The Demon King Against the Sky

Chapter 1139: Raised eyebrows cause and effect

   Chapter 1139

   Soon after, Emperor Huang descended on the new power base camp, and the behavior of Zhonglou spread throughout the fairy world in an instant.

  Especially the corpse, the ancestor, and the Dahuang three people. After learning about this, the three of them panicked.

  Chonglou turned out to be friends with Emperor Huang, and also performed such a scene.

  How can this be good?

  Let’s talk about other things, before the Wuliangmen gave a decision, they would not dare to suppress the new forces.

  If the decision given by Wuliangmen is to agree to the request of Chonglou, isn’t this a court death?


  Of course, all this is just the layout and troubles of the Ascendant. For the ever-growing prehistoric, even for the fairy world, it is not a big thing.

  This kind of incident can't cause the shock of the entire prehistoric immortal world in the slightest.

   What really caused the shock was the news that raised the eyebrows to visit Taichu and then spread out.

  The news made the fairy world completely shaken, and the big immortal Yangmei was going to the river of the avenue to become a Taoist.


  Not long ago, Yang Mei came to visit Taichu in secret.

  At the first moment when I saw the eyebrow raising, I knew that the eyebrow raising was only one step away from reaching the nine-layer Dzogchen of the Promise Golden Immortal.

  The reason for not entering is not related to the card, but raised eyebrows did not intend to enter at this time.

   After all, stepping into the Promise Golden Immortal Consummation is the last step of the law of fusion, at this time the whole body of the raised eyebrows has been integrated into the law.

  His current body is a cohesion of laws. To reach Consummation, he needs to go to the river of the great road to become the Dao.

  Yangmei hasn't stepped in late, it must be a little bit stressful, and something hasn’t been resolved.

  As for what has not been resolved?

That day.

After    came to the realm of Taichu, Yang Mei met Taichu.

  I raised my eyebrows and waved, and I saw a green willow appearing through the sky.

  This willow tree is full of the Taoist rhyme of space, and every branch and leaf seem to connect a world.

  This is the great success of space under the law.

  "Taoist in the early days, the poor Dao thought left and right, only this fate, Luliu, can repay the favor of Daoists for countless years."

  This is the first sentence Yangmei said to Taichu.

  I fell into contemplation at the beginning, and said for a while: "Enough."

   "Huh—" Yang eyebrows were relieved.

  The answer looks very puzzling.

  But only two people understand that this is raising the eyebrows to repay the favors from the beginning, and then go to the river of the main road to become the Taoist without any scruples.

  This is his only dissatisfaction at the moment. After paying back the beginning, all his causation has been put down, and the only thing he can do afterwards is to become enlightened.

  This willow green has been nurtured into a chaotic spiritual root by the law of space and the origin of space.

   Conversely, it is a chaotic spirit treasure-level spiritual object.

  It can be imagined that this has been cultivated by Yang Mei for countless years in order to repay the cause and effect of the early human relationship.

  Even for this green willow full of rhyme, he has lived ‘simple’ for endless years.

  In fact, there was no shortage of things for raising his eyebrows in the early days, but if he didn't agree in the early days, it was not for the good of raising the eyebrows, but to hurt the eyebrows.

  To tell the truth, raising eyebrows is really afraid of rejection at the beginning.

  If he refuses too early, he raises his eyebrows and don't think about enlightenment for the time being.

   "Thank you fellow daoists for their kindness over the endless years. Although fellow daoists have said enough, if you raise your eyebrows, you will have something else to report. From now on, all daoists will send you the head of the horse."

   Yang eyebrows solemnly bowed to Taichu.

   Taichu stood up, raised his eyebrows personally, and immediately waved his hand, a futon appeared, Taichu invited Yang Mei to sit down and said.

After sitting down, Taichu said: "There is a saying I don't know whether you believe it or not. The help you raised your eyebrows in the beginning is never for the future reward of raising your eyebrows, or trapping your eyebrows with human affection and cause and effect."

  I raised my eyebrows and looked at Taichu deeply, and felt Taichu’s ‘true love’.

  But why is there always kind of unbelief?

  "Raise your eyebrows and believe it." Raise your eyebrows.

"The deity has never been ashamed of what the deity has done. The deity knows that he has counted many people and suppressed and killed many people, but the deity dare to say that everything I do is for my protection, the Tao in my heart, and even speak out. Said, for the prey."

   "No, no, no..." Raised his eyebrows and hurriedly waved his hands: "The Daoist is not ashamed for the sake of the predominance, but is not deceptive in the slightest."

   Yang eyebrows this time is extremely convinced that he believes that he has calculated many people in the beginning, even himself.

  But you said that the beginning was not for the prehistoric, this is untenable.

  What the early days did is undoubtedly the first hero.

   "Haha, it's enough to get such praise from fellow daoists." Taichu laughed.

   Although I disdain to be praised for my contribution, I was very happy when I raised my eyebrows.

