can only be equal to people.


  In the beginning, he followed the kindness, and he tempted his own strength. Even if the second supreme is different from the first supreme, it should not be too far behind.

  The second supreme can collide with himself, so there is no fear that the first supreme will kill him.

  Of course, the First Supreme has helpers, and there are three more.

  I have it myself, Pangu is one, and Yunwu is also one.

   Yunwu Supreme had been completely fearless from the beginning, even if he was put into the Ninth Chaos, he was not afraid.

  Of course, to tame a dog, you have to hurt him first. This was considered at the beginning.


  The two who recovered their peace, looked at each other.

  Especially the dead eyes of the Second Supreme, wanting to see through the beginning.

   "Friends, can you know your Dao number now, right?"

   "Haha, this deity is too early."

   "In the beginning, are you new here?" The Second Supreme said: "You can call the second Daoist friend of the deity, or you can call the Daoist friend of the World Extinction."

  "It's not a newcomer. I have come here for a few moments. It's just the first time to meet a fellow Daoist." At the beginning, he said nonsense.

   "So that's it." The Second Supreme breathed a sigh of relief.

  After learning that Taichu had been here for a long time, he was relieved.

  If he had only come here, he would be so strong, it seemed that his second position could not be kept.

   "The immeasurable destiny is supreme. It is really good fortune. Do you know the mystery of this exile? If you don't know it, the deity can tell you about it."

  The second supreme is like to please the beginning.

  I was in a daze at the beginning, and immediately seemed to understand...The double supreme beings, in the place of exile, it is rumored that they can reach the level of the avenue.

  After the second supreme finds that he can’t hold himself, is this trying to please himself?

  If it was prophesied, reaching the Dao level is really realized, it seems that the benefits he has made with himself are far greater than fighting against him.

   "There are fellow daoists." Taichu said.

  I also wanted to hear from the beginning, the second supreme and Yunwu said to themselves, in the end, they are the same and different.

  After all, all I know is what Yunwu said alone. What if this guy lied to himself?

  Sure enough...

  Following the narration of the second supreme, Taichu really discovered the difference from Yunwu's theory.

   Yunwu does have reservations, maybe I really don’t know, and understand it differently from the second supreme.


  "Where are Daoists going?" After some conversation, the Second Supreme asked.

"Hehe, where can I go? I plan to continue to travel through the Fragments of Hongmeng. I will treat the deity like a fellow Daoist and stay here for a long time. I am no longer curious about it, but when I am bored? Maybe I will also look for it like fellow Daoists. Settle down in this place and settle down!... Don't worry, the deity has time, and he is determined to disturb the second fellow."

  At the beginning, I was still full of nonsense, anyway, I got used to deceiving people, so I continue to talk nonsense.

"Well, that's fine, fellow Daoists are most curious about the place of exile at this time. Maybe soon you will no longer be curious about the place of exile, but you will be deeply disgusted!...Tianjiao like us are trapped in this place. , It's really sad!"

  Second Supreme shook his head for a while.

   "Maybe!" Taichu sighed.

  I can’t always say, this is you, not me, am I chic?

  "Don't pass this time!" Taichu said.


  After waving his hand at the beginning, he left and disappeared from a dimension. It leaves an endless figure in all directions.

  The second supreme looked at Taichu leaving, his face changed from a smile to a gloomy face.

   "Damn, damn, but fortunately no one saw it. This time it's really shameful."

   "Hmph, you were so comfortable in the beginning, wait! I will pass you on to the double supreme, let the first supreme, the old thing know, you can only gain from the deity if you fight against it. Jie Jie..."


  PS: Sister-in-law, brother-in-law? My youngest niece and daughter are all twelve. emmm...

  (End of this chapter)