  At the beginning, he said: "I know the purpose of fellow daoists, and I also wish fellow daoists enlightenment.... Besides, I have some experience to talk to fellow daoists."

   "Oh?" raised his eyebrows with surprise.

  At the beginning, he said that his enlightenment experience is very important.

  Although he had experience, he was somewhat fragmented. Besides, it was the experience of the Chaos Age, so he didn't know what it was like at the moment.

"Don’t get me wrong. I mean the experience after enlightenment. It’s not the test of your enlightenment to the avenue and the river. No one can help you. I’m talking about the way to the avenue. ."

   "What?" The eyebrows were suddenly shocked.

   turned out to be the way to the avenue?

  Pangu couldn't do it back then, but at the beginning, he told him that there was a way.

"Yes, the path to the Dao is the highest enlightenment. This is the only way at the moment. For fellow Daoists, what you have to do is to evolve time after space becomes enlightened, and then the extremes of time and space will become infinite. This is the best way for you. "Taochu said.

  After saying this, she raised her eyebrows with great shock.

  It turned out that the road leading to the avenue was the double supreme fellow initiates.

   does not seem to be of much use to me at present.

  But it's too useful to look closely.

  Go to the river of the avenue to become Tao, master the way after heaven, and the help to enlightenment is immense.

  The so-called enlightenment is nothing more than a test of the will of the Tao.

   Knowing the way to the avenue, the heart and will of the dao can hardly be swallowed by the river of the avenue, and it is even more difficult for oneself to be assimilated by the law.

  Because I have a firm hold in my heart.

  "Thanks to fellow daoists." Yang Mei quickly stood up again, and bowed to Taichu.

  This kind of secret is worthy of worship, or even nothing in return.

   "It's okay." He waved his hand too early.

  The secret is said to be a secret, but it is equivalent to not saying it.

  Because it is too difficult, one supremacy is extremely difficult. Even raising eyebrows may not be achieved, let alone double supremacy.

  If you raise your eyebrows and enlighten you, you need to derive the time path from the space path, and then the two ultimate paths of time and space evolve into the immeasurable path.... These are all successful, and only one is the highest.

  And the other is supreme, who knows if it can succeed.

  Speaking of, Luo Hu and Hongjun were more optimistic about them at the beginning, and they are hopeful that they will catch up and raise eyebrows in the future.

  Hongjun’s balance and the way of heaven make it easier to perceive fate, and Luo Huan already has a shadow of the supreme extinction.

   At present, these two people seem to be only seven-layer Promise, and they are still far behind raising eyebrows, but they will catch up faster because they have enough foundation.

  This is the difference between a character in the Chaos Era and a child of luck after the creation of the world.

  In the Son of Fortune, it is faster.


   Raised eyebrows and left, with greater confidence.

  If the confidence of enlightenment was half and half before, then it is now 70%.

  Because of a secret, a secret that leads from heaven to the avenue, this secret is worth 20% of grasping.

   After raising the eyebrows, I looked at the favor of raising eyebrows to repay at the beginning.

  At best, it is a chaotic spirit treasure after refining and raising.

  There have been many chaotic spirit treasures recently, and the space-time disc of time-space, just a space green willow is useless.

   "Forget it, go to Jingshi Lake and grow up." Taichu waved his hand and moved the space green willow to the Jingshi Lake.

  If this green willow keeps holding his eyebrows, he will become a Chaos Spirit Treasure, but in order to repay the cause and effect of the previous favor, there is no way to raise the eyebrows.

  This is his most precious collection.

   is a poor man after all.


   Raising eyebrows back to the free camp, summoning several saints from the free camp.

   Raising eyebrows did not hide, and said to everyone that he would go to the river of the avenue to become a path, and he would succeed in becoming the supreme return, and his unsuccess would be wiped out from then on.

  After saying this to everyone, the whole camp of free people was a little worried.

  Although Raising Eyebrows is only a nominal leader, it is ultimately a leader. If Senior Raising Eyebrows succeeds in the camp of the free, there is no risk from then on.

   And if raising the eyebrows fails, the brand of the free will be shaken by storm.

  Of course, the one who worries the most is Yihu, the disciple who raises eyebrows.

  After raising her eyebrows and confessing everything, she disappeared in the free base camp and went to the river of avenues.

  The news instantly detonated the entire prehistoric famine.

  Who is the current prehistoric Promise Golden Immortal?

   Aside from the Taichu school and Wangshu, the rest are Samsara, Luohu, Hongjun, Sihai and Jinwu, and the third.

  Except for the three old-fashioned ones, Hongjun, Luohu, and Samsara, the others have achieved Promise in recent times.

The reason why    did not make a sensation is not because they were low-key, but because the times have changed.

  What’s so special, a supreme way of heaven emerges every three times, it’s really not news that you, a saint, have achieved Promise.

  In addition, this time the avenue descends, the road wheels of the avenue appear, plus the strengthening of the original origin.

  The Promise Saint will enter a period of outbreak.

  The patriarchs of the dragon, phoenix, and qilin tribes. Zulong, Zufeng, and Zulin are all saints, and they will soon enter the Promise.

   Zhen Yuanzi and Nuwa are even more so, Yun Chang Yunni and others are already.

  Not to mention Dijun, Zhujiuyin, Sanqing, and Fuxi.

  Even if it was a lead, he knew the way of the future a long time ago, and he also understood to walk his own way, so he entered Wuji soon.

  The oldest saints, as well as the later ones, are going to enter the Promise Golden Immortal.

   is the second level of Shihuang, the little fox, Donghuang, Xuanyuan, Styx, Kunpeng, and even Lei Ze, Qingdi, etc., have all entered the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  Some seven stories, some eight stories, and some nine stories.

  This is the change that the avenue is coming, and at the same time, the effect of the avenue wheel has been extremely great before.

  As for the recent sanctifications, there are so many, even too many to attract people's attention.

It has been nearly 200,000 years since the    Avenue came down. From the original less than three hundred mixed Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, there are almost three thousand people now.

  Almost every few decades, there is a proving Dao Hunyuan.

  And there will be more and more. As the prehistoric devours chaos faster and faster, the more the source of feedback to the creatures, the faster and faster the creatures will prove the Dao.

  The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at this time is equal to the Daluo Jinxian of the Lich Age.

   is like the Golden Fairy in the Age of Lich and the Golden Fairy in the Desolate Age.

  The famine is getting stronger and stronger, not getting weaker, this is a prosperous famine.

  Nowadays, the level of Tao is a pyramid, and the Promise Golden Immortal has several levels. The later stage is different from the middle stage, and the middle stage is different from the initial stage.

  The same goes for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, one level in the later stage, and one level in the middle and early stages.

  According to the level, Hunyuan Jinxian is also the quasi-sage, currently it can only be the tenth level in Honghuang.

The ninth is the early stage of the sage, the eighth is the middle stage of the sage, the seventh is the late stage of the sage, the sixth is the early stage of the Promise, the fifth is the middle stage of the Promise, the fourth is the late stage of the Promise, the third is the Dao Zun Pangu occupies a level, and the second is the cloud. , Shenyu supreme mid-term level.

  There is also a first class. There is only one person at this level, which is the beginning.

  Think about it, Pangu, who pioneered the world, has become the third. A Promise or a saint is too common.

  The current forces are the trivial forces of small forces. Their leaders are also quasi-sages, and they still have nine levels to grasp the path of Hunyuan Daluo.

  The middle-level forces are all saints.

  Only the big forces are in charge of Promise.

  So, the raising eyebrows that are about to become enlightened detonated the predecessor, and those who have achieved Promise can only stand aside.

   And became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian? Okay, who are you?


  In Demon Abyss, Luo Hu, who took advantage of Dao Dao Wheels to go further, was already at the eighth level of the Promise level, even the ninth level, but he was almost too close.

   Knowing that raising eyebrows is about to become enlightened, Luo Hu was somewhat shocked.

  But he asked himself that he would never be behind because his name is Luo Hu.

   is called ‘Luohu’, it doesn’t mean that it’s really ‘lag behind’, it must be surpassed.

  There is already a shadow of the supreme extinction, and Luo Hu is very confident.

  At present, Hongjun and Samsara are the same as him, and these two people also want to come to the seventh or eighth level of Promise.

   And Hongjun, the closed disciple River Crab's Consummation, he has made great progress because of this, and coupled with Dao Dao Lun's perception, it is not much worse than Luo Hu.

   Knowing that he raised his eyebrows and went to enlightenment, Hongjun was not shocked, and he soon recovered.

  As for reincarnation, since the last time he was educated by clouds, he has returned to the abyss.

  He has been unable to retreat lately, and there has been no news of him for a long, long time.

  This old thing is also holding back, wanting to come, waiting for him to leave the customs is the time to go to the river of the avenue to become Taoist.

  As for other forces, other people...

  They are really shocked, but they can't catch up, and they can't compare with these old predecessors. They still think about how to become a saint, or how to achieve Promise.

  Anyway, the predecessor Yangmei succeeded in preaching the Dao, and he was only five supreme.


  They thought so, but they never expected that the reality slapped their faces too quickly.

  I thought there were only five supreme.


  Two more.

  One is called Tianlan and the other is called Liangyi.

  This Tianlan Supreme is still a Time Dao Supreme who claims to be the Supreme Sixth Floor.

  And the other one is the Sixth Floor Supreme of Yin Yang Dao.

  The news immediately frightened everyone.

   Luohu, Hongjun, and Samsara, the three of them just pretended to be forced, and felt that they didn’t need to care.


After    just finished playing and said that he didn't care, Liang Yi and Tianlan gave them a slap in the face.

  The three of them panicked suddenly.


  (End of this chapter)